Vol 5 Chapter 1068: London Defence

Just when Han Dong and others leaned towards the Vortex God Cult-Headquarters by flying.
   An irresistible force of [Gravity] and [Flight Restriction] affect the whole body. Although it can resist, it is not necessary.
   "An artificially formed "no-fly zone"? Or is it restricted by land deeds?
   It seems that the rebels planned the final defensive area in the center of Big Ben, radiating two blocks outward.
   I thought that all the faculty members were evacuated to the headquarters. I didn’t expect that there would be a ‘no-fly’ trick... If we were to be stationed outside, the situation would be troublesome.
   Go down and identify yourself first. "
   The border of the "No-Fly Zone" is right across the street.
   In the direction leading to Big Ben, a large number of congregations are stationed.
   It is obvious from the weird gestures displayed by the teachers that they have been affected by the corpses of the participants, and have more or less changed their essence, and can no longer be called strange monsters.
   These sad dark inhabitants have transformed into special lives in the "Holy Order World".
  1. Some teachers have severely spiraled a part of their bodies. Like Han Dong, they sacrificed a large number of the same kind through the initiation ceremony, thus obtaining a whirlpool power from the holy world.
  Some of them can give the whirlpool attribute to physical attacks, instantly twisting hard objects such as metal and rocks, and they can also twist the flesh into a twist shape, killing the opponent directly.
   Some can resolve all forms of enemy attacks through the vortex, and even achieve [energy absorption].
   evolved from a reversion body to a high-level instructor, and can even trigger the whirlpool field, directly inducing a range of changes.
   2. In addition to the staff in the headquarters, there are also branch teachers who belong to the Silent Fellowship and the Epee Brotherhood.
   is similar to the "thorns" that Han Dong came into contact with.
   "Silent" and "Eepee" are also attributes from the holy world, and they have miraculous effects on different demons.
   The meaning of silence is similar to the literal meaning. The silent teachers guarding the street area have common characteristics-the vital organs used for eating, speaking and breathing-[mouth] is completely erased.
   Each of them shrouded their bodies in their hoods, similar to the Silencer.
   Observed by Han Dong’s magic eyes, the no-fly effect was caused by them... When approaching these people, the magic circuit will be blocked and the ability to control magic will be significantly reduced.
  If it is targeted by the Silent alone, the magic will even fail...The easiest way to deal with these guys is a physical attack.
  【For another monster】
   When the silent teacher confronts a different demon, not only can magic be disabled, this silence suppression effect can also act on the foreign demon itself, and even the physical ability can be weakened.
   The Epee Brotherhood is also a very strange church.
   When Han Dong heard the name at first, he thought it was a group of strong men with heavy swords... Actually it was not.
  The epee instructors showed their upper bodies uniformly, while women wrapped their chests in a circle, and their lower bodies were all dark-colored teaching skirts.
  The physiques of the teachers are relatively strong, and they even feel that there is ‘excess meat’ in their bodies.
   They did not wear metal heavy swords.
   Instead, there is a "sword-shaped holy scar" on the upper back area where they are exposed.
   When Han Dong descended slowly from the air, he happened to ran into the scene of "Summoning the Epee".
   An epee instructor stretched out his hand to touch the ‘sacred scar’ on his back shoulder blade.
   The meat is separated.
  A cord-like fleshy texture is derived from the holy scar.
  In the air, an epee with its own flesh and blood as the main material is connected to the holy scar through a cable-like fleshy substance, and it is suspended in the air.
   This kind of epee is self-aware and can automatically attack the target when the subject is fighting... If the subject is controlled, the speed and damage of the epee will be doubled.
   The "sacred pattern" flowing in the epee can greatly restrain the reproducibility of the alien monster, and can also smash the magic cast by the alien monster.
   In addition, the epee can carry out a ‘secondary transformation’.
   The reason for the teacher in front of him to summon the epee is to process it on the spot. Fixing sheets of paper similar to the pages of the Bible with nails on the surface can have a better effect in dealing with strange monsters.
  ...As for the members of the Church of Thorns, only a small number of them.
   Most of them have died in the incident last night, and the body of the most important participant has been stolen. The Church of Thorns is dead in name.
   Demon Eye examines the scene in front of him as quickly as possible, gathers it in Han Dong's head and quickly organizes it-"Sure enough, no matter which attribute is carried by any participant, it can target the strange monster.
   Although there are hundreds of ancestors who came here, there are also four monsters.
   However, due to the restraint of attributes and a mythical entity in charge, it is no easy task to break into the headquarters. "
   When Han Dong landed, he quickly took out the Whirlpool ID card in his pocket and explained:
   "I am a formal faculty member who has just passed the trial. These two are members of the Thorns Society I met on the way. Their strength is good and they should be able to help."
  The person in charge of verifying the identity is a man whose head is completely sunken inward, and the spiral covers almost the entire face so that there is no facial structure.
   The identity card was verified and the vortex mark on Han Dong's torso was checked, and the identity verification passed.
  "The headquarters is closed, except for those specially authorized by "Father Lysos", no other teachers can enter.
   I will arrange you in the streets where there is no manpower, and be prepared to fight the alien monsters.
  If you perform well in battle, you might be summoned by the priest. "
  The situation that Han Dong was worried about still happened~EbookFREE.me~ If it is arranged to be stationed on the street, then the penetration plan becomes meaningless.
   Han Dong gritted his teeth and gave a condition more risky:
"I have an important piece of news that involves outsiders... Last night I happened to witness the whole process of the fatal raid on the Church of Thorns. All the teachers of Thorns almost died in the hands of an outsider, someone who can control [ The special existence of the Yanda Ross Hound.
   This guy may threaten the security of the headquarters, I want to..."
   Who knows.
   The face was spiral and the completely sunken instructor was not shocked by the name of [Yandaroshound], and said calmly:
  "Thank you very much for your information.
   However, since it happened in the City of London, there is no need to report, everything is under the control of the priest... this time outsiders, there are several ancestors who are known as [original] hidden.
   Because of this, the priest will let us gather in the headquarters area.
   Come with me, the south side of the street just needs to fill a part of the staff, I hope you can perform well.
   For your sake as a new official faculty member, I will tell you something quietly.
   You must give full play to your own abilities and strive to survive the first wave of offensive and defensive battles... As long as you survive, you can win a golden "opportunity." "
   Han Dong faintly smelled a conspiracy.
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