Chapter 829: Xenomen are fake

->-> "Extreme Master, I disagree!"
Casillas said with a stubble on his neck, "On strength, I am better than Wang on magical accomplishments. On the ability, I managed Kama Taj up and down in an organized way during my internship. Better and better suited to be your assistant. "
Wang Wenyan, who was aside, suddenly looked like a discouraged ball. Casillas said all the facts, and he couldn't refute them.
Russell shook his feather fan. If in Hydra, Bucky said that the leader is the only pro-relative, and Russell would recognize it, after all, he did favor Natasha and Yelena.
But regarding the choice of the Supreme Master Assistant, Casillas is really wrong with Russell. If he is only a relative, the most suitable person will be Casillas.
Because Casillas is too dark, the power of the dark dimension is all over the body, and Russell hooks his hands to turn Casillas into the puppet of the dark power.
But this cannot be said explicitly. After all, his identity as the Supreme Master is obvious, and the vest of the Lord of the Dark Dimensions is not good for disclosure, otherwise trouble will occur.
"Casillas, don't you agree?"
"Yes, I'm better than Wang. It's not fair that you chose him over me."
Brother Xiao, you have a very bad attitude!
"Casillas, answer me a question before saying this."
Russell lay down on the chair, raised the goose feather fan and stood on his chest: "Tell me, who is in front of you?"
Casillas' face was sullen, and he sighed, "You are the Supreme Master!"
Yes, there is no need to explain the decision made by the Supreme Master. The Supreme Master said that the king can, and then the king can.
There is no dissatisfaction!
"Are there any other questions?"
"No ... no more!"
"Go on without it!"
Russell took a deep look at Casillas and said kindly: "Read more books, don't always study the magic of the dark dimension, it's too partial ... not good for the body."
"Yes, I see."
西 Casillas shuddered and walked away in a panic, lest she intended to summon Dom, and borrowed the power of the dark dimension to be seen through by Russell.
"Wang, you stay first."
The King of Kings was about to leave. Hearing Russell's voice, he immediately stood respectfully waiting to be sent.
Aside, Ding Yi frowned slightly, feeling that Russell's choice was not considered, Casillas was really excellent.
He thought that Russell chose the king because the latter was a relative with himself. He said for a moment: "Mr. Russell, although this is a bit cheap and good, but the assistant candidate, really no longer consider it?"
King Wang heard the words quietly and looked up, and cast a small resentment on Ding Yi. Relatives in the distance were also relatives. Uncle and grandpa's elbows should not turn outward.
Uncle Ding did not see him. He served Karma Taj all his life. He did not want to cause Karma Taj to lose excellent talents because of his own.
"Rest assured, I have not deliberately favored anyone, Wang is very good, honest and honest, and is a qualified candidate."
Ting Dingyi worried: "Cocasillas ... he works very hard, will it hurt him so much?"
"It's okay. He won't go astray when I watch."
Russell calmly said that when he was right, there was a Supreme Master, and when he was against the Lord who had a dark dimension, the road was blocked. What did Casillas learn to take?
Russell did not target Casillas, nor would he characterize him as a villain because he was a villain, let alone impersonating Dom to persuade him to evil.
After all, the time is several years earlier. No one knows what the future will be. Casillas has a chance. He can be a good person.
To be honest, Russell looked at Casillas very kindly, covered with dark power, his standard brother.
Assistant confirmed the clapper, except Wang, will not be a second candidate.
During the next period of time, Ding Yihui will gradually decentralize his power and fully teach Wang how to become a qualified assistant to assist the Supreme Master to keep Kama Taj organized.
Wait until Wang is skilled at work, and can be alone, it is time for Ding Yi to retire.
Looking at the back of Ding Yi's departure, Russell sighed with emotion, years are not forgiving, Ding Yi also wants to glow and fever, but the body has not allowed it.
He raised his hand and asked the king to take two steps forward and looked up and down: "Wang, your dark dimension magic has been studied too much. This is not good. Learn more magic."
Russell's words came from the heart. If everyone becomes Casillas, then Kama Taj is not saved and can be renamed the Dark Dimension Office on Earth.
"Thank you for your guidance!"
The King of Kings nodded and said, "I don't understand Russell's meaning, because the magic of the dark dimension is written by Russell, everyone uses it well."
I'm really good!
