Vol 6 Chapter 1286: Attend

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The eastern urban area is not only planned as a pollution-free area.
At the same time, the urban area will not be limited to some rules of the City of London, for example, the light source can be used freely here.
The expeditionary army officially entered the city.
When crossing the water film and entering this urban area where there is no pollution.
All the knights felt a sense of relief, some were still cheering on the spot, and even some of the knights who had hallucinations grew mentally at this instant to offset the little pollution remaining in their bodies.
Being exposed to Eternal Night for two whole years, every knight was under considerable psychological pressure.
Since the urban area has enough vacancies to accommodate 10,000 people, the allocation of accommodation for each knight can be easily completed.
[Words of the crow] The members of the team are assigned to a room in an apartment-style building.
Mia was assigned to a very nice room and was bouncing on the soft bed.
Abel is checking the water quality problem in the bathroom of the master bedroom, preparing to wash away the dust and the negative emotions accumulated in his heart.
When staring at the normal source of water flowing from the pipe, a smile from the heart will appear. Such a pollution-free rest area is too important for everyone.
Half an hour later, Abel wrapped in a bath towel walked out of the bathroom and looked at another young man by the window sill.
"The water quality is completely okay. It is equipped with a steam system. I haven't felt this kind of hot bath for a long time... Demps, hurry up and take a bath. It's a rare opportunity to have such a rest along the way."
Demps didn't care at all, there was no pressure or fatigue for him to come along this way.
What currently interests him more is this pollution-free area established in advance.
"Abel, don't you think the atmosphere here is a bit familiar?"
This sentence made Abel's ears stand up suddenly, "What did you say familiar?"
"Dead air, water, and the supporting steam machinery you just mentioned... The Knights have not yet arrived in the City of London, so everything is ready here. Even if the strange demons are willing to accept us, it's just neutral.
Moreover, the invitation we received was from the old king in the distant starry sky, not from the king directly under the city of London.
This kind of treatment is a bit too good... It's possible that an acquaintance arranged all this for the Knights in advance. "
"Could it be Nicholas!
After completing the "Prometheus" incident, he was forced to stay in Toad...Did he come to the City of London early on the recommendation of Toad Zu?
However, Nicholas was just an ordinary knight.
If you want to carry out rectification of this scale in the 14 districts of the City of London, you must obtain a lot of authority in the City of London, right? "
"The group leaders will have a meeting later, and whoever helps secretly will know it. Maybe it's really a friendly reception from the strangers.
correct! Abel, you still have to prepare a little. Now that we have successfully moved into the City of London, we should go to Destiny Space in the four months of free time.
If it was Nicholas, we might not be able to keep up with him. "
With that, Abel, who was planning to get a good sleep, did sit-ups directly on the bed.
Demps continued to lean against the window, sniffing the corpse oil scent in the air, and staring at the rising black air in the city separated by the wall.
"Nicholas, it seems that your experience during this time is very fulfilling. 』
Central block
Large-scale demolition was carried out in advance, and a large number of original buildings were razed to the ground, just in time for the marching fortress of the expeditionary army to be put down.
Including: [Endless Energy], [Devil’s Castle], [Scarlet Hospital], [Mobile Sanctuary] and other supporting small fortresses.
This situation also confuses the heads.
It deepens the curiosity of the heads of the ‘bishop’.
What kind of strange demon is it that would actually consider the state of the expeditionary army in this way?
"The meeting will be held in one hour. Who are the responsible persons who need to attend the meeting?
We need to register in advance and conduct security checks before the meeting. We are not allowed to carry any weapons and dangerous props.
After all, the mother-in-law will also participate in the conference, and we must eliminate the risks."
"The four of us are participating."
The Knights have discussed the results.
Four heads of the Great Demon (Doom), Ma Long (Hell), Xia (Scarlet) and Olivia (Holy Order) attended the meeting.
The first combat force-Reaper stays here to ensure safety.
At the same time, the head of Jeros (Sorcerer God) also stayed here, and the Knights of Sorcerer God group built a perfect embedded enchantment on the basis of the water layer enchantment to further ensure the safety of the rest area.
"Before attending the conference, please converge on your "fields." If your mother is upset, the progress of the conference will be difficult to advance. "
First go to the church headquarters corresponding to Big Ben.
The four heads of the regiment have been inspected more than twice inside and outside, and the weapons of fate have been stored in the place of residence in advance.
Everything is correct.
Under the leadership of the chief priest, proceed to the black meeting room on the top floor of the Palace of Westminster.
According to the secret provisions of the City of London, only when the envoy of the mythological entity visits, the talks will be held here... The heads of the group can be summoned by their mothers and hold meetings here, which is enough to explain the importance of the mothers to humans.
Or, someone above asked her to do so.
【Extremely Black】
The moment when the chief priest pushed the door of the meeting room.
Darkness gushes out like a fluid, erasing all light sources and temporarily depriving the group leaders of their vision.
This kind of darkness comes from the realm of the mother-in-law, which belongs to a unique way of welcoming guests... The heads of the group did not reject the slightest, and adjusted their perception to the maximum, and stepped into the meeting room at the same time.
"Are there three participants in London? 』
Similar to the radar's perception, the detailed situation of the meeting room is immediately obtained.
The host directly opposite the round table of the conference is the source of all darkness, the holder of the London City Title Deed-[Night Mother].
In addition, sitting on both sides of the mother is her right hand arm.
One was mentioned by the chief priest, Father Lysos, the founder of Bishop Black Moon.
The darkness radiated by the priest is completely different from the mother in nature.
"What a strong mythological body, it must be stronger than the mythical bug in Minano...Is this Father Lyxos?
The chief priest only mentioned that mothers and priests will attend the meeting. Is this the third [bishop] who is responsible for building a pollution-free area? 』
When the big demon leader wanted to detect his identity through perception, he was immediately swallowed by darkness.
The mysterious bishop also wore a tighter cloak, UU reading www.uukanshu.com could not determine his identity.
As the group leaders took their seats one after another.
The voice from my mother overflowed from the darkness, as if whispering in the ears of each head.
"Welcome all delegation leaders to my city.
Our Lord has always held a neutral or even more optimistic attitude towards humans.
Therefore, as his most loyal servant, I will treat you in the same manner.
The content of this conference is mainly about [London Game], which will come in four months, and you will also be the main participants in this game.
The details and related arrangements will be explained by the bishop.
In addition, the bishop will also be responsible for the affairs of your Knights in the City of London in the future. "
In this way, the focus of the meeting was on the mysterious bishop on the right side of the mother.
Under the cloak, there was a burst of standard British English: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh a long time since I have seen you, I will explain the details of the London game this time. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
"This voice!"
Ma Long and Xia immediately heard the familiarity.
The mysterious bishop no longer concealed it, uncovering his hood and revealing a thinner youth face.
Ma Long directly blasted the chair made of high-purity black crystal.
Xia was also overwhelmed by surprise, blood overflowing from the seven holes,
The white gauze worn by Olivia on her face also slowly slipped off, and the thoughts in her head immediately connected to the relevant situation in Dongcheng District. All the related doubts were solved, but there was more confusion.
Her own prejudices towards Han Dong are also undergoing earth-shaking changes.
The leader of the Great Demon was motionless, watching the ‘ordinary knight’ who appeared on these occasions as the bishop.
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