Chapter 893: Black and white

"No, Madison stays. I go with you. I am the inventor of Oka. No one knows it better than me."
Hearing that Russell was going to take his daughter away, Dr. Russell stepped forward two steps, his hands spread out, and the old hen protecting the baby was usually in front of Russell.
The PhD is a woman with a broad mind and a lofty aspiration. In order to save the future of the earth, she sacrifices the present and millions of happy and happy families.
But she is also a very narrow little woman. It is no problem for other families to die her husband, wife, and children. Her daughter cannot hurt a cold hair.
It sounds like something is wrong ...
Regardless, it is great in general, and most people do not have this awareness of her.
Russell looked at Dr. Russell with a disapproval, the black six wings behind him spread out, rolled a whirlwind flat, and whistled toward the stadium in the city.
The mother and daughter were wrapped in black light, and their bodies were floating and moving at high speed. They were surprised and curious. Before they even thought about the feeling of flying, they had reached their destination.
In the original work, Quitola and Godzilla were fighting in the ocean. A shot of "Oxygen Destroyer" fell from the sky, and they were very strong. Godzilla hadn't smoked the brand and was caught on the spot.
As the winner, Gidola forcibly awakened the sleeping Titan beasts, and gave instructions to destroy major human cities, most of which are coastal areas, because large and developed cities basically have coastal ports.
At that time, Quitola was in Washington, DC. During the flight, a Category 6 hurricane caused a tsunami that drowned Washington and destroyed all urban buildings.
I want to say here that the highest hurricane level that humans know is the fifth and sixth hurricanes. There is no problem in destroying the world.
The destructive power of the Category 6 hurricane extended from Washington, D.C. to Boston, and passed by major cities such as Philadelphia and New York. All personnel were evacuated, leaving enough room for the two giants to toss.
This time it is different. Although Gidola still awakens the sleeping Titan beast, but it is not making waves in Washington, D.C., and the speed of Boston's population withdrawal is not as rapid as in the original.
Evacuated while tweeting. I met acquaintances and asked what to eat while camping.
Therefore, when the black six wings crossed the sky, people who had not left the city looked up at the sky and made a uniform sound.
To categorize, they are three familiar English words.
Fenway Stadium!
As in a certain country, football is not a specialty of the United States, so Fenway Park is not a football stadium, but a stadium for baseball games. The home of the United States Major League Baseball Boston Red Sox was completed in 1912.
In the stadium, transport planes go up and down. As one of the main evacuation centers in the city, there are a lot of people who drag their homes.
The black six wings descended from the sky, and there was silence in the stadium, with only the evacuation notices circulating in the radio speakers.
People opened their mouths and looked up to see the Fallen Angel coming, and took out their mobile phones to take pictures. After they entered the central control broadcasting room, they started uploading photos to their Facebook accounts and phoned their relatives and friends to follow.
The daily life of the American emperor is so boring, it may be the will of the big universe, and it is not always peaceful, so even if the Titan Behemoth swept the world and witnessed the fall of the fallen angel, the first thing that came to mind after shock was attract attention.
In the broadcasting room, Russell and his daughter did not need to say anything. Russell and his daughter worked together to connect the sonar device 'Oka' to the radio and amplify the signal through the stadium equipment to soothe the Titan monster's irritability.
In fact, this is not a soothing item such as a bell, nor can it soothe the monster's irritability. This is a kind of deterrence or intimidation, a threat from the top of the food chain.
Dr. Russell blends Godzilla with human bioacoustics. In other creatures, such as other Titan beasts, it sounds like the proper roar of the king.
Wang: Do you want to stop, stand still, don't move!
Titan beasts: dare not move.jpg
The effect was immediate. In less than ten minutes, a live TV broadcast in the broadcasting room reported the news that monsters around the world stopped attacking.
"It is almost global synchronization. At present, all the monsters have stopped destroying. In just five minutes, they have changed from being very aggressive to being docile. No one knows why ..."
Watching the news, the mother and daughter cheered and jumped excitedly together.
A few moments later, Dr. Russell looked back, his voice trembling and asked, "This ... sir, can I take my daughter away?"
Russell held his shoulders in both hands, squinted at Russell, waved and burned the glass window wall facing the stadium to melt, flew up to the top of the building, and waited for Quito to arrive.
There is only one king, and there are no two, unless one is the last.
Therefore, when the roar of the king spreads all over the world, letting all the monsters calm down a bit, Gidola, who is the king, will certainly be furious and come to the door to hit the scene.
