Chapter 597: Deadpool: My name is Hugh Jackman

Venom is curious about Russell's identity. Why should a person who should not exist in Spider-Man's independent world, how he got in, and what purpose he came here to.
I said curiosity, why was Russell not?
Venom appeared early and insisted that he was not an aboriginal. The most incredible thing was that this product had a Wolverine poster.
Compared to Venom, Russell is more curious about who is possessed by Venom. The previous dialogue showed that the other party knew everything about the Spider-Man world, and even knew more.
一切 All of this shows that 98% of the other party is related to world missions!
"Man, I've identified myself, now it's your turn. Let me open your brain and study who you are." The big mouth of fangs opened wide, and the venom stepped forward and walked towards Russell.
Huh! Huh! Huh!嘭
Twenty M1911 dumped firepower, Russell smashed the bullet, looked at the venom full of bullet holes, and smiled: "Win me, I will tell you, but first ... you must catch up with me."
After saying that, Russell rushed out of the window, grabbed the window frame and turned it up. A few steps stepped on the floor and jumped onto the roof. Then he kept flashing, jumping into the distant building and disappearing into the night.
He is very satisfied with the temporary nest arranged by the system, facing the sun, facing away from the shadows, and setting so deep that the venom cannot ruin the place.
"Wow! Let me catch it ... hehehehe, I love this game."
He smashed the robe on his body, and the bullet hole healed and repaired. He chewed the mouth of the blood basin and spit out the bullet. The rampage jumped out of the window, and the sharp claws climbed on the wall. The strong bouncing force made him move at a speed comparable to flying, and chased in the direction that Russell disappeared.
The two of them rushed along the wind, flickering and jumping at the top of the building, like two whistling artillery shells, with extremely fast speed.
Twenty minutes later, Russell stopped in a park closed at night. The venom rushed in shortly after he stopped.
"Wa hahaha!"
Venom clenched his fists in both hands, and his huge body was severely knocked down with the help of heavy forces. In the strange laughter, he launched the attack first.
Russell's footsteps moved slightly, and when the venom fell, he abruptly pulled back, avoiding the bombing attack.
With a loud noise, the ground of the park was blasted out of a large pit by explosive powerful forces, the Venom grinned forward, and spit out a long tongue at Russell.
Russell flexed his knees and closed his arms, hit a heavy punch, and slammed the venom on his cheek.
In slow motion, the venom's features are distorted, half of his face is sunken in, a few naughty fangs fly out, and he is knocked over by Russell.
"There are too many unnecessary actions!" Russell grunted coldly, and spit out an arc of saliva on the venom chest, causing him to tremble with electricity.
I watched Russell stride forward, the venom raised his hand and blocked it in front of him: "Don't fight first, I have something to say."
Russell stopped, tilted his head slightly, and wanted to hear what the other party was about to say.
"It actually hit my handsome face, this must be jealous." Venom whispered BB, raised his hand and rubbed his face a few times, and waited until his face regained his appearance after the cosmetic failure, and then he got up from the ground.
听 "Look, Discharge Boy, you are great. So, what I want to say is ..."
He took two deep breaths and brewed for a while. His face was so solemn and solemn that he raised his towards Russell.
"Fcukyou !!!"
Russell kept his face cold, and raised his hand to hold the venom's erected middle finger, snapped it apart, and then put his foot on the venom chest.
The kicked foot fell directly into the venom chest. Russell was caught by the other's arm for a while, and he flung it in a volley, hitting him hard.
There was a trembling for a while, and a 'wood' shaped pit was sunk in the ground. Russell stood up from the ground with a black line on his face and saw the big face brought up by the venom.
"Hey hey, you're on your tummy, it's moving me, let's make a price!"
Russell took a hook punch on the venom chin, and after the fist sag entered, he violently discharged. The venom screamed at high temperature and high temperature, and he hurried away from the danger zone.
With two sand eagles in hand, Russell rushed forward in front of the venom, and continuously pulled the trigger against his forehead. The blue rain showers swept densely, and all of them fell into the mouth of the fang with a grin. .
The high-intensity magic bullet exploded, the magic shocked the face of Venom, blasted him in place, flipped 3,600 Baidu in the air, and dropped his face on the ground.
咦 "Oh, who am I and where am I?"
The venom shook his head and climbed his head. A pair of big hands were terribly afraid of hitting his face. It seemed to remember something, and he was angry and roared: "How can you ... how can all beep in my mouth! No, you have to make me beep back! "
Magic bullets cause far less damage than expected!
Russell frowned. It seemed that the venom had a strong magic resistance. Although it was not magic immunity, ordinary magic attacks were like itching on his boots, which was not as powerful as Thunder's killing effect.
Thinking of this, Russell pushed his two guns behind his back and put back the space ring.
"Wait, this is unscientific. Where is your gun? Is your connected to a different dimension? So cool, I want to learn this trick!" Venom covered his face and exclaimed, nonsense is not like Fighting: "Okay, in fact, I will do the same, the visual effects are super shocking, more than you pull the wind."
The venom's blood mouth widened like a snake kiss, two arms stretched in, humming, and wheezing, took out two small pistols.
怎么 样 "How about, seeing that I am so big, brutal, ridiculous, and foul, do I scare my pants?"
"But don't worry, they are super gentle and polite, they are very skilled in doing things, they only educate disobedient bad boys!"
Russell sneered: "Take your USB away, don't be embarrassing. Their only function is to connect devices, that's it."
Compared with the size of the venom, these two desert eagles are slightly petite, and they are not really big guns. Even if they use 50AE bullets, they are the most powerful model in the Sand Eagle family.
"Fart, they can also exchange information!"
Venom was furious and fired at Russell. It is hard to imagine how his big hands could trigger the trigger sensitively.
Huh! Huh! Huh!嘭
Russell pulled out the Edman alloy knife and danced in front of him into a light curtain, leaving all the bullets unflipped and all flying out.
"Siht !!!"
After seeing this, Venom stunned for two seconds, then jumped out of breath, "You, a plagiarist, violated my copyright."
Russell was full of fog ~ ~ Then he saw the venom plug two sand eagles into his mouth, and then pulled out two long knives of the same style.
"Comeon, shoot me and let Uncle Ben tell you what is a knife-cutting bullet."
Listening to the clamor of Venom, Russell fell into contemplation, double-knife, double-gun, open mouth slammed yellow paragraphs, plus a few lines outside the script from time to time, the sand sculptures possessed by Venom, his identity was already obvious .
"You are deadpool, Wade Wilson!"
Venom spit on the ground: "Oh, who is that? Uncle Ben is Hugh Jackman!"
"It really is you."
"I'm not!"
"No, you are."
"I'm not!"
"I don't listen, I don't listen!"
Russell stopped answering and continued. Deadpool and him would not get tired of consuming all day.
Crackling! !!
The Edman alloy knife flashed an arc, and Russell rushed forward with the knife, ready to remove the venom from Deadpool first.
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