Vol 6 Chapter 1398: situation

Almost at the same time, the city of London was shining and shaking.
The eight defensive points established by the alien monsters and the humans in the city entered a state of war almost at the same time. It can be seen that the opponent's integrity and coordination are high, and the alien monsters will never be given the opportunity to use the home court advantage to mobilize their hands.
At the same time, the intelligence brought at the expense of the vanguard.
Supported by intelligence, coupled with the mythological body blessed by the code and the terminator army, the Alien Cube was slightly suppressed at the beginning of the battle.
The four world coalition forces are advancing inward at an extremely slow speed.
Fortunately, the forces behind the protoplasmic body are basically at full capacity, and the situation can basically be stabilized by cooperating with the ‘melody assistance’ and ‘intelligence investigation’ provided by the mythological celestial bodies.
Even so. It’s just holding [eight areas],
There are still three troops unattended and are moving forward in the city.
The mythology from the "Sin Realm" is different from the [Sin of Laziness-Fant], which uses laziness as feed, and it is also different from Zhanhuang, which injects all sins into killing.
The crimes he committed are relatively low on the original crime monument, but they are quite special.
[The Crime of Peeping-Fujime]
Because his own travel completely relies on "lifting the sedan chair," and the deity is hidden in the sedan chair, and it is impossible to see its true face.
Inside the curtain, I can feel that something is peeping at any time, and even feel that the sedan chair is loaded with a whole box of eyeballs, endlessly spying on all the outside world.
The four sedan lifters all dug their eyes off, and their shoulders have completely merged with the corners of the sedan chair. It seems that they are part of the sedan chair and are directly controlled by the mythological body.
Compared with other parts, the speed of this troop's movement was almost twice as slow, because Fujime stopped at all times... once it snooped into a strange area, it would stay for a while.
However, this point was also approved by [Mother Body], because his eyes could see the hidden intelligence that the vanguard could not get, and he could dig deeper into the information.
After a while, he also reached a deeper position in the City of London, but he did not encounter an enemy attack for a long time.
"Strange, the area where I am currently deep should be the same as that of other troops. Why didn't I encounter a strange monster?"
After Fujime reported the situation to the mother through the "program network".
He was instructed immediately to let him go deeper... It seemed that there were not enough strange monsters in the city, and he happened to hit the vacancy.
"It's really boring... I also want to take a peek at what kind of [Mythology Scrolls] this group of strange demons who are closed in the original world and do not have any communication with the black tower will have.
However, it is also good to go deeper.
Maybe it will give me a glimpse of the city's true appearance in advance... When the "land deed" that symbolizes the power of the world has been exhausted, I can actually carry so many mythological bodies and the army in the city.
There must be something very interesting underneath. "
The sedan chair went on as it passed through a dark alley.
All the car lifters stopped, and at the same time turned the car door to a dark lane.
"Huh? What is this..."
In this person's special vision.
In the depths of the gloomy narrow streets, there is a weird gate hidden.
Immediately compared with the map of London sent by the mother, the back of this street corresponds to an area that has not been explored. The overall feeling to him is that it has a different visual sense from the city of London.
"Black smoke?" The peeping vision even found strands of weird sorrow constantly overflowing from the cracks in the door.
"Pull down nearby buildings."
With the sound of various explosions, the densely arranged high-rise buildings were all razed to the ground... A highly secretive inner city wall was exposed, extending to the outer city wall, forming a completely enclosed inner city area.
Continue to peek.
A hollow and pitch-black gate appeared on the city wall, and behind the gate, a manor with a completely different style from London was faintly reflected.
Be on the safe side.
Fujime also reported to the parent body, requesting an investigation into this mysterious area.
Perhaps the real core of London is here...it is possible, otherwise, high-rise buildings will not be built deliberately to cooperate with various night illusions and visual errors to deliberately conceal the existence of this area.
The parent body was quickly approved.
After all, the characteristics of the vines were originally used to explore London in depth and eliminate the risks lurking in the dark.
When the car curtain is opened.
A weird eyeball implicated in blood tendons and wrapped in the abdominal cavity appeared.
"Sinning Peep"
A powerful pupil technique was applied, the barrier was broken, and the iron gate leading to the Scarlet Manor was exposed in front of the troops.
"Everyone, go in and have a look."
Troops of Terminator like a river rushed into the mysterious manor quickly, just as they were about to wreak havoc on the interior.
An unspeakable pressure, accompanied by a huge gray shadow, descended together.
The machines that stepped into the manor were crushed into discus pieces, even if some of them were barely supported, they were also overloaded...as if they were carrying a heavy mountain on their backs.
Across the gate of the manor.
A giant dragon with tentacles and muddy and crazy eyes was staring at Fujime in the sedan chair.
"Isn't this the missing mountain dragon-Samir? I didn't expect that not only was he defeated, he was completely degraded and became the gatekeeper here... The strength seems to be much stronger than before.
Really interesting, I want to go in and take a look. "
After learning about Fujime's situation, the mother immediately asked him if he needed reinforcements.
At present, there are still two troops who have not encountered strange monsters like him, but they can come to support them.
However, Fujime tactfully refused.
"Let them continue to advance into the inner city...I will not confront Samir head-on.
I will sneak in and peek at everything inside! Hiss~ It's not too late to arrange support after I know what secrets are hidden inside.
If this has nothing to do with London, too much time will be wasted. "
The other two troops.
During the trip to London, he also did not encounter the interruption of the strange magic.
The leaders are [Causal Program-Merlot] from "The Matrix" and [Human Artisan and Assassin Master-Eagle Servita] from "Holy Order". UU reading www.uukanshu. com
The same mythological program, Merlot is different from the agent Goodmans who is at war with the monster.
His position in the matrix is ​​a set of "causal programs" that have long been eliminated, and he was once chased by "antivirus software" Goodmans.
When he was about to be deleted by the system, he raised his consciousness to a level where he could circumvent the system, and created an "exile organization" within the mother body in conjunction with other elimination procedures.
Eventually he was recognized by the mother and retained.
As for the "Human Artisans", their leadership style is different from that of all troops. The overall feeling is that they are moving forward in the shadows. The darkness of the City of London instead provides them with an increase in their actions.
Its status is much higher than the golden envoy that Han Dong and Green jointly killed, and it is also higher than the purgatory craftsman Yu Sam who is fighting in the ice mountain.
At present, the two forces have completed their convergence and are planning to move deeper.
There was a noise from a larger clothing store on the side of the road.
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