Vol 6 Chapter 1248: near

"That's why I am reluctant to come below.
That is to say, the secret department has some work sampling needs, and other secret officers come here to carry out related work.
It is cruel indeed.
However, this is also the only way. "
Shilang Yan did not want to continue to stare at such a bad scene in front of him, turned his body to the back and said his own opinions.
Han Dong was silent, looking directly at everything below.
He didn't even blink his eyes once.
While the brain is receiving visual information, it is still running at high speed... Try the current "simulation area" of the brain to try to break the chain.
So the intracranial simulation lasted a full half an hour.
Shilang Yan began to wonder if Han Dong was abnormal and could be immersed in such a scene.
Taking into account the question of Shang Yu, Shi Lang Yan still asked in a more respectful tone:
"Mr. Han, what are you going to do here? Do you need to sample or inspect the work?"
When Han Dong completed a simulation in his head, he slowly responded:
"I'm here to pull out the chains."
"Huh? What did you say?"
Yan Bowen thought he had heard it wrong.
In his understanding, the words "pulling out the chains" are undoubtedly related to suicide, and even suicide is easier.
The backlash from chains is a regular backlash that no stiff in the current world can resist.
Perhaps relying on the mythological strength of the grave lord, can compete with the rules... But because the grave lord is responsible for more important anger production, he has been restricted to the depths of the palace, and there is no way to intervene in the following things.
Han Dong explained patiently: ""Let the corpse country get rid of the restriction of chains" is the commission I received from the grave master.
Shilang Yan, take me to meet the managers here. I plan to try to touch the cross that holds all the chains. "
"Is there any way you can pull out the chain directly?"
The question that Shi Lang asked, seemed ridiculous to him.
But he also knew one thing. Since the emperor made a decision and gave "Shangyu" to facilitate Han Dong's various actions, he must be in the trust of Han Dong and determined that he might pull the chain.
But Shi Lang couldn't guess what to do.
The chain problem is far more important than the corpse gu, and it is related to the root of the corpse kingdom.
Regarding the issue of chains, all departments of the imperial court will begin to deal with it. Among them, the Ministry of Rites responsible for the ‘floating island work’ has the largest contribution.
The chain problem has plagued the corpse country for hundreds of years, and countless corpses have given their lives in this matter.
Even so, the overall consumption of the chain reached 82%.
Moreover, the "consumption ratio" of near-end time has dropped significantly.
Even if the Ministry of Etiquette applies to distribute basic corpse collections to the residents of floating islands, provide mechanical technology, and even directly donate corpse oil, in order to increase the output rate of "lock labor".
But even if there are more locks than before, the consumption speed of the chains has not increased but decreased.
The activation of the corpse demon plan just barely kept up with the previous speed... once the corpse demon died, the speed would be reduced again.
If no solution can be found, the ascension of the corpse kingdom will be delayed for decades than the estimated time. I wonder if the grave lord can sustain it...
Han Dong stared at the cross and the chain, and responded softly: "Is there any way I can touch it to know."
"Okay, I'll take you there!"
Shi Lang Yan did not dare to neglect.
If Han Dong can really increase the speed of consuming the chains by some means, he will become the biggest hero of the corpse kingdom.
Under the leadership of Shi Lang Yan, he came to an underground building with a plaque of the Ministry of Religion.
A large number of zombies dressed in civilian clothes sit tightly inside, and each corpse of the courtesy department is equipped with a typewriter connected to the outside, which performs statistics of various information, regulates and supervises all conditions in the chain area.
At the same time, an official with six eyes, the minister of face, saw the arrival of the ‘guest’ and stepped forward to greet him.
"Sergeant Yan, what brought you here?
Could it be possible that the secret ministry came up with a new plan that would help our work?
Or do you plan to bring some ‘locked corpses’ back for research? "
"Servant Chang, say inside."
In the compartment.
Following Han Dong buckled Shang Yu on the table and made his request.
The minister of courtesy who is in charge of underground fortifications has a dull face.
He takes over all the work here, and no one knows better than him how difficult it is to consume the chains... Now there is a dead man who stands up and says that he can pull out the chains alone.
Even with the Shangyu bestowed by the emperor, it is hard not to doubt it.
"After hundreds of years of hard work, the chain extraction has reached the final stage.
This matter is related to the fall of the kingdom. I hope this Mr. Han will not act too recklessly... In case your actions lead to reverse reinforcement of the chain, it means wasting the lives of tens of thousands of lock workers, which means we count Ten years of hard work was in vain. "
"If you don't feel relieved, you can go with me."
Shi Lang Chang nodded, "Okay...I will go with you, Shi Lang Yan will go with you."
The purpose of calling Yan Bowen was that once Han Dong had any changes, the two would better suppress it.
"...Alright! But let me declare first that I must at least make sure that I am at least 20 meters away from the chain or the cross."
Yan Bowen is not counseling, but once the chain is touched, even he can't get rid of it... Even if only a small chain grows on the body, endless pain will accompany death until death
that's it. UU reading www. uukanshu.com
Accompanied by the two servants, Han Dong approached the cross.
Along the road will pass by many lockers...
However, these lockers did not respond, their eyes were dizzy, they were just doing the pulling work silently.
A kind of yellow talisman was pasted on Locker's forehead, which was a kind of control talisman paper with alchemist characteristics.
At the same time, silver needles are pierced at the important acupoints of their bodies to suppress the pain and stimulate the physical potential, and strive to consume more regulatory power.
Such control is necessary.
No stalemate can take on this task without interference from external forces.
In addition.
As we approach the cross, the pressure on the dead is increasing.
The cross is obviously a holy light expression deliberately constructed by the rules of the world to suppress zombies.
The light radiating from the surface of the cross can suppress and burn the flesh of the stiff person, and it needs to cooperate with the corpse to resist moving forward.
Shilang Yan took out a spare ‘sweat towel’ to wipe off the ‘sweat’ that was constantly flowing out of his body when he was walking...actually, he was squeezed out of body oil by the stimulation of the cross.
When the distance is only 50 meters, you can even hear the sound of oil dripping.
"The closer you get, the greater the pressure.
The two magistrates are waiting here, I'll go and see and I'll return... Don't worry, I won't mess around. "
Compared to the two servants whose bodies were constantly spilling body oil, Han Dong had nothing to do.
As early as when he felt the pressure of the cross, he spread his tentacles all over his body, resisting this pressure head-on.
There is no hesitation.
As soon as he approached the cross, Han Dong gently pressed his palms...
When the two servants were worried, Han Dong smiled and made a gesture of ‘OK’ with his free left hand.
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