Vol 6 Chapter 1197: Black corpse set

The little zombie girl with a light-colored cheongsam, a ball head, a pair of embroidered shoes and a piece of talisman paper on her forehead, belongs to the reception maid of the bookstore.
Compared to other zombies.
This little girl has a delicate skin close to humans, and a few rot pits are filled with white foundation. With a slim figure that conforms to the contemporary aesthetics, even if she is sold on the market as a corpse, she can also sell for a good price.
Because Zhang Xiliang exuded the breath of a green corpse, he was immediately identified as a potential customer.
Just like the young ladies in some high-end stores will first judge whether to talk to customers through their watches and shoes.
A soft voice came from the pale pink lips under the talisman:
"I wonder what type of books the guest officer needs?"
As Metamorphosis, Zhang Xiliang didn't answer directly, but turned his eyes to Han Dong, who is still in the category of Baizozi.
"Mr. Han, come on."
"There is no specific category requirement, but I would like to see any "Corpse Collection" that can support an individual to reach the Black Zombie level..."
""Black Corpse Collection"?
Since this type of corpse is expensive and is also the highest category of books allowed for sale, the collection point is located in the black study room in the backyard.
Because it is treasured and expensive, our study has special regulations.
Two-fold verification is required, one is to confirm that you have not left any case records in the Criminal Department, and the other is to take out ten barrels of heavy oil as a deposit. "
Zhang Xiliang directly took out ten oil tickets, with a big heavy word printed on them.
"The identity is okay, please come with me, both of you... There may be other customers in the black study room. Please keep quiet during the reading.
In addition, I need to explain to you the rules of reading.
Every black corpse collection is made by the master, and the black corpse collection is in a semi-sealed state before you buy it. You are only allowed to read the introduction and the first page of the text to understand the basic information of the corpse and determine whether to purchase it.
Any attempt to compulsorily read or break the seal will be dealt with directly by the Criminal Department.
Any damage to the books caused by any circumstances requires full compensation. "
The zombie girl said, jumping forward on embroidered shoes.
When entering from the main entrance, a dazzling array of books are displayed around the three-story building, densely arranged...There are also many people reading books here, and these in the hall belong to the collection of ordinary corpses (the highest allowable individuals to cultivate to Metamorphosis). You can read it without request, and practice in the store is prohibited.
Under the leadership of the zombie girl, follow the passage in the mansion to the deepest black study.
It is a normal-sized tree house, and the interior is illuminated by fluorescent stones to avoid fire.
Unlike the densely arranged collections of corpses in the hall, the bookshelves in the black study room are lined with a series of books, probably fewer than fifty.
When Zhang Xiliang saw these black-covered books, his eyes inevitably revealed a look of greed that was completely inconsistent with his green stiff and demon-like identity... You must know that he was still a white stiff a few days ago.
Han Dong looked calm.
However, compared to black books, Han Dong is more concerned about a ‘book-choosing guest’.
Wearing a black and white mysterious crown, wearing an ink white robe, and walking on ten square cloth shoes.
The evil talisman is hung on the waist, and the ebony long sword is attached to the back.
This external costume is similar to the exorcist Taoist under Han Dong's influence, but the color of the costume looks lifeless.
Moreover, the customer's eyes have all been replaced by machinery, and a special mechanical vision system is constructed through an embedded form.
At the same time, the fingers of his right hand are also mechanically replaced.
The most important thing is what Han Dong cares most about... the breath that this person exudes is not a zombie? It is a real human being.
When Han Dong and Zhang Xiliang stepped into the black study room.
This person also cast his head.
He didn't pay attention to Han Dong at all, but instead focused all the attention of the mechanical eye on Zhang Xiliang? It seemed that he caught some evil spirits, and then he continued reading the book with a mysterious smile.
Zhang Xiliang? Who is this? You just need to think of your reply words in your consciousness, and I can receive them here.
Zhang Xiliang, who felt the transmission of consciousness for the first time, was also taken aback.
Mr. Han, this is a chartered alchemist in the court!
Because they have extremely strong strength as human beings? Can they play miraculous effects in dealing with monsters? Finally, they are recognized by the emperor. Such people are not within the scope of the "Dead Change Order".
To live in the corpse country as a human, naturally must also be loyal to the court.
The Ministry of War has a special department for the alchemists.
In addition to dealing with monsters? They will also be responsible for ‘forced exorcism’ of some criminals in the corpse. For example, Mr. Han's previous killing of the "Limb Blade" Xiaoji, in addition to being chased by the Criminal Ministry, was also targeted by the alchemist.
Chartered Alchemist... a bit interesting.
Since this person is not a zombie, why do you come here to buy "The Corpse"?
In addition to being proficient in powerful talisman spells, the alchemist can also carry out precise control and enhancement of zombies.
These high-ranking alchemists who have reached the level of black zombies will walk around in different areas of the corpse country, looking for potential zombies to collect under their command for corpse raising? Even some wanted criminals will be put under their command? Brainwashing and control through Fulu ? Turned into an absolute war machine.
It is estimated that he is here to buy books for the Zombie Servant.
So that's it... No wonder he looks a little weird when looking at you, I'm afraid he is attracted to you.
Zhang Xiliang was taken aback, and quickly responded: I am devoted to Mr. Han, even if I am invited by an alchemist, I will never be tempted.
Okay, feel free to take a look.
Han Dong's knowledge of "The Corpse Collection" is basically zero, and he is immediately immersed in it.
I have to say that these higher-ranking black corpse collections, both in terms of text description and the depth of their cultivation, are much higher than Zhang Xiliang's "Hua Poison Heart Sutra".
The description of Cheng Dan will naturally involve the gate of truth.
Unfortunately, there are restrictions on viewing, only the introduction and part of the first page can be viewed.
Just reading a few black corpse collections shocked Han Dong.
"Not Bad Corpse Jing"-Lin Qiong. Da Du Tong (current)
This sutra is limited to those who have special physique, whose physical strength is more than twice that of ordinary stiff, or who have hard objects such as iron or bone.
It can help the stiff to gather black and transform pills, and achieve a non-destructive body when cultivated.
Price: 80 barrels of heavy oil
"Thunder Collection"-Sima Chengtai. Garrison General (deceased)
This sutra is limited to the practice of the five elements of gold, and there is a greater probability of death during the practice. It can condense thunder and protect the body when it is cultivated, and can also be attached to weapons. It has great lethality (a certain restraint against monsters).
Price: 100 barrels of heavy oil
"Flower and Bird Spinning Classics" -? ? (The author requested to hide the name)
This sutra is limited to women's practice, and can help the dead to gather black and transform pills (the relevant introduction information has been hidden).
Price: 50 barrels of heavy oil
Han Dong read a number of corpse collections, and found that this kind of corpse collections involving black stiffs generally have individual requirements, and he has some interests but is not appropriate.
Until Han Dong accidentally took out a special corpse book from the lowest end of the shelf.
Compared to other corpse collections, it is thicker, even three times the thickness of some corpse collections...At the same time, this corpse collection has no restrictions on practitioners on the introduction page.
"Floating Corpse Nei Jing"-Du Zhijing. Cabinet Master (deceased). Work
Any corpse can be cultivated, the sooner you get started, the better.
It can help the stiff to gather the black and transform the pill, and when the cultivation is completed, it can float in the air, reduce the strength and reduce the energy.
Price: 130 barrels of heavy oil.
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