Chapter 941: Acting villains lack core temperament

Sleep for five hours first?
The king did not understand what this operation was, and wondered if Strangi and Casillas had offended the Supreme Master, otherwise the Supreme Master would not sleep early or late, and would have to call them over and sleep in front of them ... ...
This is the rhythm to wear small shoes!
But what does this have to do with me?
Thinking of the previous generation of Supreme Master Assistant ’s explanations of the three orders and five applications, Wang Yan watched his nose, his nose and his heart, and walked out of the gazebo with expressionless expressions. Take a five-hour break first. "
"..." x2
Without Wang's conveyance, the two heard it before, a gazebo, a few steps away, can't hear anything.
Strinch was very puzzled. He didn't understand which one of the Supreme Master's muscles was wrong. If he had nothing to do with him, could he change his time?
He recently borrowed precious classics from the second floor of the Library, and he looked fascinated and addicted to books.
Casillas's thoughts were much simpler, envious, envious, and sour.
The Supreme Master's shelf is so large that the distance of several steps must be assisted by an assistant to spread the word. Imagine that one day he will become the Supreme Master. The shelf must be larger.
An hour has passed!
The king's face was expressionless, and Strance was uneasy as if he was sitting on a needle, Casillas was as steady as an old dog.
Russell took a good look at the three of them, and stretched himself up: "Casillas, there is nothing for you here, go on!"
Casillas twitched his eyes, bowed down as a gift, and vowed to become even more arrogant after becoming the Supreme Master.
It was not daydreaming, but the Lord of Darkness had been incense some time ago. Dorma let him wait for a while. The Bureau for the Supreme Master had been laid out and would be implemented soon.
The gang promised that after killing the Supreme Mage, Kama Taj would be the master of his Casillas.
The tide was surging, and Casillas decided to give the boss another column, asking for details of the progress of the plan. If there is no party to lead the way, he will be unambiguous.
"Extreme Master, do you have any teaching?"
Strange asked politely, all he wanted was to make a quick decision and go back to his book.
"You in a hurry?"
"No, there is a precious book, there is a time limit for borrowing, so ..."
"Strange, your schooling is valuable, but remember not to put the cart before the horse, and no mage should read it out by studying ..."
Russell said intently: "It's better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles. Dead books can't make a great mage, understand?"
Strinch: "..."
Last time, you also told me that knowledge is power, reading 10,000 books, and if you write, you have a god. When you have nothing to do in the exercise, you are a qualified mage!
"Ask you, do you understand?"
"Understand, Supreme Master is right."
Stranger didn't want to cause trouble, and chose to forget what Russell had said before.
Wang told him a lot of gossip. For example, the two generations of Supreme Masters often had suffocating operations. At this time, they must not be refuted or disassembled.
Because you and the Supreme Master put the facts and reasoning together, the Supreme Master will let you know for yourself what is called ‘Doctrine’!
These are the words of Master Ding Yi's experience. Wang has always taken it as a warning, and after mixing with Stranger, he revealed to him the way of Kama Taj's survival ~ ~ I heard that you have recently become addicted to magical props, and have lost your enthusiasm for the cultivation of spell grammar. Is this the case? "
"It can't be said to be addicted, I just think that the fighting between mages is dangerous and dangerous. Even if the mages are powerful, facing the endless weird magic, they dare not say that they are stable."
Strange talked bluntly: "As a beginner, I should use a lot of props that can increase my strength."
Fighting between mages and removing the whistle-blowing special effects is about equal to the random fighting game.
At this time, the key to determining the outcome is nothing more than physical strength and props to carry.
Especially with props, children take pistols, and even if they do n’t shoot, the world champion has to detour.
Stranger personally practiced and defeated many seniors who had studied at Kama Taj for many years with the help of props. His confidence increased and he became more firm in his own way.
Russell nodded: "Here are a few things for you. They are the relics of Master Gu Yi. As his disciples, these props should be inherited by you."
Master leads the door to practice in an individual. Everyone has their own path. How Strangch chooses, Russell will not interfere. After all ...
That's what Gu Yi should worry about.
In fact, in Russell's view, there was nothing wrong with Strange's choice.
The magic of Marvel's world is mainly divided into white magic and black magic, created by countless mages or demon gods. After the trademark is registered, it spreads to the world. Later, after paying a certain copyright fee, they can use it for display.
In other words, it takes a price to cast magic. If you don't pay for it, your eyes and brains will learn it.
The magic is present in reality, and it will be manifested in a super power way. Illusion, flight, defense, instant movement, etc. are very different from the magic imagined by ordinary people.
