Chapter 143: Return

The journey to fate came to an end.
The team members reached four stars and each had their own gains. Due to the change in the main line, everyone in the team got one.
In addition to Han Dong harvested the most, followed by Cass.
He obtained a "White Rock Beast Spear" from the clown, and his combat skills were also tempered in the ultra-high-intensity leapfrog battle.
Finally, I used the accumulated 100 points to redeem a special metal material, which belongs to the top quality of blue quality.
Hekas knew the high-end craftsmen in the holy city, and could use this material to add some things that Kas prepared before to create extraordinary equipment.
Uh ...
Out of fate.
时钟 The "Clockman" in strange costumes attracted everyone.
的 One ton of brass redeemed through the points system is stored in a space capsule.
Once opened, such disposable capsules will be discarded.
交给 Give the brass to the clock person, and fill in the relevant information of the customs destiny event in a paper file, then you can go back to school for cultivation or do your own activities.
"Nicholas, fill out this form carefully, as much as possible to highlight your performance in 'Fate Incident'.
一 Once the content on the form is verified, it will be backed up to the college archives, which will affect your future resource allocation.
For example, the school has the right to participate in certain special activities, and the possibility of applying for subsidies when engaging in sidelines such as machinery, textiles, alchemy, and creation.
But ... if you want to hide your identity, you can still fill in a pseudonym.
After all, you follow the crow prophet, some small resources and permissions need not be considered. "
When Han Dong filled in, he still used the pseudonym when he first formed the team-[Allen Anderva], and Mr. Black and White also used this pseudonym when he registered for this fate event.
A student who has just entered the school for two weeks has become a four-star mysterious apprentice ... Once he is known by senior management, he will definitely check it out.
Once there is such a guy who has higher rights than Mr. Black and White and finds Han Dong, things will be troublesome.
As for the pseudonym [Alan Andwa], because Han Dong used it again and again, he accumulated reputation and reputation in the invisible.
When the time is right, and when the pseudonym and real name coincide, Han Dong will not be missing anything.
Uh ...
When the four members of the squad walked out of the gate of the bell tower jokingly.
神圣 A sacred gas field spread to it.
The blonde horsewoman riding on the white horse seems to have been waiting for a long time outside the gate of the bell tower.
"Sister !!"
"Are you all alive? Just your kid looks a little hurt?"
The caller was Wino Silesit.
For some reason, Seales, who covets her cousin, will stay here every time, waiting for Sophia to return safely from the space of fate.
There was a look of astonishment in Gilester's white eyes.
It's rare that she could escape safely without serious injuries ... and according to her knowledge of Cass Maldini, this team will never deliberately choose a difficult event.
Sophia, who was always hard-mouthed, said softly, "... this time mainly depends on Brother Alan."
"Since it's okay, I'm leaving.
The Knights of the Knights will organize an out-of-city operation in the near future, but there are still a few days of rest ... if you have anything, you can come to me. "
Strict eyes continued on Han Dong for a while.
Put on the helmet, turn the horse's head and leave.
The last sentence of Lucy Lester seemed to imply something else.
The words ‘you’ and ‘actively find me’ are obviously problematic.
Naturally Kass and Koslin could not find her.
In addition, her eyes have been staring at Han Dong, the purpose has been relatively clear.
Su Kas smiled strangely, holding Han Dong a little harder:
"Sileste Knight has been watching you longer than Fia!
Nicholas ... Come on! !! I personally feel that you have drama. "
"Don't talk nonsense, don't talk nonsense."
Han Dong was helpless.
In the process of looking at Sileste just now, he did receive a gaze message-his eyes motioned to Han Dong for a time to meet her in private.
This matter, Han Dong is prepared to wait until he is free to consider.
Uh ...
After some fun, the four have boarded the steam train back to school.
After clearing the space of fate before, Cass will buy spirits and drink with Koslin to celebrate ... Of course, Cass drinks the most.
After getting drunk, he will even talk to Lord Sophia and say some thankful words.
After all, Sophia followed Kas in every incident, providing various medical spell assistance.
However, the situation is a little different after the customs clown incident.
内 Inside the train box.
The three of them were sitting upright, listening carefully to Han Dong's narration of the concepts of [table], [middle layer], and [li], as well as Han Dong and the clown's "complaints".
"Whether it is Dr. Distortion, Monk Togo or Clown Penny Wise, they are just ordinary residents of [Li-Old Derui Township].
At the end of the incident, I also saw a presence far stronger than them.
Hearing the song alone made me feel like I was in the abyss of death.
That's about it. Give this thing to Captain Cas for the time being, pick it up. "
Han Dong handed "Sewer Channel Map (Twisted Version)" to Cass.
"this is?"
"Next time, the map we will use when we go to" The Clown Returns "(Li)."
"Do not……"
She Cass refused decisively and said very seriously:
"Brother Valen, you and us are not at the same level ... when we grow into" knights ", the gap between you and us will widen.
拿 Hold this thing up.
At that time, if we really can't keep up with you, you should go to the same level of teammates and go to "Old Derry Town".
If we can keep up, we will take you as [Captain] and everyone will act together. "
Seeing Kas so serious ~ ~ Han Dong had nodded.
"Hmm ... OK."
For such a decision, Koslin or Sophia had no opinion.
在 At this moment, someone was knocking on the box door.
"Are you the conductor?"
When the door was opened, there was no one outside.
Only Han Dong sensed, the hidden "Little Devil's Eye" noticed something black, and flew into the room at this moment.
时 When closing the box door again.
A mysterious man in a black mask and a white suit has been added inside the puppet.
之下 Under the black mask, there are a pair of crow eyes.
The squinting glance made Cass and others sit still and let their consciousness empty.
熟悉 A familiar voice came down from the mask:
"Nicholas, your choice is very good ... are a group of good teammates. However, it is necessary to take a layer of security measures."
灵 Three spirit-like crows flew from the palm of Mr. Black and White and quickly penetrated into the corresponding brain.
Remember the part of Han Dong's use of the 'pollution ability' to block them.
"Nicholas, after returning to school, if there is nothing urgent, just come to the [Star Watching Room] and see me ... Congratulations!"
In an instant, the box returned to normal.
Mr. Black and White is here, only Han Dong knows ...
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