Chapter 671: Cree, welcome to the earth

With the dark star centered, the three frigates opened their launch ports and ejected a total of twelve ballistic warheads.
The missile is dark and has blue energy stripes on the surface. After leaving the hull, the missile is activated and enters the earth's atmosphere at a very fast speed.
The blue light flickered in mid-air, the twelve warheads were still in mid-air, and the propeller slowly spewed out flames, but it could not move forward.
The distance in space is stretched infinitely. These warheads have exhausted their lives and cannot approach the surface. Even if it explodes, the fireworks produced have a small impact on the surroundings.
Diablo quickly detected the anomaly.
"Sir, the planet C-53 intercepted our missiles with a defense system of unknown strength."
"Not a defense system, but a cosmic cube ..."
Ronan frowned, listening to the report of the deputy, examining the freeze frame of the missile in front, and groaned, "Who is using the power of the Cosmic Cube, Mai Will? How did he do it?"
"It's unclear for the time being, he is the heir to Captain Marvel's title, and I'm not surprised what kind of miracle he created." The deputy shrugged, listening to his tone, it seems that he is still a Steve fan.
"Stupid, the heroes declared by the empire are not worthy of worship. The national idols are too hydrated. Do you really think Captain Marvel is omnipotent?"
Ronan dismissed, Captain Marvel was a political star created by the supreme wisdom of the outside world. Although his strength was indeed strong, half of it was built by traffic and not as invincible as the official propaganda.
The cosmic Rubik's cube is a space gem, and the power that drives space on a large scale must have tools to control the gem, such as the infinite gloves in the hands of extermination.
It is not impossible to force the gemstone to respond with his own strength, but Ronan doesn't think Mai Weill has such strength.
Ronan was curious, and when he was about to order to land on Earth, and found Mai Weir to ask why, the picture of the twelve missile freezes suddenly turned black, as if swallowed by a mysterious behemoth.
"what happened?"
Luo Nan's heart fluttered, and he hurriedly zoomed out the lens of the picture, so he could see it clearly.
I saw between the blue sky and white clouds, a pair of huge dark wings like black ink spread out, shaking up at an appalling speed, the twelve missiles were corroded into scrap iron by invisible force at the moment of contact.
The lens is pulled further and further away until the outline of the entire earth appears in the picture, and the black light wings are located outside the atmosphere and stand out prominently.
The picture is enlarged, Russell's face appears under the lens, her closed eyes suddenly open, and the pupil eyes are all white and black.
Luo Nan's vest was cold, and he intuitively told him that the other party had locked him.
"I seem to have seen this face ..." It seemed that something had come to mind, and a flash of terror flashed in Luo Nan's eyes, and he hurriedly ordered: "Attack, hurry up and stop him, don't let him approach."
The frigate of the frigate spread out, launching a large number of small airships, forming a large net, covering Russell's position remotely.
The sound of breaking air struck, and Ronan rolled over and fell to the ground, kneeling up on one knee and lifting the Kerry Warhammer, blocking the offensive attack by the off-hand.
"Asshole, are you crazy?"
Luo Nan yelled, and there was a chill under the dark eyes of his upper deputy.
The eyes of the deputy were exactly the same as those of Russell who had seen him before. Ronan knew that he was controlled and stopped talking. He opened his long sword and raised the warhammer to release energy impact.
Outside the atmosphere, the black light wings behind Russell extend indefinitely, forming a huge encirclement, which is larger than the encirclement network constructed by small airships.
The light wings were closed, and the dense black mist was rising. After being opened again, the huge number of small airships all turned into decaying residue.
"Attack! Free fire and kill him!"
With the order of Ronan, Dark Star and the three frigates turned on all firepower, aiming at the front cover fire.
The three frigates were scattered, the main gun in front of the battleship was charged, the two wings opened one after the other, and ejected countless small airships. The locust transit generally swept across the sides, and the black pressure flew towards the earth.
The warship's main gun was fully charged, the secondary gun fired first, and the dense missiles first completed the saturated coverage strike.
Three rounds of attacks followed one after another. Suddenly, beams of light suddenly lit up, forming a shining curtain of light, which illuminated the entire dark universe.
The overwhelming devastation is the military strength that the Kerry Empire is proud of, and it is also their reliance on the unbroken starry sky.
Then the next second, the vast black fog stretched out without warning, and the previously shocking beam of light, now tiny like a pearl of rice grains, suddenly lit up and quickly extinguished.
The iron hoof of war, which represents the beam of death, is vulnerable to the dark corrosion.
Russell was carrying his wings and spreading a black screen with both hands. The energy of the dark dimension was continuously released, and an indestructible city wall was erected to block the attack of the Star Warship out of the earth.
The light beam immersed in it, and the mud cow was silent as it entered the sea. The missiles and small airships were directly corroded into broken copper and iron, shattered into worthless space trash, and floated in the universe.
The three rounds of offensive ended, and the most powerful battleship main gun failed to penetrate the dark realm. The four battleships led by the Dark Star weakened significantly.
The Cree attack ended and Russell's counterattack began.
He waved a large hand, aimed at one of the frigates, bent his fingers with his fingers, and tightened his fists.
