Vol 6 Chapter 1151: Collectorism

Perhaps due to the headless nature.
The bartender, who hung his head on his waist, was spared under the pressure of the resentment released without a head, and even gained a certain amount of growth. A few hairs symbolizing resentment grew from the incision in the neck.
When Han Dong leaned towards the bar, the eldest brother without a head also stayed close behind him.
Under such circumstances, the bartender is also quite calm.
Putting his lantern head on the bar also, his eyes revealed the meaning of worship for [Headless]... He even began to guess whether the [Headless] in front of him was above the world. If he performed well, he might be able to give it. Opportunities that he could not touch in his life.
After all, it is too exaggerated to scare the fierce ghost to death on the spot.
Moreover, the bartender can feel a feeling of disdain from [Headless]... Disdain for the inferior.
Only through pure deterrence, the ghost is directly scared to death.
At the same time, he didn't even take away a bit of resentment from the fierce ghost...After all, this low-level resentment is not only useless for no leader, but it will also reduce his identity.
With a warm-hearted look, they handed them the most high-end "Heart Edition-Bloody Mary" in the bar-the perfect match of a live heart and a cocktail.
At the earl's urging, Han Dong still drank this glass of alternative wine.
"The taste is not bad... I just asked, do you know [Chen Li]?" Considering that Chen Li can use a pseudonym, Han Dong added: "It should be a woman in red with red all over her body and she likes to use it. kitchen knife."
When the bartender heard it, the lantern head on the table flashed with a gleam of light.
"Sure enough, you guys should come from ‘outside’, are you here specifically for her?"
The bartender seemed to know a lot of information, and when Han Dong asked about Chen Li, he naturally got in touch.
Han Dong was a little surprised. After all, there are very few NPCs in the small world that know the ‘outside’.
You can guess that we came from the ‘outside’, it seems you still know a lot of things.
Tell me more about the information you know, including the woman in red, the changes in the world, and I found that your hair seems to be missing, but you can talk about everything related to her. "
"The living people had been evacuated as early as a few weeks ago... even if some people did not leave, they would have been eaten a long time ago.
This place has been completely reduced to a dead city due to a series of problems created by [the lady in red]... Only some "ghosts" like us can survive through the "sealed space."
Even if we wander between cities at will, it is very dangerous.
Because the lady in red has a hobby, she collects the hair of various ghosts throughout the process. "
"Collect hair?"
Han Dong couldn't help but recall Chen Li's characteristics, the main chopper, and the secondary characteristics included black hair...After all, Chen Li had absorbed the barber of Stuart Manor in the early days.
Thinking of this, Han Dong continued to ask: "Do you know the purpose of her hair collection?"
"not sure."
"Then... when did she start collecting her hair?"
"It was probably last year.
It didn't take long for her to appear to break the rules here. As a "Yin Yang Media-Long Po" and related organizations, they were all killed, and all their hair was stripped off by her.
Hongyi probably started collecting [ghost hair] from that time.
At first, she will kill the target she chose, but later, if the target is willing to take the initiative to offer her own hair, she can survive. "
"Don't you resist?"
Han Dong is a little strange, in his impression... Chen Li's intensity is not enough to shake a whole small world.
"She is very clever and decisive. The point of her choice is'Long Po's Death'.
Killing Long Po can be said to be a desperate action. She killed Long Po by sneak attack for a long time. She was also seriously injured... Killing Long Po, it can be said that she has crossed the bottom line of everything. Enemy all ghosts.
At that time, she was seriously injured and trapped in Long Po's residence, almost in a mortal situation.
But she seized a chance, and she who killed Long Po seized the [Forbidden Land Key].
She once disobeyed the management and was sealed by Long Po's "Ligui" who was all released by her...The balance was broken, and the "Yin-Yang Treaty" no longer existed.
And she also took advantage of this opportunity to establish a brand new organization-[Dark]. "
Hearing this, Han Dong not only had no worries, but was happy for Chen Li's arrival.
Among Han Dong's three containment objects, Chen Li's growth potential is the lowest... If Chen Li wants to follow along, she must have a fundamental change, and desperate action is necessary.
"No wonder, Chen Li is quite capable... By the way, do you know where she is?"
"Most ghosts know it.
She piled up all the collected hair in a mass grave in Mount Moring, where the [Dark Tissue] was also concentrated. "
Han Dong can tell that the bartender is not lying.
Now that Chen Li's position was clarified, Han Dong immediately gave a look in his eyes to the headless brother.
At this moment, the bartender suddenly asked: "Can I go with you?"
Han Dong's response was also quite direct: "What can you do?"
The bartender hurriedly lifted his head in the form of a lantern, and a crimson glow overflowed from the lanterns: "I can illuminate and lead the way for you. It may save you half an hour of travel time."
"Come on, let's drive by the way... You should be familiar with the route in Hong Kong."
Opportunities are for those who want to seize.
Since the bartender wanted to seize the opportunity, Han Dong was also very happy to give it, but whether he could survive is another matter.
Get in the car.
The bartender puts his head in the middle of the front shelf, and his body is responsible for driving.
Han Dong lay in the co-pilot very leisurely, thinking about the information he heard from the bartender.
"Hair...I collected almost all the hair of the ghosts in Yin Yang Road, what exactly does Chen Li want to do?"
Han Dong remembered the deeds of some residents in Derui Town.
For example, the ultimate human demon Moonlight Miles. The way he came to Dray Town was to be selected by the mayor and promoted to the throne... And the small world he had stayed in before was slaughtered by Miles. After the achievement of 【Ten Thousand Killing】, the level of human and demons was elevated in absolute killing. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com
"Could it be that Chen Li wanted to do it too?"
As soon as Han Dong thought of this, there were horrible sounds from the faceless sleeping on the back of the van.
"Now it seems that your servant will have a high probability of [promotion] here... Maybe you can watch a good show.
If so, it is not convenient for me to follow you.
The resentment I radiate should have an impact on her, but I must ensure your safety, so let’s..."
Kakaka~ The flesh and bones disintegrated, and the flesh is torn.
Without a leader, he unscrewed the whole left arm... It hurts to look at it.
Immediately afterwards, a dark, fat, and broken arm covered with black hair was thrown into Han Dong's arms.
"Use it, you should be able to connect it with your characteristics."
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