Whether it is used directly for attack defense or BUFF, such as aura of curse, the magic will cost a lot of money. For the latecomers, this is no longer called magic, but it pays to buy power.
Strange's use of magic props shows that he has seen through the essence of magic and has a strong desire to survive, which is a good thing.
"Extreme Master, can you tell me something?"
Strinch raised his eyebrows. If it wasn't for the things he was interested in, he would rather go back and read.
"Things are placed on the third floor of the library. It used to be the site of the ancient one. Now it is my site. If you flip through the clutter, if there are any magic books or props that respond to you, that is it."
Strinch: "..."
As a mature Master Kama Taj, he should not have heard a word, but only knew that there were magic books and props left by Gu Yi on the third floor.
Strange left in a hurry, because of gaining authority, successfully entered the private realm of the Supreme Masters of all generations.
Opening the door, a huge bust hung on the opposite wall, Russell's.
Obviously, it was a sketch, and Strange saw the art processing methods of polishing, dermabrasion, face-lifting, and big eyes on it. His soul was shocked, and he didn't slow down for a while.
"Calm down, Wang said, the Supreme Master is like this ..."
Strange took a deep breath and began to look for the so-called utility room in the house. After a moment, he found the second portrait, the old wizard with a white beard.
It has also undergone artistic processing, but I don't know who has subsequently processed this portrait, and used a marker to add wrinkles, smoking poop, and Wang Ba's unspeakable secondary processing.
Strange silently put the slap portrait in place. He didn't see anything, and he didn't know the affair between the two generations of Supreme Master.
Finally, in the storage room where the bathroom was suspected of being transformed, he unrolled several cardboard boxes.
"Well, this wand looks very old-fashioned and should be a good magic item."
"Hovering cloak, I like it, but ... isn't the red cape too showy?"
"The magic book collected by Master Gu Yi, and annotations ..."
"Angalums's axe, dragon tooth sword, so cruel, the ancient mage also used them to fight?"
"This is ... the eye of Agomo? Is the owner of this artifact the Agomo of Trinity Vishan, the earliest legendary mage who understands the mysteries of the universe?"
"Agomoto Orb! Prophecy crystal ball, with the ability to spy on the future ... Sealed, who did it?"
A series of precious magical items and books were sorted out, and Strange spent a total of two hours at the same time, feeling that he was indeed the Supreme Master.
The collections of the first generation of Supreme Masters are very precious, and ordinary masters are unable to collect one or two during their poor life.
The second-generation Supreme Master is even more powerful, because the simple generation is unhappy, discarding its precious collections, just finding a few broken boxes and throwing them in the corner.
"Uh, do I know too much?"
Strange glanced at the portrait on the wall of the eye, and brought the eye of Agomo to his neck. The rest of the box was supported by a floating cloak and transported back to his den.
On the other side, Russell watched Strang drag the treasure into the door and closed, and came to the main hall as usual, giving Sanyi a black and white photo.
Some rules and etiquette can be omitted and some are not.
For example, Shangxiang, the dead is big, can not be lazy!
Therefore, as long as he is in Kama Taj, he must be three times a day to express his respect for Gu Yi.
"Mr. Gu Yi, according to your last wish, Strange has arranged for him plainly."
"Time is a bit tight, but it doesn't matter, I have a quick way, so I won't talk much about gossip, you don't need to be nostalgic, go for it!"
After finishing the three incense sticks, Russell left with a small humming hum, entered the dark dimension, and set out his own plan of throwing the pot.
First of all, he needs a villain and a twenty-five.
Twenty-five and Aberdeen starred in Casillas, with zero pay and on call. The problem was not great.
The key is the villain ...
The show is full of points, Russell would like to make a guest appearance, but he knows himself, starring in the villain lacks core temperament, and how to perform gives a sense of undercover justice into the villain camp.
So his villain will only ruin the script.
Ould walked into the Dark Temple ~ ~ and bowed down, "My Lord, what do you tell me?"
"Just come here, I'll send you ..."
Russell's eyes brightened, and he looked at Ould a few times, seeing that the latter was extremely insecure, so he passed a stack of A4 paper: "Well, your script, remember to memorize the lines."
Uuld look so aggressive that he doesn't understand which one of his boss is ...
She took the script with a serious face, and when she saw the shame between the lines, the whole thing was bad.
"This, this is ... my lord, is there something wrong?"
"Yes, you play the villain!"
Ould: "..."
I play the villain, what does the villain do?
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