Chapter 965: Captain save me

Howard was surprised by Tony's rant, and took a cool breath into his abdomen. When he passed the lungs, the flow was too large, causing a severe cough and tears.
"If I take it back, I can cough like that with a breath. You are really suitable to play Howard. You look good and you are about to retire."
Tony shrugged, always taunting the enemy.
"You, you ... keke shut up ... I don't have your son!"
Howard wiped away his tears, and Tony's words before him had almost no future.
After squatting in the laboratory for more than ten years, he finally saw the opportunity to get out of prison. He didn't want to be implicated by his father's son, and squatted for more than ten years.
"Idiot, not originally!"
Tony's face was gloomy: "Your child won't believe your lies, and I warn you not to insult my father any more."
"Okay, then I'm not your father."
Howard raised his thumbs up and agreed with the decision. His son can be reborn if he is young. He is still young and cannot be so confused.
Tony loses patience with the strange pretender, only to feel Howard's face grows on the other side, how to see how twisted, the memory of the mind pressed down, and put on the face armor again.
"Jarvis, did the invasion succeed?"
"Sorry, sir, the other party's technology is so advanced that I cannot hack into his steel suit."
"What about shutdown?"
"Sorry, sir!"
"How is it possible that both you and the battle suit have been strengthened by the Supreme Master, and even a backward old computer cannot be invaded?" Tony didn't believe it, but it was 'the left of the throne', and the Supreme Master and God bet the magic won.
"Sir, I am stronger than it does not mean that technology is better than it. In fact, the other party ’s hardware and software are higher than mine. If it is not the enhancement of the Supreme Master, I have been hacked." Jarvis explained.
"Well, let's use our strengths and go all out to kill him!"
Tony activates the attack mode, in which the incarnation of the parasite will give control of the suit to Jarvis.
"Sir, I want to remind you that according to the scan and comparison, Mr. Howard on the opposite side is most likely your biological father ..."
"Shut up, you've been cheated, attack now!"
"Yes sir!"
The moment Jarvis took control, the cold gaze on the Mark50 magic suit's face armor suddenly sharpened.
Seeing dead clothes, in the coldness of iron and steel, there is a strong momentum.
Howard didn't know why. He subconsciously buckled his upper armour and controlled three unmanned armors to stand in front of him. The fire control system aimed at Tony.
Jarvis raised his hand into a shield and lay down on the ground. The propeller accelerated to sprint, avoiding the barrage blockade again and again.
With the explosive increase in speed over and over again, Jarvis's rhythm obviously surpassed Howard's, and the latter's fire control system automatically locks. Although it can complete the capture, the moment of attack can be missed.
Tracking guidance is also invalid!
The empty underground plaza gave Jarvis enough stage to show, the golden red figure flashed continuously, and occasionally freezed, leaving behind a false image, under the blockade of heavy barrage, getting closer and closer to Howard.
"Damn, that's not the script."
Howard was unlucky. He got the script with great interest. As a result, Tony also had his own script. The two of them had exactly the same script, both hanged each other and rubbed them on the ground.
It's so wicked, I knew I wouldn't give him technology back then!
Howard complained a lot. He didn't understand why he was inferior to his son.
Seeing Tony swiftly approaching, a close-up battle was inevitable. He started the thruster and took off with three unmanned armors, forcibly changing the ground battle into an air battle.
boom! !!
The result of the air battle was still better for Tony's script. Within three seconds, Jarvis approached three unmanned battle armors with a handy knife and fell off one of them into a stick.
As Tony said, this scene looks like Obi-Wan hangs Darth Vader, but the black warrior at that time was also called Anakin.
Earth, SHIELD Trident headquarters.
Nick Fury tangled his fists, his face was gloomy and terrible. On the screen in front of him, Tony crossed the dark corridor and was about to fight ten steel suits.
Although the styles are different, the red and gold sao coatings indicate that these batches are likely to be as advanced as Tony's.
A dozen or so, he couldn't help but pinch a cold sweat for Tony, and instantly forgot the whereabouts of the metal one-armed man.
After that, the screen freezes and does not move for a full minute.
Nick Fury got used to the rhythm, silently left the desk, opened the spacious bulletproof window, took two breaths of fresh air, and threw the coffee table beside him, which made him feel better.
boom! boom!
It was two unmanned armors that were cut into pieces one after another. Howard looked at the white flames engulfing and spreading, thinking about the results of his own tricks.
It ’s terrible.
