Vol 6 Chapter 1220: Mechanical stiff

The corpse country, the imperial city.
Central Ministry of Industry.
The whole is like a super giant steam machinery factory, with an average daily energy consumption accounting for more than 60% of the whole corpse kingdom, belonging to the mechanical center of the corpse kingdom, the origin of all advanced technologies.
There are only two types of stalemates who can work in the Central Ministry of Industry.
First, after screening through layers, they excel at the level of knowledge and technology and are directly recognized by the court, voluntarily accepting craftsmen controlled by the corpse gu.
Second, the brain is replaced by a mechanical body, without the rigidity of self-thinking.
He was valued on the dragon boat and sent directly to the imperial court.
In the internal test of the imperial court, he showed his unparalleled talent in mechanical technology, and was favored by Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, and he went straight to the Central Ministry of Industry.
Hundreds of days have been fully established here.
The doctor was suddenly summoned by Shang Shu and went to the most sacred area of ​​the Ministry of Engineering-Shengongtang.
"Huang Zesheng (the doctor's name in the corpse country), the report you submitted to me last time is very interesting, I have approved it.
However, I asked people to check the important materials involved in the market, and they were all in a state of being hard to find.
I suggest you go to the barracks at the bottom of the corpse country, where you should be able to buy the materials you want...As long as the cost is not too exaggerated, the Ministry of Engineering will fully fund it. "
"Thank you Master Shangshu."
"Now is the extraordinary period of the corpse country. If your work can be completed, it will be very beneficial to you personally and the entire Ministry of Engineering.
Go ahead, I heard that the trading area at the bottom of the barracks is about to hold a large-scale auction, maybe you can get what you want at once. "
"it is good."
Dr. Swelling was completely different from the appearance of having just left the floating island.
At the very beginning, the doctor who acquired the mechanical column of the spine and learned about the ‘mechanical implant technology’ chose the technological route to explore the world of the grave.
While staying in the Central Ministry of Engineering, the doctor has transformed more than 80% of his body, which is extremely rare in the entire corpse kingdom.
In the basic form, it can no longer be connected with zombies.
A black pill mixed with metallic luster has formed on the abdomen, which is described in terms of the Ministry of Engineering as-mechanical ascent.
Perspective switching.
Han Dong slept in the barracks guest house.
He brought Zhang Xiliang to the Hundred Demon Collection on time to participate in the large-scale auction held in January.
As the annual auction is still in preparation, this monthly auction is considered the highest level of merchandise sales at present, gathering extremely rare rare treasures on the market.
The population flow of Baiyaoji also reached a peak today.
These extra visitors naturally came rushing to the auction, and basically belonged to the high-ranking officials in the court. Once there is a favorite treasure, it will cost a lot of money to win it.
After all, it is more difficult for individuals to obtain the treasures given by the court.
When Han Dong stared at one after another stiff men in luxurious official uniforms and jumped to the auction venue, there was a suspicion in his heart-Is 3,000 barrels of heavy oil enough?
There are also dedicated capital inspectors at the entrances on both sides of the auction.
They will verify the property of the entrants and at least one thousand barrels of heavy oil are required to qualify for admission.
Officials with tens of thousands of dollars or above can enjoy VIP room treatment for free.
"After the verification is passed, please enter the seats according to the number on your waist card. The auction will open in 15 minutes."
Zhang Xiliang, a former land ruffian? Never thought of being able to enter such a high-end occasion? He stretched his body all the way, following Han Dong like a puppet.
He even wanted to find a reason to leave several times, after all, he felt that it was meaningless to come here.
Who knows? A palm fell lightly on his shoulder.
"Don't be nervous, if there is something suitable for you at the auction? You can also consider it."
"Don't... Mr. Han has given me enough things. The items on display here are extremely valuable? My current identity is really unbearable! It is quite satisfying to be able to come to such an occasion."
"It's only a small occasion."
For Han Dong, it is indeed a small occasion, and any scene where he once met with the old king is enough to crush this small auction.
The reason why the venue is located at the bottom of the Hundred Demon Set is that it was originally a large natural cave with a circular vault structure, which is just suitable for large gatherings.
The venue is divided into upper and lower floors.
The lower level is set up with densely packed terrace seats? It can accommodate 1,000 people.
The upper layer is ring-shaped? It is separated from each other in the form of compartments, exclusive to VIPs.
In order to ensure fair trade at the auction, these upper compartments are all made of glass, allowing you to clearly observe the dignitaries sitting in the compartments.
Han Dong looked at the meeting place leisurely? He focused on the upper compartment.
"A lot of high-ranking officials, from the perspective of clothing, seem to belong to different departments? Or they are representatives sent by different agencies to participate in the meeting.
Once treasures are offered, they will use the financial resources of the entire department.
It's uncomfortable..."
Just when Han Dong was reluctant to turn his attention back to the auction table.
Click, click~
With the sound of a crisp mechanical impact from the head, his eyes moved up again... a new VIP came into his eyes.
It's not just Han Dong's attention~EbookFREE.me~ More than 60% of the eyes on the scene were attracted.
The distinguished body of this VIP owner... to be precise, it should be called a mechanical body. Most of the dead have never seen such a high degree of coverage of the dead body.
1. The mechanical column evenly distributed on the surface of the exposed spine undulates and steam escapes.
2. Due to the mobility problem caused by the curved spine, the individual completely removed both legs and performed a mechanical implantation of the spinal nerves at the end of the spine, and now a perfect scorpion-shaped lower body has grown.
Six fully coordinated mechanical bug legs carry the body and move freely.
3. The left shoulder is loaded with heavy machinery limbs, which can be used with drills and large manipulators to handle heavy objects, or equipped with large-caliber artillery, heavy hammers, etc. for combat.
The right shoulder and the back arm area are equipped with a total of 18 small soft limbs, which are directly connected to the central nerve, which can cooperate with the main body to perform various precision operations.
4. Even the face is embedded with an extremely complex metal mask that symbolizes the highest intelligent technology of the Ministry of Industry. The skull-like eye socket corresponds to a green retina mesh that can scan and dynamically capture the environment.
"Who is this? I have never seen a zombie with such a high rate of mechanical body coverage. It's really desperate! I'm afraid the mechanical ascent has already been achieved, right?"
"Nonsense, such a coverage rate must be a mechanical soarer, and must be a core member of the Central Ministry of Industry... It may even be related to divine work."
"This is troublesome. The Central Ministry of Industry must buy everything related to machinery, and even everything that can be used as an energy source."
There was a lot of discussion about this new guest at the auction.
Even Zhang Xiliang was dumbfounded, and had never seen such a precise and stiff person.
Only Han Dong turned his vision back to the auction table after taking a look, quietly waiting for the start of the auction.
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