Vol 7 Chapter 1412: Peeping eye

   Compared to his mother's witches or knights, Han Dong seemed more anxious.
   It's not the blazing fire that constantly gushes out of the city, or the teleporting beam that keeps falling down one after another.
   Because Han Dong knew very well in his heart that it was inevitable for the inner city personnel to fall into a disadvantage.
   What really makes Han Dong anxious is.
   About half an hour before his mother gave the signal, as the lord of Scarlet Manor, he obtained a series of weird signals from the manor through the land deed. It seemed that an unusual intruder had sneaked into the manor.
  This will lead to the early disclosure of the secrets of the manor,
  Moreover, Dr. Swelling who is very important to Han Dong and other researchers are in danger.
   At the moment when his mother gave the signal in the dark night, Han Dong immediately controlled the zombie army and launched a general attack.
   However, Han Dong was not in it.
   One is to avoid being discovered by the matrix of Marcomus City as the controlling subject, and the other is to rush back to the manor faster.
   Robot-Xiao Huang has prepared an efficient drilling engineering vehicle for Han Dong, which can quickly return to the City of London with the help of an underground mine.
   Before leaving, Han Dong still reminded one thing very seriously:
   "Xiao Huang, listen to my instructions when the time comes to ensure the correct operation of the device."
   "Boss rest assured, all the parameters have been drawn up! It won't be a problem to control it by myself! I must let the bad guy who killed Xiaofen realize his mistake."
   Han Dong stopped saying anything, and immediately got on the construction truck.
   Driven by the speed of the Yi mine engine, he hurried back to the East End of London in less than five minutes, and the entrance to the manor was not far away.
   is just a whole enemy siege troops crowded in the surrounding streets. The troops are just guarding the perimeter and have not made any invasion of the manor for the time being.
  "The army stayed out.
The seal at the entrance of    was not destroyed, but the land deed captured the presence of the intruder.
   should be the leader of this troop, sneaked into it through some high-end secret... I just felt a strange aura in the manor, and didn't get any battle information.
  The crazy dragon that Green set up in the manor also failed to spot the intruder? "
   Han Dong bypassed the main entrance and returned to the manor by another secret road that was extremely hidden and allowed only one person to pass.
When    stepped back to his own territory, the familiarity remained, but it was also mixed with an unexplainable strangeness.
   Perhaps Han Dong himself is also proficient in eye-related abilities, faintly feeling that there is an even more terrifying [Eye] hidden in the manor, which can even directly kill him.
   An indescribable sense of voyeurism is everywhere, forcing Han Dong's magic eyes to open on their own.
   "Invaders, it seems that they also have eye attributes... I'm afraid it also corresponds to a "mythical eye". "
   Han Dong stuck in the shadow of the border of the manor. With the support of the land deed, he carefully observed the situation in the manor with his magic eyes... soon he discovered something.
"what is that?"
   The Demon Eye noticed something strange when he observed a manor inhabitant closest to Han Dong, the "nascent blood".
   There is no big problem with the bloodline itself. The behavior and consciousness are normal... But on the bloodline, there is an extra eye-like tattoo on the upper chest.
   It's just that the tattoo doesn't give off any aura. It may be the preference of this descent. Maybe he got the tattoo on himself.
   But the following observations immediately proved the abnormality of the tattoo.
   All the residents of the manor observed by the magic eye have such eye tattoos on their bodies.
  Because the tattoo has neither breath nor expression of influence... Ordinary people may not be able to guess the problem, but as an eye pupil ability, Han Dong can probably guess something.
  " Eyeliner?
   If my guess is correct, the guy who invaded the manor might have gained the vision of all the residents.
   Whether I contact the people of the manor or if other reinforcements come to the manor, he will know for the first time...In the worst case, all research results will be destroyed, and the doctors and various researchers will also be executed.
  Invaded the manor by such a guy! "
   Han Dong gritted his teeth, cold sweat slid along his cheeks.
   Since the intruder is a perceptual existence, Han Dong needs to be extremely cautious in every step.
   Space teleportation, even if it is a void migration, will produce slight fluctuations. It cannot be used here for the time being... The only thing that can be used is the "camouflage" that comes with the head of the Faceless.
   Action needs to be completely integrated with the environment,
   Even the exhaled gas needs to be exactly the same as in the air,
  Through a secret passage leading to the underground laboratory, Han Dong quietly lurked...The abnormal aura conveyed to him by the land lease had already arrived in the underground laboratory.
  Core Experimental Area
   Dr. Swelling, Professor West from Ridley Town, and the ancients brought back from Antarctica by Han Dong, all gathered here to carry out the most core experiments.
   There is an extra weird vehicle-the sedan chair in the laboratory.
   The four eyes were gouged out, and the sedan chairmen whose backs were completely integrated with the sedan chair knelt to the ground...The sedan curtain has been lifted, and the ‘sneaker’ riding in it has disappeared.
  Weird voices came from the independent laboratory next door:
  "It is a novel study full of sins!
   You actually use so many living organisms to conduct experiments. Although the living organisms have been withdrawn from consciousness in advance, they are purely cultivated species, but such brutal and inhumane research cannot escape sin.
   However, your results are very interesting.
   can actually squeeze all the biological characteristics of other worlds into the body of the alien monster.
  Although this is not part of the core of the City of London, the troops accumulated here are also a great threat...Moreover, this kind of technology that integrates the biological characteristics of multiple worlds may be able to bring back "Sinland" for our use.
   What a great find! "
   [The Crime of Peeping-Pastor Westalia]
  The support frame with skeletons as the body,
   uses nerve lines as the transmission means of energy and perception,
   There are no internal organs, no blood vessels, and no brain. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com
   The only organization that exists is-[Eyes]
   Except for the two eyes in the eye sockets of the skull, the skeletal joints of the whole body (such as elbows and knees) are replaced by eyeballs, and even the three-segment finger bones have tiny eyeballs as joints.
   The most special eye is on its abdomen,
   connects the upper body with the lower body,
   serves as both the tail vertebra and the abdominal organs,
   is also the core of this person, symbolizing the eyeball of myth.
   Just by gazing with the eyes, it is possible to restrict the movement of all life in the experimental area, trying to resist the swelling Doctor has fallen into a pool of blood, and a large amount of brain mucus and various gear devices are scattered all over the ground.
   "Fortunately, it didn't kill you completely... You should be the main person in charge of the experimental area, right?
   I need to use your brain to obtain the control area here, so that all experimental creatures can complete suicide. Otherwise, such an army would make me very distressed. "
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