To make matters worse, the nano-armor was severely depleted due to multiple releases of energy for attack and defense, and it lost the automatic repair function.
According to the analogy of the Stark family, he is participating in a pack-and-hammer contest.
After the next round, he must make a difficult decision about which armor to take off in order to maintain the image of his father's majesty so as not to collapse.
Buzz! !!
The blue defensive cover was broken by a sharp blade, Howard erected a laser sword to block, and the moment he passed by, the laser sword was destroyed by Jarvis.
Unarmed, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, opened his hands to point at Jarvis, and after a burst of strong light, released a dense signal interference bomb and chose to run.
No, no, Darth Vader's arm was cut off by his son.
Huh! !!
With a loud bang, Howard was blocked in the road, the system prompted an alarm, the hood was automatically opened, and the sharp-edged blade was shot down from mid-air and fell to the ground in a very indecent posture.
"Well, even though you play like my father, even Jarvis was fooled by you, but your strength ..."
Tony shook his head and took control of the magic battle suit from Jarvis. He wanted to end the fight by himself and kill the counterfeit goods that humiliated his father.
"Tony, calm down, trust Jarvis's judgment, and don't regret it for life."
Howard bounced off his faceplate again, pointing at his handsome face with cold sweat: "I'm really your father. If you don't believe me, you can ask questions. I know all the little secrets about you."
"Really, then what do you say, when was the first time I fell in love?"
"Six years old!"
Howard said without thinking, "When you were six, you kissed my secretary and threatened to chase her."
Tony froze slightly: "You all know, Hydra's intelligence is really terrible."
"No, it has nothing to do with Hydra's intelligence."
"Stop talking nonsense, your answer is wrong."
"How is that possible?"
Tony scorned: "Don't measure genius with ordinary people's thinking. I have kissed my father's previous secretaries, and have seen a movie with one of them."
Howard tangled and explained, "Wait a minute, Tony, that's not a secretary, I'm looking for a babysitter, a date movie, or something. She made you play."
"Do you think I would believe, how could such a beautiful woman be a security guard in my house ... well, this is really possible!"
"How do you believe it?"
"Well, when you show this face, I won't believe a single letter if you say it."
Tony said, with his hands open and his arms all open, ready to send Howard to in one shot.
"Tony, calm down!"
The teleportation of the figure made Howard's shout come to an abrupt halt. He looked at Bucky who appeared out of nowhere and was pleasantly surprised: "Bucky, help me explain and explain, this silly boy said nothing but believe that I was dead Now. "
Bucky was aggressive and didn't understand Howard's brain circuit. He explained how it was different from adding fuel to the fire.
"I'm in a hurry, you and Tony play slowly!"
With that said, Bucky teleported away, leaving Howard stunned, and Tony his face more and more gloomy.
"Tony, cold ..."
The blurry figure was solid on the field, and Strange frowned at Tony, then looked at Howard.
Tony frowned. "Master Strang, you don't need your help here, hurry up and catch the killer. Remember our agreement, his hand belongs to you, my head belongs to me."
"Uh, then you're busy!"
Stranger's figure vanished, his suspended cape lifted, and his form quickly disappeared into place.
"Well, your helper can't protect himself. When I kill you, I'll cut off his head." Tony talked, his arms and arms recharged, and the white light was flourishing.
"Tony ..."
Huh! Huh! Huh!
Three offensive and defensive figures rushed into the square, and Steve saw the battle below, and Howard fell into the downwind, an inexplicable loss, and sure enough, Russell lied to him again, not even ten minutes.
"Steve, what the three of you are doing, stop Tony and tell him the truth!" Peaks turned and Howard saw hope again.
"the truth?"
"What's the truth?"
"who are you?"
The surprise team one by one, mistakenly entered into the war between the father and the son ~ ~ know that someone cat steals sight, choose to pretend to be crazy, the wind comes, and then the wind disappears.
Howard: "..."
"You are a Hydra, and you actually asked Steve for help. Do you really think that you can deceive everyone in the face of my father?"
Tony laughed and laughed.
"Tho ..."
A group of avengers came to the entrance to the square and saw the father-son battle inside, all standing stupidly.
Tony: "Look, no help here!"
Howard: "Look, don't hurry up and help!"
The two made a sound to their teammates at the same time. The Avengers pondered the script and evacuated each other after looking at each other.
Tony shook his head silently: "You are really worried about IQ, even if you ask the Marvel team for help, you even ask the Avengers for help."
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