This is also the reason why it rushed to the pitch in anger and burned everything it could do, not because the sonar interrupted the rhythm of the monsters' attack, but because the king's majesty was provoked.
Russell is waiting for Gidola here, backing to the Atlantic home. As long as it dares to appear, it must be the result of no return.
Mother and daughter stared at each other in the broadcasting room. Dr. Russell grabbed her daughter's hand and ran straight up the stairs towards the stadium.
There was no one in Russell's eyes, and she didn't look at her for the first time. The doctor felt normal, the gods were high, and contempt of humans was taken for granted.
Just as the two ran out of the building, a group of soldiers with live ammunition jumped out of the grass, the muzzle of the black hole was aimed at the two, and several soldiers personally took Dr. Russell down.
This product is now a wanted person. The use of Oka to awaken monsters has spread to all major countries around the world. She is listed as the most dangerous prisoner. She does not threaten national security, but the security of all mankind and the world.
More than a dozen soldiers closely monitored, and the mother and daughter were escorted in armored vehicles, and Mori was escorted from the stadium.
The soldiers left in place reorganized the order, blocked the curious crowds under the building, and stopped all actions that might anger the fallen angels, such as taking pictures and shouting handsome.
Fenway Stadium was completely taken over by the military, closed martial law, the evacuation center was moved elsewhere, the transport plane left first, the soldiers pushed hard, and expelled the unreasonable and strong people.
Russell sat on the side of the floor with his buttocks, shaking his feet, watching the sand sculpture as if watching the crowd below.
Half an hour later, two platoons of teams rushed into the stadium. The negotiators of the military arrived. In order to find a common topic with the gods, the three commissioners deliberately turned black. They also held a pile of religious books related to the fallen angels. .
Of course, all the content recorded in these books is the faith of the fallen angels and flattery.
In the United States, there are many people who worship Satan and Hell, and how many of these books are naturally required.
On the roof, the three specially approached tremblingly, looking at Russell's sitting back, swallowing several saliva before calming down.
"First of all, on behalf of the human government, let me thank you for blocking the destruction of the Titan Beasts. Thanks to your help, countless people are saved from death and injury. And ... Can you tell me what is your relationship with the Titan Beasts? "
"Can this tell you your name, the human government wants to sing your merit and tell it to the world."
"Ning would be king in and no longer be a slave to heaven! Every fallen angel who respects freedom deserves respect and desires freedom and fights for freedom. This is also the spirit that our emperor has always respected."
Russell frowned and wondered why Gidola hadn't responded. He didn't plan to deal with the three chattering sand sculptures. As the group became more and more vigorous, they almost jumped in front of him.
You blow the fallen angels up and down, what Satan is high, is the most beautiful, and he fights against God for three days and nights, and finally loses because of a trick ...
It sounds great, just like it really does, but what does this have to do with Russell?
He is not Satan!
"Wait, stop talking."
Russell waved and stopped, and under the gaze of the three, his eyes turned golden, and a pair of holy wings opened, blooming behind them.
"Are you catching the fallen angel in front of me and blowing, are you provoking heaven?"
Nima, you are white, you already said!
How awkward ...
No, weren't you all black before?
The three of them were puzzled, thinking that the Bible is deceptive. Heaven and Hell are simply a company, and employees can change their suits at will.
Russell's eyes lifted slightly, and the three negotiators straightened their eyes. They returned to the downstairs from a long distance. Under the horrified gaze of the soldiers, they ran like crazy around the stadium and couldn't stop it.
When the commander saw that the battle was not good, he contacted his superiors and asked to send another team of negotiators, black and white.
As many as possible, Party A must be satisfied.
After half an hour, the black and white ones also started running wildly. The American soldiers joined the game. Hehehaha finished push-ups, and the human body generally ran a train around the stadium.
Canadian Province!
Mechanic Guan Yin turned on the watch projection ~ ~, showing that all the Titan giants around the world had stopped attacking, and Mu Zhichu was in a daze, weak and helpless.
"Captain, according to the plot, Quitola should rush to Boston, shall we not help him?"
"No, continue to rush to the North Pole. When Fei Jiehe transforms into Bella Altman, she feels that the North Pole has a powerful monster energy response, and Gidola should hide there."
Superwoman's face is not good, and Guan Yin doesn't ask much. Again, pay attention to the safety distance. Seeing the excitement cannot turn into excitement.
"Well, Captain, look at the locator."
Kang Xi exclaimed: "Three red dots appear again, I don't know who's here!"
Superwoman gazed at her eyes: "Where?"
"Arctic Circle!"
"Rely on ..."
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