Vol 6 Chapter 1166: Sub-city

"My Cell Prison (
Half a year has passed since the London incident.
Since the [London Games. Continued] has been completely confirmed, it will be opened in one and a half years.
The explanation will correspond to a larger-scale invasion. Nearly all medium-sized land lease areas have received "Game Invitation Letters", which also include all the Protoplasts.
At the same moment, Black Night's mother promulgated the "Trial Policy on the Full Opening of the City of London".
Compared to the original state of being closed and locked in the city, London is now completely at an extreme opposite...As long as the essential identity of the strange monster is verified, it is allowed to enter the city regardless of whether the path is clear.
After a period of basic life, outsiders can get a long-term London residence permit as long as the basic scores meet the standards.
This policy largely attracts two types of strangers.
The first category belongs to a group of ‘scattered people’ who have no direct affiliation.
In the group of different demons.
"Single people" is not something you can do if you want to.
Since a large number of deities exist in the world and can be found in any corner of the world, a branch, a turbulent water, and a cloud of clouds can symbolize an old king. It can be said that in the world today, there are believers everywhere.
Almost all alien demons, and even some wild creatures, would join a certain old king before they became alien demons.
The vast majority of ‘scattered people’ are not that they have never belonged, but that they were exiled due to fault.
They will be stamped with the "mark of exile", which will cause them to be rejected by other forces, and even be hunted down and imprisoned by certain extremist groups.
The completely open system of the City of London immediately attracted a large number of ‘scattered people’ trying to live a new life here...Of course, there must be some extremely evil people in it.
Not only will they not be rejected when they come here, they can easily obtain a residence permit with good performance.
If you make a contribution, you can even get a gift from the mythological body or even the old king.
However, since you come to the City of London, you must follow the local rules, such as the need to maintain [human posture] in the city.
Alien demons that cannot be personified will be prohibited from entering the city.
The second category is the ‘inspector’ from afar.
They belonged to the special personnel who came to investigate after receiving the game invitation. They ranged from ordinary scouts to large mythical bodies who came in person.
Some special investigators are occasionally mixed with this... and our vision will focus on two special investigators.
The basin of England, the transition zone between the Dark Forest and the City of London.
The villages under the direct management of the sect are distributed in the basin area. Some evil rituals that are inconvenient to conduct in the City of London, secret research, and the execution of serious offenders are carried out in the village, and they also serve as a sentry.
The basin area is also regularly paved with stone steps, which can lead to various villages or directly to the City of London.
The street lamps arranged at intervals on both sides of the stone path have a specially responsible "candle division" to ensure uninterrupted candle light throughout the year.
On a stone path avenue that leads directly to London, the walkers are two special ‘inspectors’ wearing cloaks with enchantment functions. Judging from their postures, they have reached an "anthropomorphic state" in advance.
One of them is about 1.7 meters tall.
Inside and outside of the cloak, books without a cover are hung on delicate metal chains. There are a large number of books and each book is entwined with magical energy of different attributes.
The other person's head is about one meter nine meters taller than his companion. When he walks, he will make a ‘slap on the floor’ popping sound, which comes from the special structure of his feet.
At about the time when the city of London could be seen.
The taller one stopped and looked at the protruding part of the east side of London.
"Pop, did the City of London have this part before? Or was it recently expanded? How do you feel that this part is strange and incompatible with the City of Night."
When the companion asked this question.
A book on the body surface of the shorter person began to flip on its own, and then answered:
"It should be a sub-city expanded after [London Games].
Perhaps due to the influx of a large number of scattered people, the City of London needs to build an area dedicated to the settlement of scattered people.
It may also be due to other reasons. Let's check it out when we enter the city. It just so happens that this part of the information is not recorded in my [book]. "
When the two passed the monitoring station of the city gate, the inspector almost dangled the candle on their heads.
"Do you both need me to directly ask my mother for instructions? Your status can enjoy the highest treatment."
The shorter one responded with a rather gentle voice:
"No, the London City incident should have caused a lot of troubles to my mother. We won't bother her... This time I just came here to stroll around at will. Just give us a pass."
"This happens to have two senior residence permits, which should be able to meet the basic needs of the two."
"Yeah... By the way, we saw that the east side of London City seems to be undergoing a large-scale expansion before. What is it? Is it convenient to disclose?"
"It's a [sub-city] approved by my mother. We don't know what the specific project is. We only know that it is related to the Church of the Dark Night. It is now in the final stage, and no people are allowed to enter.
If the two want to enter, they also need church approval. "
"Aren't the sub cities used to manage outsiders?"
"No, the main city of London has enough space to accommodate outsiders. After all, we suffered heavy casualties and sparsely populated in the last invasion.
The construction of the sub-city and the five senses of outsiders, and the entry of outsiders is absolutely prohibited, even church members must obtain relevant approval documents. "
"Okay, thanks a lot."
When I felt worthless, I didn't continue to inquire.
When the two officially set foot in the City of London, they immediately walked towards the East City.
"It's not actually used to manage ‘refugees’. UU read www.uukānshu.com and also adopt an absolutely closed [city-in-city management]...what project would it be?
Could it be that the City of London intends to build a military factory or a super large portal to deal with the next invasion? "
The shorter individual [Popper] immediately rejected his companion's statement, "As far as the nature of the game is concerned, these items are unnecessary.
Let's just go over and take a look... Anyway, the road is a bit boring, maybe there will be more interesting encounters. "
"Pop, are you going to sneak in by illegal means?
By your means, even the mother needs to be tested with the help of the land deed to be exposed.
How do you feel that things become interesting all at once.
In other words, shouldn't the intruder captured alive in the last London game be held there? Church personnel are conducting secret research on them internally...After all, the alien technology in the City of London is relatively advanced. "
"It's possible."
When the two came to Dongcheng District, they found that the [Dongcheng Gate] here had been replaced by a high wall.
Only one stone passage is left, and the width allows up to two people to pass through at the same time.
The entrance is guarded by two huge priests, and the nearby streets are also patrolled by members of the cult at all times. There are also a large number of "candlers" floating in the sky area.
Residents who stay on the current street for more than three seconds will be evicted immediately.
Obviously, there is a mysterious sub-city on the other side of the passage.
Staring at the stone wall blocking in front of him, the shorter [Popper] suddenly showed a surprised expression.
"The other side of the city wall is actually branded with the "Void Mark", which can cut off all the space through...Where is it? "
"Void?" Da Gao looked surprised, "Isn't this the ability you are proficient in?"
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