Chapter 122: Return

Any resident of [Li] is enough to serve as the ultimate boss of the trainee knight's corresponding fate event.
The moment the black hair overflowed along the gap in the wall, Han Donghan was put upside down.
"You retreat first!"
Han Dong waved his hands and let the two women back.
In fact, due to instinct induction, Bella and Chen Li had already receded for the first time during the cold invasion ... Instinct almost issued a notice of death.
"It would be really uncomfortable to put out another one."
Han Dong quickly handed the red balloon to the cracked position.
Once the balloon hits the black hair on the rip, it will burst immediately and cannot repair the [exit].
Now Han Dong doesn't have any extra time for thinking.
Every second of delay, black hair spreads out.
"Her body hasn't moved completely yet ... it shouldn't be difficult to deal with."
Referring to the damage that the tentacle can do to the clown, Han Dong is going to use the tentacles ability to push the resident back to the original place ...
Uh ~
As Han Dong reached out, his black hair wrapped around his arm.
A feeling of extreme cold channeled into the body.
Immediately there was a feeling of blood being frozen, and even the probiotic fungi in the body fell into a dormant state ...
A dark blue tone appears on the entire body.
Not to mention getting rid of black hair, now Han Dong is hard to do even the most basic activities ...
crucial moment.
The vicious tangled kitchen knife was cut off, and the black hair was precisely cut at critical moments.
Even if Chen Li felt that the things in the gap were very threatening.
But when he saw that Han Dong (her master) was in danger, he ignored it and immediately posted it.
Moment of cutting black hair.
Because of his spiritual connection with the ‘master’, I know that Han Dong is in an extremely cold state.
Put away a kitchen knife,
Spread your arms,
Hold Han Dong from behind.
The soft body is affixed, and the body temperature is introduced into Han Dong's body, which dispels the coldness in his body to a certain extent.
This is also a small part of the recovery of action.
"Chen Li ... Thank you very much."
Han Dong whispered, seize the opportunity!
Before rushing the next strand of black hair around, he reached out his hand against the gap.
The tentacles can hurt the clowns, and naturally can also hurt other residents in Old Derui.
Smoke rises!
The effect is better than expected.
Zizi ~
The black hair that touched immediately turned into sewage, dripping all over the floor.
At the same time, Han Dong also moved his face down, facing the woman across the gap with "little magic eyes".
"Visual pollution."
The soaked eyes across the gap instantly spilt dirty blood.
Yeah (female screaming)
The female residents immediately retreated.
"Prevent the invasion of powerful monsters, increase the completion rate of the event by 15%"
Taking the opportunity, Han Dong quickly filled the balloon and closed the final gap completely.
At the same time, Han Dong also affixed his right hand to the wall, and a group of fungi spread out and covered the wall to further strengthen the exit.
"The" Sewer Outlet "has been repaired and rewarded with 30% completion.
The large (abnormal) branch line has been completed, please leave the [sewer area].
After leaving, the system will perform reward settlement for this branch. A
The total completion is 95%.
Once Han Dong leaves the sewer, he will get the maximum reward, especially the rare destiny points.
"Mr. Bella, shall we take the" Giant Tunnel Worm "and quickly return to the entrance? "
"Well ... I'll show the way."
Bella knew the entrance.
I just hope not to encounter the ‘man’ who was led away by the clown on the way back.
"Well ... the meat seems less active than before."
As they walked along the giant's body, the meat became cold and no longer secreted body fluids.
When I walked to the middle, I discovered that this giant worm was severed by the whole! Judging by the cut marks, it seems that the saw blade is cutting ...
The rest of the journey can only go along the underground area.
Few sewer monsters were encountered along the way, and most were killed by the clown fighting another resident.
Han Dong felt relieved as he climbed into the dark and wet passage.
Open the manhole cover.
Back to the men's bathroom in the middle school experimental building.
"Huh ... escaped! The clown was really powerful and completely led the guy off the main road."
After spending half a day in the sewer, it is now dusk.
at the same time.
Due to the return of the parasitic subject-Bella, the teacher group in Derui Town Middle School reactivated the parasites trapped in their heads, and Bella took full control.
"Classmate Bella, come with us! The parasites in the school keep them here ... Once the clown or that guy appears in school, we can get the news as soon as possible."
"it is good……"
"If feasible, let the parasitic hosts you control‘ unlimited ’multiply ... build as many parasite forces as possible.
The town of Derui is about to bring about the biggest disaster in history, and ordinary people simply cannot survive.
It ’s better to make the most of them. "
Bella thinks that Han Dong is very reasonable and immediately passed the instruction.
Suddenly, the students of the whole school received a notice and started a temporary school meeting in the gymnasium! Naturally it is the general inoculation meeting.
"Miss Chen Li, you go back to jail to rest ... this time you worked hard."
Take back Chen Li.
Han Dong sent a message through the clockwork.
Leading Bella immediately to the "disappearing street crossing" mentioned by the clown ... At the same time, Kas's group also came here with an "old camera".
Koslin has returned to its original state.
The story and the identity of Bella were explained by Han Dong in the most concise words.
"Allen you ..."
Cass was shocked for a while and didn't know how to answer.
There was a feeling that Han Dong was taken all the way, and he didn't make much contribution at all.
Establish a normal relationship with the final BOSS, with Cass's current experience, never heard.
"Wait a minute, and let me explain in detail ... what about the camera?"
Han Dong took the camera.
According to the method of the clown, aim at the intersection of the two streets to take a focused photo ...
After the exposure light flickered ~ ~ the disappearing streets appeared.
The street is lined with run-down buildings that have been abandoned for hundreds of years, and the home of [The Clown-Pennywise] is at the end of this street.
As everyone set foot in succession, a fate reminder came:
"As a member of the team and the original goal of the original destiny event [Joker-Penny Wise], a relationship of 'neutrality' and above was established.
As a result, "Unexpected" changes have been made in "The Return of the Clown (Table)".
The original [Derui Town] part of the branch line incident and its corresponding clues have expired, and the main line requirements have been completely changed.
Mainline request: Save Derui town and kill [Purgatory Monk-Torgu].
Bonus: If you get a "Destiny Card" at the time of settlement, everyone in the team will get a card. A
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