Vol 7 Chapter 1409: He comes from the abyss

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A sound of hard rock being crushed spread through the air.
The tenth original substance-King Star Vader's entire left arm was bitten off, and there was still an extremely exaggerated bite mark on the shoulder.
You know, Vader's body is made of special meteorites, and the "hardness" can be said to be one of the best in the original substance.
The body of such a meteorite was crushed by extremely aggressive metal teeth. It only shows one thing. Every blow of the opponent is accompanied by mythological rules. Conventional hardness can no longer take effect in the face of this kind of power.
Immediately afterwards, a loud impact spread through the air...
Vader, whose left arm was completely bitten off, received a punch in the front! The body was like a miniature meteorite, hitting the street diagonally.
Before the impact, several tentacles like molten iron pierced through Vader's rock formations and were expressed outside the body, minimizing the impact of the impact as much as possible.
Even so, a large amount of ‘kernel fluid’ still leaked from the body.
"Vade! 』
The mythical celestial body suspended above London has been paying attention to the situation here. Seeing that Vader has been hit hard, the entire celestial body has a tendency to move downwards.
Unexpectedly, Vader's weak voice came immediately:
"Mr. Adros, everyone is trying to maintain the current situation... Now that I have insisted on this, please let me continue. I don't want to affect the progress of the war because of my personal reasons. 』
"The value of your existence is not lower than this game. If I judge that your life is in danger, I will immediately intervene. 』
"Okay... I will work hard.
Moreover, it is not me who is really at risk at the moment. 』
Vader cast his gaze to the area where the cold light and cold air radiated.
The target of the hostile mythological body is not him, but Aslan who has caused intuitive damage.
The heavy mechanical body surrounded by cables fell heavily in front of Aslan.
Aslan kept lying on her side, her palm covering her abdomen in an injured posture...Of course, she just deliberately pretended to be like this, and the bitten injury of her waist and abdomen had been repaired through ancient secret methods.
Even if he succeeded in a sneak attack, Aslan couldn't think of a way to win at all.
Although he still has a hole card now, he can only buy time if he presents it now, and it does not have much boost to the overall situation.
"When I failed to stop the upgrade process of this mythical body, it already heralded my defeat...Can I only choose to escape? If you can't survive, everything is meaningless. 』
Aslan under the mask was full of unwillingness... He didn't want such a result.
At the same time, the insulting voice of the causal program-Mello Winga came again:
"You white stupid pig, dare to hinder my upgrade! Thanks to you, my new body is flawed, and it needs to be repaired at a great price afterwards.
I will lose all mobility first, and then kill your friends one by one. "
The mechanical arm wrapped in tiny cables, carrying a mythical power, pointed directly at Aslan.
A perfect escape plan has been conceived in Aslan's mind, and an ‘qi’ containing the deep cold of the polar region has accumulated in his throat.
There was cold air leaking between the teeth, and when it was about to spew out, a voice came:
"Who are you going to kill?"
Immediately afterwards, Aslan's mouth became uncontrollable, and was forced to expand by an external force. A twisted and weird black shadow emerged from the inside... before the opponent's attack arrived, he stretched out his hand to catch it!
A wave of impact ripples scattered in all directions.
The attack of the mythological body is blocked from the front, and it is invalid whether it is an impact, a bite, or a cable invasion.
"It's really cold~ Aslan, I knew I had come out of other parts..."
Aslan quickly swallowed the cold air accumulated in his mouth, and raised his head to look at the dark shadow in front of him.
In an instant, there was a feeling of looking straight into the abyss, and it was still an ancient abyss with black nails embedded in the walls.
"Green, you!"
In the original game, Green has never had such a form.
The most primitive sense of fear scared Aslan back quickly, even more dangerous than facing the mythological body.
"Aslan, I remember you still have one more useless... I used to burn in the game so much."
"Isn't this waiting for you to come back, I'll consider using it again?" Although Aslan didn't lose his tone, he backed away as much as possible.
"That depends on the timing and the goal, don't let me in."
The two use the ancient language of different magic to communicate quickly, and it does not affect the battle in front of them.
Causal Program-Meruo Wenjia stared at the reappearing youth in front of him. The pupils of the mechanical eyes were filled with surprise. When he tried to read the information with the scanning program, he got a bunch of garbled codes.
【Back to the Edge】
"Miss. Lyle" is not only a legendary weapon tailored for Green, but its internal consciousness is absolutely loyal, trusting and even ‘falling in love’ with Green.
The consciousness of the two has been deeply blended many times, and the degree of each time has been continuously deepened.
Now, Green has been able to develop the full potential of the weapon.
It is no longer a simple external use, but belongs to the body and integrates perfectly with the individual.
The form has changed
1. The black and white suit once turned into a sleeveless and loose windbreaker.
2. Exquisite, sturdy nails compressed to the size of rice grains are precisely arranged on the surface of the green body to construct hand armor (black arm) and foot armor (black below the knee).
It is this kind of armor that allows Green to catch the opponent's attack with his bare hands, and the hardness provided by the mythical weapon blocks the mechanical invasion.
Not only that.
3. The ‘holes’ that were once distributed throughout Green’s body area are now all gathered at one point, forming a terrifying abyss opening in the abdomen. It is this characteristic that scared Aslan back one after another.
4. From the back of the head, stretch out a single nerve thread, which looks like a "braid", with a long black knife with eyes attached to the end.
It is no longer necessary for Green to take the initiative to slash. This long knife can perfectly match Green's attack according to the rhythm of the battle.
Causality Program-Meruo Wenjia recognized the young man standing in front of him at a glance, and asked curiously:
"How did you recover? My causal attack caused enough soul damage every time, and even nearly crushed your consciousness."
"It's very simple, eating a few monsters of the same level can quickly fill it...Because of this battle, the'snacks' I brought are almost eaten by me. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is really distressed. "
Speaking of this, Green has slowly clenched his black fist, and can clearly hear the rubbing and compression of his nails.
However, just before Green shook his fist.
The fist with the power of myth came to him first... the middle of the face.
Click! The crisp sound spread.
More than a dozen pieces of nail fragments clinging to flesh and blood, flying in all directions.
Green was not knocked into the air, standing still, only his head deflected 180°.
The area hit by the fist on the face was covered with black nails in advance, which greatly weakened the attack while preventing the intrusion of the cable.
Kakaka~ As the sound of the cervical vertebrae spread, Green turned his head back to the original position and said excitedly:
"So fast, much faster than before! And the strength and aggressiveness are stronger, really strong! Come... let's fight each other!"
Talk about it.
Green also slammed a punch, the opposite Melo Wenjia also did not defend, and forcibly caught it through the force field formed by his face.
that's it.
The two showed an inseparable "state of fighting each other" for a while, fighting each other from one side of the street to the other...All the buildings along the way were destroyed, and the nearby space was cut with several difficult-to-heal openings.
"This guy Green can actually fight each other with the mythological body!"
Aslan stared at the fight scene in front of him, gritted his teeth.
Although I was very unwilling...I was not reconciled to the gap between him and Green, but deep down I longed for Green to continue.
Click! The other ‘Flintstone’ in his hand was crushed.
Unlike the previous "Absolute Zero Gun", this flint and steel corresponds to a pair of ordinary white gloves.
The moment he put on the gloves, Aslan's overall breath changed.
A strange ice flame appeared in the pupils of his eyes.
"Victory or defeat in one fell swoop..."
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