Vol 5 Chapter 1063: The game starts now

For the convenience of presentation, use [表] and [里] to represent the city of London in reality and its parallel world.
   City of London. Table
   The dark forest outside the city is essentially the border line of London.
   Hundreds of thousands of "dark evils" linger in the dark forest surrounding the London Basin, including skeletons, black rock monsters, tree spirits, and so on.
  Once they grow into alien monsters, they will be eligible to enter the city.
   before this.
   This group of evil spirits are acting as scouts in the forest, and their "death messages" will be perceived by the priests of the church in the basin village. Once a large number of deaths occur, it means that intruders are coming.
   At that time, the priests in the village will send alien scouts to further confirm the situation.
   The situation currently happening somewhere in the dark forest looks a little different. No scout came here to investigate, or dare not come over.
   Thousands of filthy corpses are piled up here.
   The broken bones serve as a scaffold, broken stones serve as a base, and the sticky flesh serves as a binder to build a temporary throne.
   A ‘mad young man’ is sitting on this throne built by him.
  Because of following the rules of [London Game], he maintains the "human posture".
   skinny, just like the African poor who lack protein,
   The height of about one meter and seven makes him look quite ordinary, and his messy black hair hangs on his body at random.
   ate the "skull string" because of boredom, in this way to relieve boredom and grind his teeth,
   His eyes showed a kind of "cavity pupil".
  In other words, the white area of ​​the eyes is normal...but the pupils of the eyes are sunken inward, like a bottomless cave.
   This eye structure allows him to see some situations in London.
   "Almost, it's time to start the game... Let's go, Rose!"
   With the shouts of the youth.
   A foul-smelling portal connected to a planet in the universe opened.
   On the other side of the door, there is a horrible planet full of rotten flesh.
   This planet was listed as a strange demon again, and a kind of terrifying life resembling a dog lived on it.
   They are the most evil primitive beasts.
  Once the prey is locked, no matter it is the barrier of time or space, it cannot stop them.
   They are barely classified as a different kind of monster, but they are not affiliated with any old king. They are a rare high-level independent life.
   However, there are still some pretentious monsters, trying to go to this planet to enslave such terrifying beasts, trying to control them as private mounts.
   Of course, most of the strange demons died in the process of enslavement and became food for this group of ‘hounds’.
   But there are a very small number of people who have successfully enslaved, and even got the recognition of the entire planet.
   obtained a terrifying beast that can only easily cross space-[Tindalos Hounds-of-Tindalos].
   This young man is one of them.
  He has signed a contract with this planet and can get assistance from the Tindalus Hound in any area under the world.
   A canine-like life with ashes floating all over came out of the portal,
   Its long and pointed head can be "divided into four," and it can be completely split like a variegated spot, revealing an extremely terrifying oral structure.
   is loaded with multiple mouthparts that secrete void acid,
  The tongue that can easily penetrate the bones and the brain,
   and the sharp teeth that can smash the space and realize the space jump.
   Its torso is sturdy and twisted, with six tentacles with a ‘hook and sickle structure’ floating on the surface, which can not only smash the enemy, but also facilitate them to move forward steadily in the space channel.
   When such a beast appeared.
  The crazy young man on the throne easily rode up, reached out and grabbed the tentacles on the back of the hound, and controlled the hound to rush towards the city of London.
  The young people riding the hounds often experience space tears during their super fast raids...sometimes they move forward and sometimes backward, which is quite strange.
   Following the movement of this young man, the entire dark forest became active.
   Some retired bodies that have hidden in the forest beforehand are waiting for the youth to leave.
   "The madman finally moved! Let's go too... With his ability, he can easily tear open the dark side of London, and we can enter it safely."
   Two or three groups of returning ancestors came from the forest to the basin area one after another, all in accordance with the rules of the game, and went to the City of London in human form.
   Some float in the air, some ride on the shoulders of giants, and some crawl on all fours.
  【London Game】This is the official start.
  【London City. Lane】
   The Church of Thorns has already sounded the alarm, and Priest Sarien, incarnate as a "Holy Monster", is on the way.
   The deacon of the church immediately reported the situation to [Uzumaki Church].
   But the cult did not intend to intervene. It just sent a few formal teachers to assist, mainly letting the Church of Thorns solve it by itself... It seems that they have more important things to do.
   Black Goat Sally and Campbell have been members of the Church of Thorns, guarding the gate of the church, waiting to fight to the death with the coming Monster of Thorns.
   Sally is ready to kill the enemy and intends to take this opportunity to sit in the position of priest.
   As for Han Dong, he stayed on the roof of a building near the church, quietly observing the situation of the Church of Thorns.
   "It's actually still growing... From the abandoned church to here, have you absorbed all the thorns along the way? If you really let this guy get the "participant corpse", it would be really troublesome. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM"
   Han Dong's vision.
  The thorn monster walking between the streets has reached a height of a full eight meters, and at the same time, the hapless people encountered along the way have been transformed into a kind of "thorn corpse."
   The appearance and posture resemble a zombie.
   After locking the target, it can explode at a very high speed and engage in a ‘close hug’ with the target, and then explode... Let the thorns pierce the target’s body, causing the "stigmata invasion", which is quite deadly for the alien monster.
  As the priest arrived at the door of the church, a medium-scale battle broke out instantly.
  Because the stigmata and thorns have the effect of turning the dead into "thorn corpses", the whole battle becomes extremely difficult.
   Black Goat Sally did not explode with all her strength from the beginning, so it was easy to reveal her identity.
   intends to postpone it to a critical moment in the later stage and then kill it, so as to realize self-worth.
   As the church's gates were retreating steadily, almost all the guards in the Thorns Church were dispatched.
   Combining the information on the number of church personnel given by Sally in advance, Han Dong used his naked eyes to count the number of teachers who came to support... When the numbers were equal.
   "Mary, let's go... Go to the depths of the church to see the "corpse".
   I want to see what kind of participants destiny arranged to test our world, and even after death, thorns can grow without limit. "
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