Vol 6 Chapter 1175: Out of control event

"Interns-Han Dong"
Recent rating: Excellent
Participated in out-of-control incidents: two (both out-of-control class II)
Mental state and physical assessment: qualified
It is allowed to receive the "capture task" of the corresponding level. If the task is accepted and successfully completed, the rating is [Excellent] (accumulated three times), and you can become a regular employee.
Han Dong heard the above information report when he passed the detection channel at the front entrance.
"Yes, when I became an intern, the staff said that they would conduct three assessments at different time intervals. If the assessment results are all excellent, they can become positive... I didn't expect it to be so fast.
It just so happens that if you can smoothly turn into a positive, you will definitely be able to touch more secrets about the dark tower. "
After passing through the detection channel, Han Dong displayed a hall of only 100 square meters.
There is no reception staff here, and no other visitors, only the masked man who is responsible for leading Han Dong is waiting here.
The facilities in the lobby only have a white elevator.
"[World Search Station] uses a multi-space structure. The building structure you just saw outside is the "silver square" used to construct the building. Each piece corresponds to a space.
The only way to pass is the multidimensional elevator in front of it.
Due to your level and status as an intern employee, you can only go to the lower level [Archive Room]. You can only accept capture missions whose target level does not exceed Ⅲ. Come with me. "
Board the elevator.
As the masked person entered a series of unrecognizable codes, the elevator immediately entered the subspace transmission mode, and the overall operation took only three seconds.
When the elevator doors reopen.
Unfolding before Han Dong's eyes is a large archive room similar to a two-story library.
"Here is collecting [Ⅲ] and other mission materials below.
There are many categories, you can check it yourself first.
Once you have selected it, you can give it to the person in charge here... You can ask me if you have any questions during the selection process, and I will follow you in a ‘sleep state’. "
Talk about it.
The overall breath of the mask man dropped by 90%, and he was in a floating state. In a state similar to the "following" state in the game, he always kept a distance of one meter from Han Dong.
"This..." Although Han Dong was curious about the nature of the masked person, he was not good to spy directly out of etiquette.
The urgent task is to quickly understand and determine the "capture task."
Han Dong randomly selected a portfolio on the price, but failed to mention it in the first time, "It's so heavy!"
The seemingly thin document bag actually weighs more than one hundred kilograms.
"Huh? Just a piece of paper? It's so heavy..."
"This is "hard paper" for files. Once the information is recorded in it, it cannot be changed, destroyed, or stored forever.
Only the recognizer can make limited changes to the above information, and the record of each change will be permanently stored in it.
Provide information basis for containment and research after arrest. "
The dormant mask man actually answered the question directly. Han Dong was quite surprised, and immediately took out the cardboard from the file.
[Out of control: Kataya. Calamity]
Grade and type: Ⅱ and other conventional type out of control
World Code: M-7277, "The Art of Demons"
Brief introduction: Kataya. Calamity is set as a'lucky person', his own luck value is in a normal state, but his presence will bring'luck down' effects to surrounding creatures, the most serious situation It can cause someone's luck to fall below the minimum and die due to various coincidences.
Two months before the information was recorded, the Black Tower investigators discovered that the Kataya Cataclysm had caused the death of a descendant due to a drop transportation problem under abnormal circumstances.
Under the influence of the knock-on effect, he was subsequently targeted by a number of lowered masters.
A large number of lowered heads also acted on the Cataya disaster star, causing its death.
Later, his corpse was used by an evil descendant master to resurrect him in the form of raising ghosts, trying to borrow its'destiny' characteristics.
Unexpectedly, the resurrected Kataya Cataclysm entered a special state, becoming able to manipulate the ‘luck fortune’ characteristics and even absorb the luck of others.
Requirement: Due to the attribute of ‘fallen luck’, it has a high value for research. No matter what the circumstances, it’s forbidden to kill the Cataya Cataclysm, and must be captured alive in a suppressed state.
Basic rewards: talent points × 1, destiny points × 500, optional epic-level materials (requires normal live capture, if the target is seriously damaged, the current reward will be deducted)
"Basic rewards are indeed much richer than regular destiny events.
And the goal is very clear, there is no need to activate any quest line... just catch people.
Unfortunately, there is still only one talent point.
However, this seemingly simple description hides danger.
Luck is very important. If you have bad luck, you may choke to death if you drink water... and this file has been recorded a year ago. If this guy can absorb luck infinitely, he might have grown to a terrifying level. . "
Han Dong brought another document bag:
[Out of control: Reggie Collins (finger severed)]
Grade and type: mental out-of-control class I
World Code: S-112068, "Invasion of Brain Cells"
Introduction: Reggie Collins is a perverted murderer who likes to collect other people's fingers. After he was caught, the police tried to use a system that invaded the brain to unearth his inner secrets, so as to rescue the victims who were hidden by him.
During the period of brain invasion, all three agents who were good at brain invasion experienced abnormal brain death. The entire system of uukanshu.com is under the reverse control of this person.
According to the limitations of the World Index, this person's brain is suspected to be fused with the system, showing a state of out of control... It can even radiate this system out and force outsiders into the system through radio waves.
Has caused more than 1,800 abnormal brain deaths
Requirements: Enter the target's world, actively access the [Brain Cell System] controlled by Reggie Collins, suppress his spirit, and bring the person back to the Black Tower together with the brain cell system. (Killing is allowed under special circumstances, but must be brought back to the black tower within five minutes of death, otherwise all rewards will be cancelled and credited once)
Reward: talent points × 1, destiny points × 700.
"It's not very cost-effective for a large number of people, after all, it is connected to a system controlled by others... But it is still possible for me, whether it is the head of the faceless or the consciousness of the pharaoh, it allows me to be in the spiritual world of the other party' Open it, unfortunately there is still only a little talent reward."
Immediately afterwards, Han Dong flipped through a large number of documents.
Found a very basic reward rule.
Anyone who is out of control below Ⅱ level basically has only one talent point reward.
And the third grade out-of-control event that Han Dong can currently receive is extremely small, and there may not necessarily be a "talent point × 2" reward.
Han Dong stayed in the archives for 24 hours.
When he pulled out a corner file, the information on it immediately attracted his attention.
[Out of control:? ? 】
Grade and type: Class Ⅲ infectious out of control
Rewards: talent points × 2, destiny points × 1000, successfully eliminate the source of infection can apply for a legendary material.
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