Chapter 462: I have 1 friend

City of Angels-Los Angeles!
Located in southwestern California, the United States is the second largest city after New York and the largest city in the west.
Once the entire state of California, including Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and other regions were Mexican sites.
While the US imperialism was guarding the Atlantic Ocean, it was obsessed with the Pacific Ocean, so under the banner of freedom and democracy, it launched the US-Mexico War in the name of God.
After the war, Mexico's land was halved sharply, and even the US imperialists who admitted to the war acknowledged that this was an unjust war.
A sad story, it warns the world, a disgusting neighbor, and will ruin your home!
Russell arrived in Las Vegas with a Jacobs ride, and bought a second-hand car, humming to the church headquarters in Los Angeles.
Headquartered in the northwest of Los Angeles, the area is small, and it looks like a very ordinary chapel. Surrounded by the shade of trees, the ground was full of fallen leaves, and looked extremely secluded.
The familiar routine really hammered Russell's mind. The supernatural power was secretly low-key and unknown to outsiders.
The cross was erected on the wooden church roof, and Russell parked the car aside, walking on the dead leaves toward the church door.
At the main entrance of the church, an elderly nun wearing reading glasses was slowly sweeping leaves with a broom. Russell was tangled by the fact that the old man was holding a cigarette in his mouth and playing soot.
When the old nun saw Russell appearing, she stopped swallowing the clouds and misting, dropped the cigarette on the ground, and stepped on the fire star.
"Child, who are you looking for?"
To be honest, Russell didn't know who he was looking for. He pulled out a paper order from the suitcase and gave it to the old nun.
The old nun glanced and smiled slightly: "The bishop has been waiting for you, but ... you seem to be late."
"Haha, something happened on the road and it was delayed for two days."
"Come with me here ..."
The old nun lifted her foot and took a step, and suddenly frowned, looking at the cigarette butts on the ground: "The times have changed, and young people now lack faith, even if they throw cigarette butts at the door of the church, there is no public morality."
Russell: (1. 1)
"Child, what do you think I do, don't you think I threw it?"
"No, not you, I threw it!"
Russell shook his head decisively, picked up the cigarette butt, and threw it into the dustpan aside.
"Good boy, dare to admit your mistakes, the Lord will forgive you!" The old nun set down her broom, took Russell around the church house half a circle, and walked in through the side door.
This is a very old-fashioned church from a distance. It is a World Heritage-class old church from a close view. The walls are peeling off gray bricks to reveal the masonry inside. The wooden boards of the side door are crumbling.
Compared with the Cathedral of Our Lady in the same city, and the Crystal Cathedral, this place is like a stepmother.
The shade of the tree blocked the sun, and the mottled light and shadow were cast on the bluestone path. It was very quiet. Occasionally, the two clergymen passed by, walking quietly with their heads down.
The two passed through the walled courtyard and reached a two-story wooden house. The old nun opened the door and left in silence.
Looks like the people here are not so talkative!
Russell murmured that the quiet environment was relaxing, but it was too quiet and felt a bit depressed.
The wall of the wooden house was painted with white paint, and there was a clear view. The huge cross was hanging in front of Russell. He looked at it with a probe and was about to ask a question, and a sound was heard on the second floor.
"Come up, there's nothing nice below!"
Russell stepped on the creaking wooden ladder and quickly walked up to the second floor. The room was simple in decoration. The white-haired bishop sat in front of the bookcase, raised his finger to the chair across the desk, and motioned for Russell to sit down.
"I know that you, Father Russell, you will not be held accountable for the fact that you are late for employment."
"This is indeed the headquarters. It may be different from what you think, but there is no need to doubt it."
"I am the head of this church. You can call me Bishop Ian."
"Your next task is to get familiar with it as soon as possible!"
The general conversation between the immortals made Russell dumb, and I didn't know what to continue to say. Bishop Ian not only whispered quickly, but also seemed to read the mind. He continued to say: "Just now ..."
"Just now ..."
"Just now? What just happened?"
Pulling it back, Russell's heart was dark, and finally he couldn't guess it, and his face was as usual: "The older nun who brought me here just now, who is she?"
"You said the older nun?" Bishop Ian looked weird.
"Well, she cleaned the leaves at the church door, and then led me through the side door ..."
Bishop Ian shook his head slightly and said earnestly, "Father Russell, please don't make nonsense. This church has no nuns, and no older nuns."
Lying down!
Russell's face changed, and he saw a ghost in front of the church during the day!
"Hahaha, just kidding ..."
Suddenly Bishop Ian opened her flowers with a smile ~ ~ stood up and walked to the window: "Sister Medellin just now, she has some bad habits, just ignore it. Remember She dedicates her life to the Lord. She is the oldest qualified nun in Los Angeles, and must respect her. "
Russell: "..."
Bishop, you also have some bad habits!
Russell rolled his eyes and went straight to the topic: "Bishop, I'm ready for my task. Just tell me, who is the enemy, the Dark Church or the Wizarding Society, or the devil of is coming? "
Bishop Ian didn't speak, looking at Russell stupidly: "What are you talking about, where's the dark church and the devil?"
Bishop Ian said a little bit suspiciously: "I transferred you here because you applied to want to come to the big city. It happens that our church has been short of staff. Others are unwilling to come. I recently just wanted to go out to do business. Now. "
"If you don't understand anything, ask Mother Medellin, that's it."
Having said this, Bishop Ian, carrying a suitcase, fled down the second floor, leaving Russell standing in a stunned position.
"So, why am I here in Los Angeles?"
In the confession room at the corner of the church, Russell sat expressionless, opposite the wooden board, a middle-aged man talking to himself.
"Fr, I have a friend ... hehehe ... he took his wife to camp by himself ... hehehe, when he woke up by the lake, he couldn't find his wife ..."
"Sir, please calm down first and keep laughing like this, I can't understand what you're talking about."
Russell buttoned his nostrils, picked up his mobile phone and pressed the number to call: "Hey, 911 ... Yes, it's me again ... this time I report a murder!"
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