Chapter 1: Mysterious prison

横 Sewage cross flow, plaque looted.
深 In the depths of an abandoned prison ...
A clump of cell mass wrapped by the plasma membrane was actually separated from the surface of a corpse.
The tadpole cell group is about the size of a human forefinger, and its macroscopic appearance is like a white snot.
细胞 This cell cluster seems to have independent thinking and action capabilities.
But because of the imperfections of the nervous system, there are no five senses.
However, when the cell mass is in contact with a foreign object, the basic information of the substance can be obtained through a special means of 'intercellular signal transmission'.
The isolated cells did not stay for long, and began to move.
Transcription and translation.
Actin production.
团 The group of finger-sized cells began to perform extremely slow 'migration movement', about the same speed as snails.
不 "No ... not perfect, nor is it what I want."
The puppet cell mass seems to actively abandon this seemingly complete and strong flesh, and continue to search in prison ...
If there is currently a torch to provide lighting.
You will find hundreds of flesh discarded by the cell mass in this giant cell.
Uh ...
Plutonium cell clusters do not form autonomously.
It has its own name-Han Dong.
Wu Huaqiao, an associate professor at the Faculty of Life Sciences at the University of Florence, Italy, was just 31 years old before becoming a cell aggregate.
On July 21, 2018, he died of lung cancer in the bed of Florence Central Hospital.
The ward was full of flowers, but these flowers came from his students, not his family.
At the moment of death, the pain and torture disappeared, but Han Dong felt relieved.
He did not ascend to heaven or fall to hell, nor drank Meng Po Tang, walked up to Hehe Bridge, and experienced the so-called reincarnation.
He greeted him with endless darkness.
However, his consciousness has always existed in this process.
"Did I die ?! After death, the brain will remain active for five minutes ... but I have been dead for an hour?"
Han Dong ’s sense of time is very strong. He is conscious and knows how long he ’s been dead.
Han Dong slowly tried to perceive the ‘body’. Who knows, the image of cell clusters appeared in consciousness.
Only two things can be done.
First, it can sense the detailed information of the contacted items through intercellular signal transmission.
Second, the ability to produce exercise through the production of actin.
Also when Han Dong synthesizes actin for the first time in the cell, a system of prompts echoes in his mind.
"Please select a 'fit' body in the prison. The current maximum weight value is [100].
If you are not satisfied with the selected flesh, you can send the flesh to the treatment room for cell separation.
下 In acellular form, no other prisoner's body can be moved or transferred. A
The prompt ends.
At the level of Han Dong's consciousness, he created another plan of the prison.
Single layer structure
A total of 204 cells.
The floor plan also marked the corresponding prisoners in each cell with light points and annotations, and annotated the words 'Dead'.
In addition, a red-marked room named [Administration Room] is displayed in the middle area of ​​the prison and is locked.
Han Dong's current room is [Processing Room].
"A prison abroad? Rebirth after death? What am I?"
These problems have not bothered Han Dong for too long.
走 He has been in the forefront of science for a long time, and has a strong ability to accept new things.
意识到 I realized that I was a group of independent cells with a protective membrane for a short time, although it was not clear how a group of cells could survive and carry consciousness independently.
The radon cell is the basic unit of life activity, and it is enough to prove that he is not dead.
"The so-called death traversal happened to me? And, it also traversed into a cluster of cells? It's ironic."
东 Han Dong devoted his life to the research of cell biology and published an article `` on the role of gene coding to activate and control cell regulation '' in the top international journal Cell six months ago.
Han Dong, who was rated as an associate professor for this article, detected the advanced stage of lung cancer in the physical examination of the whole school teacher ... suffered ruthless erosion of cancer cells, and his future was ruined.
He who should have died out of consciousness and completely died, but was born again in the form of cell mass.
Uh ...
There is not much hesitation. Considering that the cell cluster also needs energy supply for normal activities, the most urgent task is to follow the mysterious system instructions to find the ‘fit’ body.
Follow the directions on the map.
Han Dong went to the nearest cell by a very slow 'crawling' method.
Almost the same migratory movement as the snail, which took him a full day.
Paired with the map in consciousness, corresponding to the small light spot symbolizing ‘self’, he moved to the next cell in the shortest path and made his first contact with the prisoner ’s body in the prison.
"Fortunately, there are map instructions, otherwise it is really troublesome if the five senses are completely lost ..."
The moment he touched the body.
At the level of consciousness, Han Dong immediately showed a complete cross-section view of the human body. At the same time, detailed text annotation was also provided, which can be viewed at the level of consciousness.
Cambell Frank (underground black boxer)
[Skull] Inferior, weight-bearing needs: 5
[Left arm] Normal, weight-bearing requirements: 11
[Right arm] High-quality, with "quick punch" skills, weight-bearing requirements: 23
[Torso] Normal, weight-bearing requirements: 13
[Left foot] Normal, weight-bearing requirements: 11
[Right foot] Normal, weight-bearing requirements: 14
A series of data information is fed back to Han Dong's level of consciousness.
"Prisoners seem to have undergone 'special treatment' before death, so that the corpses do not rot and can be occupied and controlled by me.
As mentioned in the previous tips, if you are not satisfied with the flesh, you can discard it in the [treatment room] and reselect it.
还有 There are many more flesh to choose from, it is necessary to use one of them to understand the current situation. "
"Please confirm whether you want to get all the flesh of Campbell Frank"? The required weight value is 77. A
"Yes! A
In the blink of an eye ~ ~ The cell mass enters the body through the 'hole' on the prisoner's physical surface, activating the whole body in a short time, and the vitality is restored.
I first heard a tinnitus ringing in my head.
Followed by, the cold stone touch came from all parts of the body ... indicating that the nervous system is all connected.
A simple cell composed of black rock and steel bars came into view, and the vision was restored.
When Han Dong planned to investigate and analyze the mysterious prison, and inferred why he was born again, what secrets were hidden in the mysterious prison.
Buzz! The whole person suddenly stopped.
Han Dong supported the wall with one hand, gritted his teeth and made a roar!
"Wow ... this guy is mentally retarded!"
After Dong completely occupied Campbell Frank, Han Dong was very uncomfortable.
Due to the restoration of the five senses, he obtained the surrounding environment information. When he went further and planned to perform complex data processing through the brain, a big problem occurred!
Han Dong, the ontology of consciousness, is the youngest associate professor in a well-known university's College of Life Sciences.
But consciousness belongs to consciousness. When the consciousness collects data through the senses, formulates related processing formulas, and wants to leave it to the brain for processing, a big problem occurs!
好像 It's like buying a 2080ti graphics card, but this top-level graphics card is installed in a host with a CPU with only the old version of the I3 processor.
The problem is that this processor has been flooded! !!
Due to the introduction of a large amount of data, the system was almost crashed.
Han Dong can only close his eyes and meditate on the sorrowful curse in his mouth, reduce the external information intake as much as possible, and let his mind be as empty as possible!
Otherwise, this mentally impaired brain will inevitably hang due to the introduction of a large amount of data, or even `` burn out. ''
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