Vol 6 Chapter 1305: Last member

Walking with Kitt, Han Dong really understands what it means to be disgusted.
Even with the title of [Ninth Primal Quality] that is enough to be admired by thousands of people on his head, in the eyes of other strange demons, there is always more or less disgust.
But Kit didn't care about such disgust.
Even if there are some strange monsters with a London background, Kit will not lose his temper at all when he is disrespectful.
Either I am used to it, or I feel troublesome and don't want to respond.
The whole process just buried his head and honestly followed Han Dong, whispering to himself that he didn't know what he was saying.
[Disgust] It should come from one's nature, no matter what kind of strange monster sees Kitt, it will show disgust.
If Kit was brought into the manor in this way, it would not only reduce the overall mood, but also affect the related work of the laboratory.
You must find another safe place to'keep up' Kitt.
As Miss Sally said, Kit is not annoying, but his own characteristics are rejected by all the monsters, and his body is like an unstable bomb. If it is not used well, it may affect himself.
If it can be used well, it will be a terrifying hole card.
Thinking of this, Han Dong said:
"Kit, I will take you to see your mother first and discuss the issue of [Effective Move in]... At that time, let your mother arrange a suitable place for you."
However, Han Dong did not get a response for a long time.
Turning to see, Kitt, who had been behind him, was gone.
"Huh? When did you run?"
【Open eyes】
The magic eye can clearly see the remaining footprints on the ground, extending to a closed tailor shop on the side of the road.
Han Dong sneaked into it and found a secret door with a seal pattern hidden in the deepest part of the shop. The pattern Han Dong had never seen before, and he did not belong to any organization registered in the City of London.
"Hidden organization?"
Using void means to pass directly to the other end of the secret door, Han Dong was shocked by the picture in front of him.
Here gathered a group of "missing jaws" pagans, are holding a sacrifice ceremony.
However, the current sacrifice has been replaced with [Kit]
Even if these heretics look disgusted, but for some reason they must complete this sacrifice.
The weird seal quickly engraved Kit's body,
Light candles to form a six-pointed star array,
A black dagger containing hundreds of souls, held in the hands of a certain leader, directly pierced into Kit's skull to officially launch the ceremony.
The fire rose, and the soul howled.
At the end of the bizarre scene display, the believers were surprised.
The sacrificial offerings that should have been sent to another world in ashes were lying on the altar intact.
At the same time, Kit slowly opened his eyes, his face speechless.
"this one?"
The believers ran away like monsters.
Kit didn't mean to kill them... just felt quite disappointed.
However, because the sacrificial ritual touched Kit's ‘core’.
An energy feedback from Kitt’s body immediately converged into a powerful backlash to act on the teachers who had just been involved in the ceremony
These pagans, who had not yet run three steps, began to bubble and liquefy all over their bodies, and any struggle was of no avail.
In just three seconds, only a pool of foul-smelling mucus and half of the skull clasped on it were left.
"what are you doing?"
Han Dong slowly emerged from the shadows and asked with surprise on his face.
"I... I was thinking about a suicide plan. I accidentally sensed a secret ritual and wanted to try it. It turned out to be really disappointing. Hey, these guys die like this because they touch my soul, will they? Very troublesome?"
"No, they violate the laws of the City of London and have nothing to do with you.
If you really want to commit suicide, you can wait until the [London Game], when there will be strong people from other planes coming, and their methods may be able to kill you.
If you are not dead, and you think about suicide after the game is over, I will do it myself.
Until then, don't think about suicide... at least you don't run around. "
"Oh, got it."
The dark mother, who has never been very concerned, also became serious when she received Kitt's letter.
Send the content of the letter through various channels in hand to estimate the pros and cons of the letter proposal.
In the end, the ‘sewer plan’ mentioned in the letter was approved.
The request put forward in the letter is to ask the mother to temporarily surrender the [sewer] out of the City of London. The evil objects from the ground will infiltrate and occupy the entire sewer system and move into the City of London.
The check-in time must be changed by the parent.
You must wait until the first plane portal opens before Kit's forces can enter.
At last.
[Kit Lanier] was placed in a closed secret room ‘tailored’ by his mother.
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The secret room will provide Kit with all the services, but he will be restricted from staying in the secret room for 24 hours, unless he is accompanied by Han Dong or the dark mythical body.
Only Han Dong and his mother knew the location of the secret room.
Kitt agrees with the point of ‘imprison’.
He also believes that staying in a closed room and keeping the door behind can minimize the trouble.
"Kit, if you are bored and want to find someone to talk to, or if you need to go out, you can contact me through this crow."
"Oh~" Kitt, who took the dead crow, simply responded, squatting in the corner as if thinking about his next suicide plan.
Staring at Kitt who was waiting for death, Han Dong closed the door with his backhand and locked it.
"Huh~ I didn't expect such an alien in the alien demon.
His mental state can't be repaired with a simple two-sentence therapy, he can use it or try not to use it.
In this way, only [Green] was left, and there was only one month left. "
If a high-dimensional coordinate system is used to characterize the [Different Demon World], the coordinate point of the earth is just the nearest to the black tower.
This is why the "Destiny Portal" mainly appears on the earth.
However, the earth is not the center of the world.
Far away from the Milky Way galaxy, in the center of countless galaxies, looking for the only boundary of confusion, it continues to deepen and move toward the center of true chaos.
If those who go deep have the equivalent of a thousand fully open human brains, coupled with normal parameter adjustments, they will see a terrifying celestial body full of abyss in the center of this infinite chaotic universe.
It is the center of the origin of the universe,
Which is the entrance to the abyss of chaos,
It is also the ultimate throne,
If the person who enters grasps the clues of the ancient universe or the enlightenment in the void, he can infer the correct entrance to the abyss, continue to advance against the endless madness, and arrive at a palace in the deepest part of the abyss.
The weird melody that transcends the senses reverberates here.
A young man covered with small holes, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is slowly stepping out of the private bath of the palace, showing an excellent state of spirit and both.
"In this way, it is only necessary to fill the last piece of [mythical puzzle] through this battle.
Don't let me down, invaders...haha!
Butler, trouble open the ultimate door for me, I need to see my father. "
The music pauses.
In exchange for a strange sound that overrides all tunes.
"The Great Lord has gone to the [Meeting]. If you are in a hurry, Young Lord, let me pass it on from generation to generation."
"Father is even more anxious than me. It's really rare... It seems that this London game will be much more interesting than last time. I look forward to it!
There is no need to send letters. Since my father has left, there is no need to talk to him in detail.
I am also going to leave here, to meet my good friend in advance. "
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