I saw the endless black mist emerging, turned into a large hand covering the sky, one clasped the frigate.
The corrosive energy disintegrates the battleship's energy defense cover. The endless black mist is pervasive, invading it with psychedelic and negative factors. Under the cruel killing of the Kerry soldiers, the entire frigate was crushed into a dull Scrap iron.
The corrosive energy is endless, swallowing up the disintegrated scrap iron. From the attack to the end, a battleship disappears out of thin air, and there is no ten seconds.
"Retreat! Return to the space node of the transition!"
Ronan was sweating and almost roared and gave orders. The technology of the planet C-53 is not worth mentioning, but this planet has a strong man who can easily destroy a civilization.
Ronald recognized Russell's face, and the Order of the Dark Order still circulated among civilizations, because Russell killed the dead General of the Black Lord Five.
According to gossip, Exterminator personally participated in the pursuit of Russell, and the two broke out in Morrag Star.
The specific results are unknown. The Dark Order was silent about this, but the tyrant was severely injured, and Morrag was destroyed. Since then it was included in the forbidden zone of life, but it is a fact that cannot be hidden.
The cause and effect can be easily inferred ...
Destroyer was killed, and he personally led someone to the scene to find a place, but almost killed him.
This incident has been rumored in the major universe civilizations, of course, limited to high-level or well-informed people.
Coincidentally, Luo Nan belongs to both high-level and well-informed people.
Even if the tyrants killed the star, Luo Nan naturally would not provoke it, and his heart felt infinite remorse, cursing Mai Weir as a pit.
It had been said that the universe's cube had a master, otherwise he would not come!
The three Star Warships slowly backed away, but Luo Nan's face became more and more ugly, just like the twelve missiles could not fit in. His driving force of the Dark Star was fully open, still in place, a posture of returning to death.
Russell raised his infinite gloves, and the blue gem of space sparkled.
The next moment, driven by him, the purple light representing the gem of power followed closely.
Dark Star and the two frigates remained motionless. The surface of the battleship glowed with purple and destructive fire light. The huge energy and shock wave madly devoured the battleship's energy shield, which was used up in a blink of an eye.
Energy invasion, the hull slowly decomposed, from the surface, the reinforced iron frame was peeled off, and decomposed to the molecular level under the destruction of surging forces.
The destruction of the three interstellar warships is a foregone conclusion. Ronan knew that he could not recover, clenched the universal weapon and warhammer, and wanted to teleport himself to the Kerry Empire.
The space near low earth orbit was completely locked, and the only place he could teleport was ...
Unable to choose, Ronan is a big man, unwilling to accompany Dark Star to perish, decisively teleporting to escape.
Thirty seconds later, all three Star Warships disintegrated under the destruction of the power gems and turned into cosmic dust.
In the middle of the desert, Ronan knelt down on one knee with a warhammer. The pure Cree blue skin attracted the attention of Natasha and others. Before he said anything, the gunfire and bullet rain followed.
Luo Nan has far more strength, endurance, speed, and responsiveness than ordinary people. When wearing armor, all abilities will increase.
The Warhammer named 'Universal Weapon' is a high-tech crystal of the Kerry Empire. It is a god-level individual weapon that has the ability to decompose and reorganize materials, absorb energy, control gravity, create force fields, launch shock waves, and transmit ideas.
Therefore, these ordinary attacks were not taken into consideration by him at all, and a stance defense structure ~ ~ was easily stopped.
boom! !!
Natasha released the mental shock wave, smashing the defensive force field like a hammer, and directly hit Luo Nan's spiritual level, which caused his mouth and nose to bleed, and he nearly fell unsteadily to the ground.
"Who are you?"
Looking around at the Hydra crowd, Ronan secretly grieved. The only thing he knew was Natasha, and the Dark Order had a warrant for her.
Where is the primitive planet behind the barren, clearly the hideout for BOSS!
Seeing Mai Weir lying on the ground, Ronan's pupils shrank, his brain opened wide before and after, and he realized that this was a conspiracy. Some people used Mai Weir to lure him.
It was ridiculous that he thought he had found a cheap one and was stupid to deliver it to the door.
Russell would come over at any time. Ronan knew that this place should not be stayed for a long time. The teleportation of thoughts was turned on again, and he would run away with the hammer in his hand.
With a bang, a shock wave of photon energy struck, dispersing the idea of ​​Luo Nan's cohesion, and the momentum left him more than just knocking him out. The Warhammer came out.
Steve climbed up and stared at Ronan, his heart regretted: "Cree, you should not come to this planet."
"Steggs !!!"
Seeing the first-generation Captain Marvel who had been missing for many years, Ronan took a sigh of relief, the earth's water was deeper than he thought, and he hurriedly turned to pick up the ‘universal weapon’ warhammer.
Russell stepped on the Warhammer, and condescended to face the face of Luo Nan's cold sweat: "Cree, welcome to the earth!"
"There is nothing in the backcountry, you can use my enthusiasm to entertain you ..." After that, Russell made a fist with infinite gloves, met with a standard Earthman, and smashed a punch on Ronan's head.
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