Borrowing the power of the demon in other dimensions, even the white magic of the Trinity Weishan Emperor, will pay the corresponding price.
Equivalent exchange, pay as much as you take!
But the magic of the dark dimension is not the same, the price is very high, not only the price paid is small, the special effects are also cool, the black wings are back, if you want more wind, you will have more wind.
He is like Casillas, proficient in the magic of the dark dimension, and is the most beautiful child of Kama Taj. Wang is almost envious of death.
给 "Give you a task, this person is currently in Kathmandu and take him to Kama Taj."
Russell took out a photo of Strinch, adding: "But don't be too deliberate, let him suffer a bit, knowing that entering Karma Taj is not easy."
"I understand."
King Wang respectfully took the photo, glanced at it casually, and pondered to make things more beautiful, so as to satisfy the Supreme Master.
After Russell explained these things, he began to close his eyes and raise his soul. He could be said to have taken great pains to introduce Strance into the Temple of Magic.
On the surface, Strangchi found Cama Taj on his own, but if Russell did not provide several clues and timely guidance, Strangi could not find it in his life.
There is such a thing as fate, if you believe, there is no.
Russell is not very convinced because he has changed the fate of many people, including himself.
He seems to have changed. What about the facts?
If it is from a philosophical perspective, this may be the real destiny!
There is no need to worry about it. It is meaningless to think too much. The universe is large, human beings are small, mediocre people, so why bother with yourself?
But Strangy's side, Russell still decided to make him a Supreme Master, has nothing to do with fate, complete Gu Yi's "wishes", so he can throw the pot out.
It's like Gu Yi threw the pot to him!
Russell spent a lot of time and energy looking for Kama Taj in that year, and also suffered a lot because of the unscrupulous Gu Yi.
Of course, this is not why he suffered for Strance, but for it, Strinch must suffer.
I was like the grape of a monkey's teacher. I calculated that my apprentice was born, but I could n’t pick it up. I had to let him find it by myself.
It doesn't matter if I can't find it, I pretend to be a coward to show it the way.
He is like a mage in ancient times. He knew that Stranger had an apprenticeship with him early on. He still turned a deaf ear and ignored the broken hand, waiting patiently for Stranger to come.
Taking the female bald in the movie as an example, Stranger came home and was thrown out, constantly testing each other with suffering.
In fact, Rama was unbelievable without the guidance of a female bald head, why did Strange find Karma Taj, who was not even found by the Snake Shield?
This is the female bald, replaced with the white-bearded old man on the side of Russell, may be doing something crazy, after all, the bad old man is not a day or two.
Russell sometimes wondered, what would happen to Strange if he did not become a Supreme Master temporarily?
The picture was too beautiful, Russell didn't dare to think about it, and could only say that Stranger encountered him, which was a great blessing in life.
I thought so, Russell realized.
Only when it ’s hard to come by, can I know to cherish. From the perspective of the teacher, this is called a test.
The winter comes to spring, the rainbow after the rain, the hardships of success will be especially sweet after the hardships.
Spiritual Realm 蹭蹭 Goes up, +1, +1, +1 ...
A muffled noise interrupted +1, Russell opened his eyes and saw the sweaty king ~ ~ There was still a pig on the ground ... ?
Why is Strang fat?
Russell's eyes widened, he didn't understand what was going on, he looked at the king in confusion.
King Wang bowed slightly: "Extreme Master, I have made him suffer a bit according to your request, knowing that it is not so easy to enter Kama Taj."
"Uh, didn't you break it? No, you didn't reveal your identity?"
Russell's face was weird, but the suffering was really simple and rude.
"Please rest assured, the injury on his body is not my hands, but a group of hooligan, I belong to passers-by who do justice."
Russell: (one`one)
Why are you so skilled?
King Wang smiled slightly: "Mr. Ding Yi taught me how to bring a layman on the right path. This is my duty. I used it for the first time. I used to watch other mages."
No, you're being crooked!
Russell wiped his cold sweat, and sure enough, the world's top men are fake, and the hardships and hardships on the road to study are also routines.
"Extreme Master, how does this person deal with it, do you have to perform it again?"
"No, send him to the hall, I'll come to the rest!"
Russell's eyebrows twitched slightly. Seeing Wang's thick hands and feet, he couldn't help but said for Strinch: "Pay attention to it, don't be crippled."
"Please rest assured, I have played many times and I am very familiar."
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