Vol 6 Chapter 1311: Aslan's plan

"The breath from this stele is very similar to the stele at the bottom of the abyss, but not the same.
The stone stele at the bottom of the abyss actually corresponds to different individuals who open the door. To some extent, they belong to ‘personal possession’ and cannot be moved to the outside world.
And the stone stele appearing here is more like a reproduction.
The degree of reproduction is almost 100%...This stone tablet should be the ultimate reward for the original game.
The ten victorious monsters will have their names carved on the surface of the stele, and will be awarded the [original title].
Each original title has a corresponding meaning, and even ‘specialize’ some of their abilities or enhance the quality of their field in all aspects. "
Han Dong turned his gaze back from the stone monument to the conference table.
As a temporary replacement, he will also take the seat that belongs to Green.
This is a seat full of chaotic tentacles, a strange shape and full of holes.
It's not just Han Dong, most of the original seats are not very comfortable.
Only the two women have comfortable seats. Sally corresponds to a chair covered with black wool, with goat skulls at the ends of the armrests.
Helen corresponds to a chair made of plant rattan. Although there are skulls in series, it does not bring any discomfort to sitting.
"Now that everyone has arrived, let's start this meeting."
As the [talker] Aslan has readjusted his emotions. Since Han Dong has attended the meeting according to the rules, he has nothing to say.
What he will talk about next is the most important thing.
Each participant received a manuscript with ancient words symbolizing [London Game] printed on it.
"As everyone knows.
[London Games] will be divided into internal and external games.
We will act as participants in the infield against the invaders who are about to emerge from the "gate of destiny".
The outfield will make individual or group bets based on the infield situation.
The title deed is the bargaining chip,
Our performance will affect the entire gambling game... If we as an individual or a participating group can win benefits for the old kings in the outfield, we will also get a certain share.
I won't say more about this, everyone should have experienced it deeply in the original game.
However, there is one thing I have to remind.
The gamblers in the outfield this time are the top players including [Supreme Chaos], more than 90% of them, the scale is larger than any event we have experienced in the past, and the requirements for the game are also very demanding.
Our original nature not only symbolizes the ‘individual’, but also corresponds to the respective ‘group’.
If the performance of the game in London appears to be [double poor].
The original title will be forcibly deprived.
The respective groups, even the races behind them that support everyone, and even the old king may be seriously affected by the ‘Lian Sit’.
Therefore, I hope everyone can have a positive performance in the game. "
This word came out.
Primitive Hope and Eagan Kitt both have obvious eye changes.
Hope was due to background issues,
He himself wants to use large-scale events to fight for more benefits and preferential treatment for his race.
Kitt is a personal problem,
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Mainly suicide, he is very negative, he doesn't have much interest in the game... But when he hears that it may affect the old king behind it, it is different.
"It actually involves the father. If he is eaten by his father because of his poor performance, everything will become extremely troublesome.
At that time, it will never be possible to commit suicide, and will always live in trouble..."
Kitty clutched his head and muttered to himself, his condition was a bit wrong, several tentacles burrowed out from between the skin capsules, and even his lower body was rapidly swollen.
It's okay, Kit... I will do my best to help, your performance will definitely be above the baseline.
Han Dong's voice is mixed with the intrusiveness of a crazy laugh, reaching Kitt's brain, and using psychological counseling to relieve his unstable emotions... Otherwise, it may be necessary to join hands with the original substance to suppress the material level.
Seeing Kit's condition stabilized, Aslan continued:
"In addition, please open the information in your hands.
It is also the most different point of this game because of the application from the void and the joint letters of multiple old kings.
This game will allow [human forces] to intervene, and they will also be included in the gambling category, and work with us against outsiders.
However, in the "outfield" category, humans will be opposed to us...The old king can also bet on them, and even group humans alone.
I shouldn't need to say more about the competitiveness here.
According to my observations over the past few months, the re-evolved [human beings] have already possessed sufficiently powerful combat power and heritage through the destiny system. During their period, there existed at least four or even five myth-strength existences.
According to reliable information.
If [Humans] perform better than [Alien Demons] during the game, their existence will be re-recognized, they will be granted a king-level title deed to protect their city, and they will even occupy the "throne". "
Speaking of which.
Because of Han Dong's recommendation, Hope, who has been in the expeditionary army to learn from humans all this time, suddenly spoke:
"There are a lot of powerful people hidden in human beings...The strength is terrible! However, their character is quite good."
Aslan showed a smile and hurriedly asked: "Oh? Hope, you seem to know some internal information. Can you tell me more about it?"
"There is a knight named [Charlie] among humans. He looks relatively young, probably in his thirties... Out of the 13 times I have played against me, he has beaten me six times, and he has also tied three times.
But he is not the strongest.
There seems to be some leader above him... it should be the [mythical body] that Aslan you said. "
"Then have you seen the so-called ‘leader’?"
"I haven't seen it, the leader seems to be rarely seen, I just have more contact with Knight Charlie, and I don't know much about the rest..."
Aslan slowly turned his attention to Han Dong:
"Come to think of it, Hope should be your recommendation for friendly discussions with humans? Mr. Nicholas, can you talk about human intelligence?"
"A total of five heads, the level of strength can indeed be divided into the mythical body.
It is not convenient for me to disclose specific information... I am attending the meeting as a representative of London and Green’s replacement. There is no need to report human information in detail, right? "
Aslan responded with a smile:
"Of course, after all, you belong to the power of the City of London, not to humans.
It is enough to be certain that human beings contain five ‘mythical entities’.
The above information is sufficient to prove that the overall strength of [humanity] invited to the City of London this time is greater than any of our original forces.
If human beings win the biggest victory during the game, our sense of existence will be greatly reduced, and more than one of you may have their titles withdrawn.
Therefore, I initiated the proposal!
I hope everyone can join forces during the game, UU reading www.uukanshu. com signed the "Joint Operations" agreement.
Please remember that this is not a primitive game that once needed to fight against each other, but a joint foreign war... I hope everyone can let go of the prejudices in their hearts and join forces in an all-round way.
While winning the war, you can also win the appreciation of the superiors.
Please read the content of the agreement carefully. This is the agreement that I made with full consideration of everyone's circumstances. The above clauses are very broad and will never restrict everyone's personal freedom and will not affect personal performance in the game.
It only plays a role of ‘connecting’ and ‘promoting cooperation’.
I also hope that the City of London can support our work. "
When Aslan finished speaking, Han Dong immediately understood the person's intentions.
Taking the opportunity of Green's no longer, and using humans as an excuse to establish an alliance with strange demons... If the seemingly less restrictive treaty is used properly, it will benefit him a lot.
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