Chapter 378: Russell, can I trust you

"Io Mou, carry on my orders, sound the horn of war, and the Kingdom of Rohan officially declares war on Essinger!" Heydon regained his new life, and changed back to what was once a reckless ridicule. king.
"My Majesty, the King's soldiers will respect your orders!" Io Mo said, bowing.
"and also……"
Heyton spoke softly, her majestic face softened, and reassured, "You, Io, you did not let me down, you let my bloodline continue."
"No, I didn't do anything, it was all Gandalf's credit." Io Mo shook his head slightly.
Hidden smiled and didn't say much, so that Io Mou could transmit the order as soon as possible, and he would fight the strong orcs in the Helm Valley.
It is indeed a decisive battle. The terrain of the Holy Helm Valley is dangerous. Once surrounded, there is no way out, but the horn castle in the Holy Helm Valley is the strongest fort in the kingdom of Rohan. Only here can it resist the strong orc army.
Hiyoton had no choice, and signaled that the Citadel would save Rohan again, just like in history!
In the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Heydon refused to declare war on Isinger, and led his people to move to the Valley of the Helm, in fact, to evade the battle. Heydon tried to use strong walls to force Isinger's army to retreat without fighting. It was not until the strong orc army broke through the horn fortress that he began to fight back.
This time it's different. Russell's butterfly wing changed Hiyoton's decision. Although the army was still assembled in the Valley of the Holy Helm, the meaning was completely different.
Russell didn't do anything deliberately, and the Guardian Team accidentally rescued Hiyoton's son, allowing his bloodline to continue.
This is very important!
Hyoton's view of war was changed directly. With his son, he could not escape. For the people of Rohan and the dominance of the royal family, he had to fight to death.
Hyoton did prepare for death. The period of his control was like a nightmare, and he made a lot of dim decisions, which led to the decline of Luohan ’s national strength.
Grimma's jester was not enough to carry the cauldron. In order to calm the national resentment, he must fight to death, or at least be seriously injured.
His son Hidde was brave and warlike, and his nephew Io Mo was devoted to the public. The two were sympathetic, enough to carry the future of the country.
With these two outstanding heirs, if you have any concerns about Hiyoton, it is time for him to dedicate himself to the final fight for the royal rule!
Kidney ... cough, Valley of the Holy Helm!
The Valley of the Holy Helm is a large valley northwest of the White Mountains. It is blocked by a series of hills called the Holy Helm Canal. Behind the hill is the fortress horn and the only barrier against Isinger.
"That is the Clarion Fort, the strongest shield of Rohan, but no battle has been defeated in accordance with this battle!" Aragorn remembered, the Holy Helm Valley was originally the site of the Gondor, and was later assigned to the younger brother Rohan.
Russell heard about the castle in the middle of the canyon. The valley is surrounded by mountains on three sides and surrounded by mountains. There is an underdrain to introduce river water to provide water supply for the defensive forces in the castle for a long time.
If you remember correctly, in the Battle of the Holy Helm Valley, the Luohan people were equal to the Spartan warriors. They defended the strong orcs with an army of 300 and defended the army of 10,000. They won a glorious victory by relying on their courage.
This time, Hyoton had enough time to assemble troops. The garrison in the Horn of Clarity surged to 2,000, and another 2,000 cavalry were on their way.
At that time, the orc army will be strengthened to enter the valley, encircle both sides, and one charge will take away victory.
"How about, Russell, how about this castle?" Gandalf asked slowly as he steered the horse.
"The walls of the Clarion Fort are very strong, stronger than I thought. On today's Middle-earth continent, as long as they are not dragons, flames, stone giants, undead, treemen, white-robe wizards, elf queens, ring spirits, Sauron and so on, this city is indestructible! "
Russell nodded and said that the line was full of recognition and affirmation of the Clarion Fort.
Gandalf rolled his eyes. He knew that Russell could not speak well, but in fact he was not as optimistic about the victory of the war as Russell.
Gandalf's disapproval is not because he feels that the strength of the Rohan people is inferior, but that he knows about Saruman, who has been planning for Rohan for a long time. Once he takes a shot, it must be a thunder, and maybe he will be taken away by a wave Rohan.
"Saruman was not so easy to deal with. The instinct of the white robe told me that his hole card must be more than a strong orc legion." Gandalf said softly, lest he be heard and spread to affect the army.
What is the intuition of the white robe?
Russell was very speechless. Gandalf was said to be "Gray Gandalf" in front of the door of the Kingdom of Luo Khan, and he was always worried. Various white robes hung by his lips, and he heard that calluses were almost starting to grow.
"The noble white-robed mage Gandalf, Saruman and the hole card did not show up, what should you do? You know, you are now the real white-robed mage, can not be compared with him!" Russell runs One sentence.
The two mages in white robes heard Gandalf soothing and laughed at the pig, but he was a mature Maia, apparently unmoved: "I'm going to find some powerful reinforcements to help out?"
"Reinforcement ... are you referring to the elf?"
Russell recalled the story ~ ~ It seems that 200 elven archers took part in the battle of the Holy Helm Valley under the signal of Elrond, and the casualties of the leading elves were hung up.
"No, the Elves have confirmed that they will not be involved in the war. It will only be a waste of time to pin their hopes on them." Gandalf shook his head decisively. He had previously tempted. The era of the Elves is over. It is impossible to sacrifice for the rise of humanity. Yourself.
"Not an elf, is it Gondor?"
Russell oddly said that since Gandalf said that the elves would not come, ninety-nine percent would not come. He is a best-seller in Middle-earth China and can hardly make mistakes.
"No, Gondor, the Regent is short-sighted and self-conscious. He is more than self-sufficient and inadequate ..." Gandalf shook his head. "Even if I take Poromo, he will not send a soldier to aid Rohan. It may even be possible Detain me at the capital of Minas Tirith. "
"Who is the great white robe Gandalf going to find?" Russell didn't want to guess anymore.
Gandalf grinned, with a bit of badness: "Saruman in order to expand the army, sabotage the habitat of the Shuren, the Shuren and Rohan have a common enemy and are friendly."
Russell: "..."
Why do I think that Saruman has fallen into this situation today, and among them is you secretly making things worse?
Russell didn't say what he was saying. He knew Gandalf was a mature Maya and asked the other party and knew nothing.
"I'm going to look for the treacherous man in the forest, but Essinger's army will come at any time. I need someone to assist Hiyutton on my behalf ..." Speaking of this, Gandalf looked at it with a sorrow: "Russell, I can Believe you? "
Gandalf: "..."
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