Vol 7 Chapter 1446: Book of Necromancers

  "This belongs to the bottom of Yaddith.
   The Black Forest where we live was temporarily moved here due to special reasons.
  The forest area and the number of offspring have also been greatly reduced...【Mother】She stays in the deepest part of this place. "
   "Sally, the black goat power behind you should be very strong, right? I have seen ordinary black goat offspring in the forest outside London. Their characteristics and physique are stronger than individuals of the same level.
Did something happen? "
  "[Mom] During the "world catastrophe" that broke out in ancient times, she was jointly suppressed by many high-ranking people, and one of them was able to specifically target her fertility characteristics, so that she was seriously injured.
   Moreover, the border area managed by my mother has also been severely damaged.
   In the end, at the cost of more than half of the Black Forest territory, and the essence from the mother's body, the gap was filled.
   Thousands of years since the end of the catastrophe, her mother has been in a relatively bad "semi-exile state", and it is difficult for her to intervene in reality.
   "The transfer of Addis" also came from the arrangement of the void, that is, Pope's teacher reached out to help.
   orders the Macrophages worms entrenched in Addis to free up an open inner space and provide a refuge for the race. "
   Han Dong thoughtfully after listening.
   "It turned out to be like this... In other words, is it really okay for me to meet her? After all, the main cause of "World Catastrophe" is human beings. Will my identity cause bad memories? "
   "No, mom, although she has a bad temper, Nicholas, your identity is different, nothing will happen.
   When we set foot on Addis, [Mom] already knew everything about you. Since there is no vicious sign, it means that she doesn't care about your identity.
   Hurry up...If you go ahead at full speed, it will take at least a whole day to reach mom. "
"so long?"
   "Well, the size of Addis is about thirteen times the size of the Earth.
   It is essentially an independent celestial body occupied by macrophages. As generations of worms die, their corpses will become part of Addis, making the planet larger and larger.
   About 80% of the cave structures in the upper area are transformed by the corpses of macrophages.
   The lowest level where we are currently, was once a mixture of the cavity of a mythical worm and a natural cave, and then was transformed into a temporary stronghold of our clan by [mother], and all the remaining Black Forest was moved in. "
   During the explanation, Sally has switched to "travel mode".
   The lower body is completely transformed into a goat structure (similar to a centaur), with the body of a goat and four hooves, and the upper body remains unchanged...supports high-speed movement and long-term running.
   There was a slight blush on the face covered by black gauze, and he asked a deeper question.
   "Well~ Nicholas, you should have spent a lot of physical energy during the London game? Would you like to ride on me to rest..."
   Just when Sally asked this sentence, there was a trace of blood from a foreign land in the air.
When she looked up a little embarrassedly, Han Dong was already riding on the back of the blood dog, and the blood even made a dog saddle and reins for Han Dong (the reins are blood vessel structures that connect Han Dong and the earl’s body, achieving 100 % No delay control)
   "Huh? No need...My stamina has been restored to a good level, let's go."
   Walk in the soft channel filled with fertility.
   Roots resembling tree roots and blood vessels are scattered throughout the channels,
  The "black-skinned ladies" crowded here are clustered with each other to form weird trees,
  Or these living trees will derive the corresponding female characteristics according to the type of male, hoping to get nutritional supplements from the opponent.
   The deeper, the wider the space.
   There even appeared a series of villages, in which a group of creatures wearing goat masks lived, sometimes evolving into terrifying black goat offspring.
   When Sally passed by, these villagers squatted down on their knees.
   But when they saw the male creature next to Sally, there was a lot of fluid flowing out of the swollen body cavity.
   Moreover, as Han Dong has been active here for a long time, the entire Black Forest feels ‘excited’.
  Due to various conditions and limitations of the forest area.
  The offspring of black goats living here are subject to restrictions similar to ‘family planning’. They cannot reproduce unscrupulously as before, and Addis also strictly restricts the arrival of males.
   This is why, the arrival of a male like Han Dong alone will resonate in the forest.
   "Nicholas, don't care about them..."
  "Understand and understand.
  By the way, Sally, tell me about the "Book of the Necropolis". During the awards, when everyone knew that I would be rewarded by the "Book of the Necropolis" in the future, they felt very strange in their eyes.
   In contrast to Pop and Eugenes, other strange demons just cast envy or greedy eyes.
   Is there anything wrong with this book? "
   "Ah~ I forgot.
   Cough cough cough... Let me start from the origin of this book.
   "The Book of the Necromancer" is different from other magic tones. Its existence is both the supreme magic tome and a huge threat in our eyes.
   There are multiple theories about its source. Some say that this book is the same age as the universe and has existed since the universe was formed. It records the darkest and most chaotic knowledge system in the universe.
It is also said that this book comes from the ancestor of the alien demon, and it is also Green’s [father], known as the supreme existence of the original chaos core... Such a high-level existence is a stable state, and it has its own dark side, chaotic side, and madness. The face is sealed in an ancient book, thus creating the "Book of the Necropolis".
  Because I realized the danger of this book.
  The old kings of the ancient times divided the books according to the distribution of the human body by "rule splitting", hiding different parts in different corners of the world.
   Even though "Book of the Necropolis" is sealed in a corner of the world, it continues to penetrate outwards as time goes by.
   I don’t know when it started, the deeds of "Book of the Dead" suddenly spread among the strange monsters, and it was even called the ‘greatest magic book.’ Various seductive rumors took root in the brains of the strange monsters.
   For example, the knowledge between books can directly change the nature of an individual, and even the lowest level monster can be transformed into a physique comparable to the blood relatives of the old king.
   Or it can be said that the content of the book can help the strange magic easily realize, return to the ancestors and transform the gods, and even the exaggerated rumors that the book can become a king directly after the integration of the book.
   A craze for book searching is set off in various regions of the universe. The strange monsters formed teams to try to search for the "Book of the Dead" hidden in the corners of the world.
   It was also during this period that a [necrotic event] that seriously affected the balance of the world broke out.
   In the process of searching for the "Book of the Necromancer", the thinking of the alien will be affected by the penetration. The closer to the hiding place of the book, the stronger the penetration like UUkanshu www.uukanshu.com.
   Maybe their strength is not enough to step into the [Forbidden Land] where the books are sealed.
   But in their dreams, they had already received the ‘gift’ from the Book of the Dead in advance, and due to an unknown infiltration effect, they were granted a taboo secret in advance.
   When a book seeker dies in a trap set in a forbidden area, the mystery that penetrates into his mind is immediately activated, transforming them into extremely dangerous necromancers, taking books at all costs.
   At the same time that a large number of monsters died, a part of the "Book of Necronomicon" was also completely taken out...including the eyes that Nicholas you studied.
   Even at the core of the necromancy event, many old kings were bewitched.
   Although the necromancy incident was finally suppressed by the upper ranks of the old kings, the influence that spread across the world is difficult to eliminate.
   In order to avoid the recurrence of such incidents, the old kings split the "remnant pages" of the "Book of Necro" and suppressed them through land deeds... Some of the more dangerous pages were directly thrown into the gap of time and space without any further concern.
   I am also very strange.
   Why should such a dangerous thing be given to you as a reward?
   But... Maybe with your particularity, Nicholas, you can really gradually control this terrifying magic book. "
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