Vol 5 Chapter 1098: Butcher and white meat

The fat boy who was first sent by the team of different demons was actually a bit cute and cute.
   But when Han Dong looked through the lens of the magic eye, he almost vomited out the excess in his stomach.
  The round white belly is covered with layers of mouthparts for swallowing,
   There are various large and small worms crawling between the teeth gap and the fleshy gap,
   Every tiny worm has a sound swallowing mouthpart,
   The digestive organs integrated in the fat body are gathered together in a way of'stacking' and'overlapping'.
   Nausea is nausea, but if you carefully observe and analyze it, you will find that these digestive organs are extremely ‘exquisite’, and they are integrated in a fairly optimal way to perform the most efficient digestive function.
   "Earl, this is?"
  "It should be a high-level macrophagic worm... In my understanding, few macrophagic worms can shrink to such a posture and maintain such a perfect human form.
   Even if he put aside his characteristics, it is already very special to be accepted by two protoplasmids. "
   Han Dong asked curiously, "Shrink? Is the body of this thing big?"
  "Native worms can reach the size of your ordinary high-rise buildings. Each time it grows a step, the volume increases from ten to fifty times.
   According to rumors, the mythological worms will be forcibly expelled from their native planet, because their physique will directly exceed the tolerance of an ordinary life planet, and they are only allowed to move on certain large planets. "
   "Huh? Isn't this bigger than some old kings?"
  "Bigness is indeed an expression of strength, but it is only part of it...Some old kings are only slightly larger than your human beings.
   Of course, this worm is indeed powerful, especially at the level of [Swallow].
   This game should be very interesting. "
   Han Dong groped his chin, "Special belongs to special, but it is still difficult to win...The last team of craftsmen must hide their hole cards.
   If the craftsman team is wiped out during the confrontation, the face of their holy world will not be able to bear.
   After seeing Eugenes's terrifying power, the golden emissary will definitely make some ‘cheating’ rescue methods...it is the right choice for the worm kid to play the first game. You should be able to see some clues. "
   Han Dong turned his attention to the last remaining craftsman team.
  The team is composed of two men and one woman. Because of the title of craftsman, their characteristics are very obvious and they are easy to distinguish.
   The woman's body is wrapped in colorful silk, some of which floats in the air by itself, like a dyer.
   may be the reason for the love of beauty. Even if the head is not important to the craftsmen, the woman still has a perfect head, painted with pale makeup similar to a geisha, and looks quite crippled.
   two other men.
   The fat and thick flesh of a person, on an arm about the same thickness as an ordinary human body, through the hooks that snap into the flesh, a butcher knife with a different handle is hung.
   The head is a mass of slaughtered rotten meat randomly piled up, which is fixed with iron rings.
  Rotten meat is inlaid with multiple eyeballs and ears, which can perfectly perform vision and hearing.
   looks like a [butcher] as a whole.
  The other person appears more secretive, similar to a snail.
   always carries a stone house, a single room of more than ten square meters... During the activity, there will be two thick legs sticking out from the bottom of the stone house, and the upper body will always stay in the stone house.
   At the moment, completely retracted to rest in the stone house, it seems that he is not the first to play.
  "The third round of the match begins
  【Forward】White Rim vs. Meat Chopper Menlue. "
   When the white and fat Ream stepped onto the stone ring.
   is a butcher with a similar size, but compared to Reem's obesity, the butcher is a higher-end side meat.
As early as in the audience, this butcher named [Men Lu ()] had already taken a fancy to Rim, who was the "good ingredient", because his instinct as a butcher could feel that Rim has the most meat. ', can make him completely satisfied.
   "Your meat... looks like a lot?"
   Menlu copied a dialect of the holy world and fell into a state of excitement.
   A large amount of rotten flesh grew from the back immediately. Under a special energy structure, an extra arm with a different skin color was formed... The total number of arms reached six.
  As long as the living creatures killed by Menlu, the meat will be stored in his body to a certain extent. With his ‘ingenuity’, he can construct arbitrary organizations and exercise corresponding abilities.
   While the six arms are formed, they hold different meat chopping tools.
   stepped on a heavy but extremely fast pace, and took the initiative to kill the white and fat Rem.
   A strange scene happened.
   Butcher Menlu exploded with a very strong suffocation. When he was about to kill Rim, his eyes flashed with jealousy, and he suddenly stepped onto the ground with force, and in this way forcibly blocked his forward thrust.
   The current interval is two meters, and the butcher Menlu’s back has spilled some sweat.
   Two reasons.
  The first is Menlue's professional perception. For a moment, what he smelled was a sense of restlessness from the flesh, as if he was about to be swallowed by the flesh.
  Second, the field.
   Affected by the white Rim's domain, the surrounding ground is also covered with a layer of soft white flesh, which seriously affects his actions.
   And in the field of confrontation, Menlue’s [Butcher Knife Domain] was actually unable to suppress Riem’s [White Flesh Domain]... There should have been a large number of butcher knives growing from the ground, but the thick white meat is now firmly pressed underneath.
   "Sure enough... the people who came here should be all monsters of the same level, right?
   Fortunately, we are in the latter group and got the "Golden Liquid" from the envoy, otherwise I will really lose... Your white meat will definitely sell for a good price. "
   Menlu's heart moved.
   A stream of pure and flawless gold liquid flows out of the heart, and it quietly flows along the blood vessel to a certain arm.
   This is the energy activity in the body, with the cover of the upper meat and the butcher knife, outsiders can't see it.
   Menlu's fierce look that paused for a while was revealed again, and he stepped forward in front of White Rim.
   also entered the attack range of White Rim. UU reading www.uukanshu.com
   Seemingly fat and white, Reem immediately showed the nature of a strange monster, and his body disintegrated.
   A worm-like hyperplastic tissue grows from various areas of the body,
   The abdominal cavity is transformed into a large ring-shaped mouth that is piled up for nine layers.
   instantly transformed from a 1.7-meter fat boy into a phagocytic monster several meters high, revealing a few original prototypes.
  Once it enters Rim's attack range, even the protoplasmic body will be quite a headache.
   This kind of macrophagic worm is a typical close-range high-attack alien... The damage it swallows is extremely high, and the matching alien magic secrets are contained in it, which can disintegrate all flesh.
   The butcher Menlu, who was wrapped in worm tissue and devouring energy, was swallowed a lot of flesh in a blink of an eye.
   The meat on his abdomen was torn off in one piece, revealing raw bones... Five of the six arms holding the butcher knife disappeared out of thin air.
   There was an arm but it was intact, and even shattered the worm's teeth in reverse.
   "Wow! It hurts!"
   Under the action of "Gold Liquid", this arm becomes indestructible.
   Moreover, the power exerted is several times the original, and it has a special effect of "destroying the devil", which is slashed.
   The proliferating worms along the way were truncated.
   The body of the white Riem is also like the meat that the butcher usually cuts, cut in two pieces...
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