Chapter 11: Hidden ability

Because the first floor of the bungalow is planned as a reception hall, kitchen, activity room, utility room, and a separate room for his brother Daqing, everyone can only live on the second floor.
简单 The rooms on the second floor are simply numbered 1 ~ 8 and arranged from left to right.
The staircase in the middle divides the second floor into left and right parts.
Rooms 1 ~ 4 are on the left, and rooms 5 ~ 8 are on the right.
Important figures [Wife and wife] live in room 4.
Important Person [Zhong Xie Nu-Chen Li] lives in Room 6 ... She must return to the house before 8 pm. In addition, her brother Daqing will use a chain to lock the door dead.
As for the reason why the door was locked, Daqing did not directly explain it, but it must have something to do with Chen Li's 'middle evil'.
Important Person [Brother Daqing], as I said before, lives on the first floor.
且 Not to mention whether Wang Po has the ability to drive away evil ... From the current information, it seems intuitively that the subject of this evil event should be the evil woman Chen Li.
Therefore, it is obviously more dangerous to live on the right side of the second floor than on the left.
I thought everyone would have serious differences for this reason.
Who knew that during the room allocation, the bald Drianon offered to live in the room next to Chen Li.
As for the more kind newsboy Herbert, he also signaled that it didn't matter, he could live anywhere.
With the concessions of the two players, Edward's arrangement becomes very simple ... the final housing arrangement is thus set.
左侧 On the left side of the second floor:
Room 1-Han Dong.
Room 2-Blonde Female Monica
Room 3-Prosthetic Edward
右侧 Right side of the second floor:
Room 5-Newsboy Herbert
Room 7-Bald Drian
Room 8-Believer Akaman
Han Dong was surprised at this result.
He said that it didn't matter that he was arranged by Edward to live in Room 1, the farthest from ‘Chen Li’, the safest room in theory.
The reason given by Edward is that Han Dong is the weakest in the team, and only Han Dong is proficient in Kyushu Chinese in the team. It is necessary to ensure the safety of Han Dong.
In addition, there are two [Settings].
(1) There are no toilets in the bungalows, and the latrines are located at the enemy 50 meters away from the bungalows.
(2) At 23:00 at night, the little brother Daqing will cut off the power supply of the bungalow and restart it at 06:00 the next day, because the evil sister at night will be stimulated by electric light.
These two settings are a bit cumbersome.
But ... everyone has a solution. If you need to get up in the middle of the night, you can use the mineral water bottle prepared in your backpack to solve it.
As for the lack of electricity, everyone bought a flashlight before coming. At the same time, the camera equipped with the system also has a night shooting function.
Before he fell asleep, Edward had the team members gather in a room.
各位 "Everyone, I have a friend who became a trainee knight as a" returnee "last year ... I learned from his mouth that" novices "who entered the fate space for the first time.
The most important thing is not to interfere with the behavior and decision of the characters as much as possible.
越 The more interference you have, the more complicated the event becomes, and it will even form a 'death'.
I hope that everyone will play the role of a good college student, and do not contact the characters of the plot at will.
If you have any ideas, feel free to communicate with me. "
"I understand!"
The meaning of Edward is to allow the plot to develop on its own. Except for the bald person who was silent, everyone else agreed.
Edward Edward continued: "Also, I suggest ... if you hear any noise during the night, don't leave your room.
The danger on the first night will not be too high. After all, the so-called 'return ceremony' has not yet begun, and the characters of the plot are in a normal state.
As long as everyone stays in the room safely, there should be no danger. "
"How can you be sure there is no danger ... obviously you are also a rookie." Bald Drian said disdainfully.
Edward responded with a smile: "At least it would be safer to stay in the room than to hang out in the hallway ... I just proposed it. I didn't force everyone to do it.
Other cases will be discussed in detail after the 'return ceremony' will be held tomorrow.
Let's go back and rest. "
The temporary meeting was dissolved.
As soon as everyone left the room, the pretty blonde Monica deliberately stayed in Edward's room, speaking some ambiguous tentative words.
Unfortunately, Edward's attitude is still centered, because the atmosphere is gradually embarrassing, Monica can only return to the room alone.
During his loneliness, Edward took out a clean rag and treated his steamer prosthetic right arm with a smile on his face as if he was treating a lover.
"Four-star evil spirits, as difficult as I expected ... As long as I can be a 'returnee', I can successfully become a trainee knight and start higher than others."
Uh ...
房间 Room 1.
Han Dong, who returned to the room, immediately locked the door.
抵达 Since arriving here, Han Dong has not been able to find a chance to be alone.
He woke up from a nightmare, his state was a little strange ... Therefore, a large part of Han Dong's attention stayed on himself.
"what is this?"
Put your hands in front of you, looking for the wonderful feeling of nightmares before, and slowly activate the [faceless person's head].
For a brief moment, a weird breath spread through the room.
灰色 A gray-spotted tentacle slowly overflowed from the palm, swaying strangely in the air.
"Hidden ability?"
东 Han Dong stared at the tentacles, some cyanosis!
"When I was out of prison, when I was not physically, I also relied on mycelial tentacles growing out of my neck to carry out activities ... but the tentacles of that mycelial form were not the same as now.
触 This tentacle is thicker and does not belong to the category of mycelium ... It has a strange smell ~ ~ It is very dangerous. "
About ten seconds passed.
The tentacles growing out of the palm of the palm turned into a pool of sewage, which dripped and evaporated.
At the same time, a sense of weakness swept across Han Dong's body.
"Ahhhhhh ... it seems that calling on such tentacles will put a huge burden on my body.
绝 Never use it except in critical situations. "
Use the paper to touch the dirty saliva from the corner of your mouth.
After a little recovery, Han Dong took out the available items bought in the backpack ... a flashlight and a small knife under the pillow.
Knife is not used to deal with evil spirits, but used for ‘experimentation’ and defense.
In addition to a flashlight and a small knife, Han Dong's backpack also contains two sets of rural-style clothing, somehow.
"Edward's statement should be correct. As long as you don't actively disturb the plot characters, the first night will not be too dangerous ... before going to the ceremony of returning people ... sleep."
Due to the effects of nightmares.
Han Dong's rest in the car was almost in vain. In addition to using strange tentacles, Han Dong was desperately in need of sleep.
I fell asleep before lying on the bed.
No nightmares this time.
He faintly heard footsteps lingering in the corridor and baby crying, which prompted Han Dong to wake up in the middle of the night.
Power off.
The room was dark.
Alas, the red lantern in the corridor was still on.
I don't know which designer's brain residual design, the center of the door is opened with a round hole about the size of a head and filled with transparent glass.
Can be clearly seen, illuminated by the big red lantern.
A dark-haired woman hugging a child passed by the door.
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