Vol 6 Chapter 1272: Road and Gate

【Broken Seed】
It can be said to be the first big goal of any trainee knight.
At the moment when the seed is broken, when the sapling breaks through the seed shell and grows out, a self-contained "space of consciousness" will also be formed.
The [talent tree], which is extremely important to individuals, even ten times more important than life, is planted here.
This is an important setting introduced by the destiny system for every participant of destiny.
This setting of preserving the talent tree is more secure than the god-level system of thousands of worlds.
Take [Graveyard World] for comparison.
We can think of the human body as a combination of "body → soul → consciousness", similar to a doll.
The destiny will be related to the individual level and the root of the ability of the [talent tree] by seeding in advance, inoculating it into the brain, and then cooperating with the consciousness between the brains to form a unique space, allowing the tree to hide in the deepest consciousness.
The ‘talent tree’ corresponds to the zombie in the tomb, which is the dantian (the interior of the dantian is gaseous before the door is opened, and the condensate becomes solid after the door is opened).
The pubic region is located in the outermost body. Once damaged, the individual will die instantly.
If you encounter a person with a bad heart to completely refine and absorb the inner alchemy, the ending is more than the abolition of martial arts in the martial arts film. At the same time as the individual dies, the soul will be branded with a mark. Can no longer embark on the road of cultivation.
It can be seen that the talent tree is safer, and the "destiny system" designed by the black tower is more complete than the general world's upgrade system.
Only those attacks that destroy and invade consciousness can affect and destroy the talent tree.
It just so happens that Han Dong’s brain is the most powerful of all parts of the body. At the same time, he recruited a "tree-watching dog" during the break-in period. The earl’s consciousness body staying in it can also greatly ensure the safety of the talent tree. .
Basically, Han Dong doesn't need to care about the threat of invasion of the talent tree.
With the allocation of "talent points".
The individual talent tree is also slowly growing, and the consciousness space is gradually enlarged.
When the talent distribution reaches five points, even if the talent tree completes its final growth, a secret path will also be formed in the consciousness space, a path that can guide individuals to the [Gate of Truth].
The body stays in the hotel on the other side and is personally looked after by the executives.
Consciousness goes to the consciousness space created based on the talent tree.
With the full allocation of talent points, the space here has expanded to the size of an ordinary orchard.
The smiley tree is located on a small hill in the middle, which is also the highest point of the consciousness space.
The blood-red fruits on the tree just form a smiling face, and the tentacled branches will change in real time according to Han Dong's position to ensure that the "smiling face" always exists.
From a distance, it looks like a special red apple tree with a dog still tied to it.
When approaching the tree, a noble and exaggerated British accent came from under the tree:
"Are you going to open the door? Nicholas."
"Hmm...I should be able to reach a deeper level with the excellent status given by the executives to open the door, and there is nothing to prepare for now, let's do it."
"I've checked the talent tree, this earl should not be able to go with you, don't fail your kid."
"There is no failure... If I really fail, I will also lose the meaning of survival. At that time, I will also give you this body."
The earl was a little surprised at this sentence.
If placed before, he will quickly engage in a blood ceremony to pray for failure.
But now, the earl's mood has long been different.
"Bah! I want to throw the failed things to the earl to deal with it, disgusting... hurry up to a deeper level, so that I will be more interested in your body, and it is best to reach the perverted [original] level in one fell swoop .
I believe you should be able to achieve this with your talent, and remember to make me feel good. "
"Let you auspicious words."
Han Dong's palm slowly fell on the surface of the tree trunk.
You can clearly feel the nodes opened by the five items, layer by layer to fully mature the talent tree... and at the top of the trunk, you can feel a special energy in the convergence area of ​​all the veins.
When Han Dong slowly focused on that point.
A long time, like a voice from the depths of the brain, echoed in my ears:
"The talent tree-the smiling face has matured, and the road construction has been completed. Are you on the road to the [Gate of Truth]? 』
"Yes. 』
Without any hesitation.
With Han Dong's answer, five marks slowly surfaced from the bottom of the trunk.
The talents corresponding to the imprint pattern are as follows:
[Imprint-Black Bookshelf]-≮Dark Learning≯
【Imprint-Tentacle Skewers】-≮Tentato Lovers≯
[Imprint-Smiley Man]-≮Lonely Performer≯
[Imprint-Grinning Books]-≮Crazy Learning≯
[Imprint-faceless appearance]-≮by God-facelessness≯
The imprint is like a door lock on a tree trunk.
When gradually unraveling, Han Dong opened a narrow crack leading into the talent tree.
Except for Han Dong, the main consciousness, everything will be excluded.
"Go, open the door!"
Leaning sideways against the gap, the body completely enters it.
In a blink of an eye, Han Dong's consciousness fell on the "starting end" of a road...just like the path where the zombie opened the door. However, Han Dong has completely forgotten about the dead man opening the door as required by the executives.
There are no zombies or mummies, no circus or playground facilities.
[Road]: It is made up of pieces of gray tiles floating, each tile has a different skew angle, narrow, high and low, and there are gaps between each piece. If you don't pay attention to it, you may fall down.
[Both sides]: Pieces of broken mirrors are pieced together, and real-time images are shown on each broken mirror, reflecting the scene in a certain world.
These broken mirrors spread on both sides of the road, tens of millions...symbolize the thousands of worlds connected by fate, and Han Dong, as a "fate traveler", borrows the convenience of the fate system to walk in Maximum growth between different worlds.
"Unexpectedly, the road to the gate of truth would be like this."
Except for the inconvenience caused by the ups and downs of the tiles, the road is unimpeded.
Due to the instability of space and time in the current region, Han Dong didn't know how long he had walked. He only felt that when his thinking was a little tired, the [gate of truth] he was looking for finally appeared in front of him.
"Is this my door?"
The scale of the door of truth in front of me was five times larger than the [Coffin Door] when the tomb was opened.
I am afraid that it has a height of 100 meters, and the visual sense it brings to people is extremely shocking.
[Door frame]: It is made up of countless skulls. In addition to human skulls, there are many unrecognizable strange skulls. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com
Each skull is connected by the tentacles that grow from the eye sockets. The tentacles here serve as a kind of screw for the stabilization effect, and this is how it can hold such a huge door.
[Door Door]: It has the commonality of the door of truth, and is printed with a The-Tree-of-Life (Tree of Life).
At the same time, it also uses a way similar to graffiti, painted with a huge scarlet smile, across the entire tree of life, like a contempt and mockery of the truth of life.
In addition to the gate of truth, there is also an existence that Han Dong has never heard of or seen.
A humanoid white being wrapped in a black circle looks like an unfinished portrait painting.
It is sitting at the gate of truth, waiting for Han Dong's arrival.
He also held a very weird [card] in his hand.
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