Vol 6 Chapter 1233: Rumors of Luna Mountain

"Is this Moon God Mountain?"
When everyone climbed up a barren and convex hill.
Based on the current height of the terrain, one can see the Moon God Mountain, which stands among the mountains but is completely different from other mountains.
It's not just the difference in size.
The overall tone is also different from the surrounding mountains, mainly dark gray and white.
The dark gray comes from the rocks of Luna Mountain.
Moreover, the rock block has a strong ‘geometry’, which looks like huge peaks assembled by blocks of super-large polyhedral rocks.
White comes from a kind of vegetation that belongs to Luna Mountain alone. In other words, all vegetation that grows on Luna Mountain will appear white.
The existence of white plants does not look like a snow scene.
Instead, it makes Moon God Mountain more like a work of art, like painting white paint on the surface of a work of art.
The huge, towering sky meets the sun and the moon.
From a distance, it does make people feel a sense of awe.
Looking down, he soon discovered the Moonlight City built on the hillside.
A demon city with the same hue as Moon God Mountain.
The exterior wall made of dark gray stones, and white buildings all over it... If you want to look closely, you will be blocked by a kind of fog, and it must be a barrier set in the city.
"Mr. Han, can you fly directly into the mountain?
There is also Director Huang of the Ministry of Engineering here, and I must be able to make temporary aircraft on site. If I can go directly to the mountain, it should save a lot of time. "
It seems that this question asked by Feng Kui is rather stupid, but it is actually possible.
Han Dongzheng looked towards the Moon God Mountain through the farsighted effect of the magic eye, separating some thoughts and briefly explaining:
"Flying is a common thing for monsters, just like the bat monsters we have encountered before.
They will inevitably take into account that some individuals may approach the Moon God Mountain by flying...There is no need to take risks. If we are discovered, we want to enter the city again, it will be much more difficult.
Moreover, we originally needed to go to Yuexia City to explore the wind.
It may be more effective than flying directly up the mountain to get the information of Luna Mountain from the mouth of the monster in advance. "
Feng Kui nodded, feeling that Han Dong made a lot of sense, and continued to ask:
"So, how do we deal with the "level problem"? Several of us corresponded to the demon clan, but they belonged to the real big demon... You know, the big demon is very rare in the demon domain.
They have never seen us, will they arouse suspicion? "
Han Dong did not treat this as a problem at all:
"What does it matter?
The demon territory is vast, this is just one of the demon city.
In this kind of demon realm where there is no centralized rule and full of freedom, unfamiliarity is normal.
There are big monsters who like to live with a large community, some big monsters who like to control a small force alone, and some unfettered big monsters similar to ‘Ranxiu’. "
"Indeed, the Demon Domain is not a corpse country, and not every black zombie will strictly register."
"Of course, we shouldn't be too prominent, it is better to keep a low profile.
Let's go... into the city. "
Outside the city under the moon.
Five monsters with huge differences in physique walked out of the forest.
Since more than 80% of the body is covered in the cloak, some features can be distinguished only through exposed hands and feet.
The two bear monsters in charge of guarding the city gate immediately cheered up when they smelled a breath similar to the big monster.
However, they didn't have much fear, on the contrary they were more happy... It seemed that Yuexia City could grow stronger again.
(The way of communication between monsters still uses human language, which may be related to the original corpse energy that triggered the origin of the monster.)
"Yuexia City has clear rules.
Five people who want to enter the city need to express their intentions and drink this bowl of "Moon God Soup." "
After speaking, a little demon with more than a dozen arms came to the gate with five bowls of soup.
Han Dong asked softly, "What does this soup mean?"
"Moon God Soup" is actually the snow water flowing down from the Moon God Mountain. It has no effect on our body... The rules cannot be changed, and you can enter the city if you drink it. If you don’t drink it, you will be disrespectful to the Moon God. 's arrival "
Han Dong received a bowl of so-called "Moon God Soup", which has been reviewed by the magic eye.
Perceived a trace of'magic power' in the soup, but it is harmless to the individual... it seems to serve as a marker.
Since it is the rules of entering the city, there is no way.
Han Dong picked up the soup bowl and drank it, and his teammates drank one after another.
There is indeed no discomfort, but a feeling of cooling and thirst quenching... However, a moon mark is printed on all the human body surfaces, which cannot be removed.
"We came from afar and heard that there is a strange water in Moon God Mountain that can repair any injuries."
When Han Dong asked these words, the two bear monsters guarding the city gate looked at each other.
"You really came here without hearing anything?"
"Yes, we probably have traveled more than a thousand miles... I don't know much about Moon God Mountain~EbookFREE.me~ no wonder we ask such questions.
The ‘exotic water’ in your mouth is the peculiar thing of Luna Mountain, but it is only one of them.
All kinds of monster races gather at the foot of the Moon God Mountain, not only for their awe of the mountain, but also for the strange things hidden in the mountain... In addition to the moon water in your mouth, there are also priceless Moon God jade and forgeable weapons. Of high purity moonstone.
Some monsters even made a breakthrough by climbing a mountain.
But these strange things exist in high places.
There are a large number of monsters climbing mountains every day, but the success is rare...
Even the big demon may not be able to reach high places. "
Han Dong became interested as soon as he heard it, "That said, climbing is unlimited. Can any demon climb at any time?"
"Yes... However, I advise you to make relevant preparations in Yuexia City.
Although you are all big monsters, climbing Luna Mountain is a hundred times more difficult than you think... accidentally, you will even lose your life. "
When Han Dong heard this, he took out a few valuable jade from his pocket, which came from the property he had obtained when he killed the monster.
"One more question from you.
Does the Moon God really exist on Luna Mountain? "
The bear demon stared at the valuable jade in Han Dong's hand and continued:
"There is no clear information, just a rumor.
It is said that there is an existence above the big demon living alone on the top of the Moon God Mountain, accompanied by the sun and the moon.
However, it is very difficult just to go to the heights. Since the establishment of Moon Down City, no demon has ever truly reached the summit. "
"Is there still only rumors? Thanks a lot."
Han Dong passed the jade over, and formally entered the city under the respectful watch of the other party.
"Be prepared and go up the mountain immediately."
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