Vol 7 Chapter 1489: Special world

As Han Dong stepped into it, it also announced that the destiny event was about to begin.
Before the official opening, because the system detected that Han Dong was carrying a special item, he temporarily came to a pure white space similar to the settlement area.
On the white tabletop, the "Treasure Map of Destiny" in the form of a dossier and a six-sided dice are placed.
Han Dong did not hesitate to unfold the dossier.
"The Treasure Map of Destiny" has been used.
The system has detected that a total of two teams in the S-01 world entered the Destiny Space from two different entrances at the same time. After the black tower detection party discussed, both teams will be affected by the treasure map and be dropped into the same world.
As this change of choice increases the difficulty of finding treasure chests, you, as the treasure map holder, will be compensated.
The compensation is as follows:
If you can get the final treasure in the event, the treasure reward will be changed from "random generation" to "individual adaptation".
The treasure chest will detect your individual attributes and must randomly draw out a suitable item for you.
If you fail to win the final treasure, you will also get a "Compensation Treasure Box". At least epic materials are drawn. There is a low probability that legendary materials will be drawn, and there is a very low probability that legendary equipment will be drawn. 』
Such a prompt made Han Dong directly burst into a crazy smile.
"Sure enough... is all this premeditated?
It's no wonder that the old gray king did not oppose me leading Green and the others to the space of destiny. On the contrary, he fully supported such an action. At the same time, he only asked for one condition, that is, the time we entered.
In this way, the suicide squad led by me and the rational squad led by Demps and Pope can enter the space of destiny at the same time.
It seems that the superiors are very idle all day long, are they trying to make do with a game again?
It’s just that I don’t think I really understand why the superiors will support this decision that might ruin the geniuses and younger generations.
The contemporary original quality is the last batch of talents in hundreds of years. The Black Tower has the ability to detect how strong Green's potential is, not to mention the performance in the London game, which must have attracted the attention of the Black Tower.
Taking into account the antagonistic relationship between the two parties, if the black tower operates in a dark box, it will directly give us a dead end without an answer, and all the original quality will be buried in it.
Why can the upper ranks be sure that the black tower will not do such a thing?
Or does it mean that there is not only an antagonistic relationship between the two sides, but also a relationship that I don't know about, even more important than the antagonism?
This unknown relationship may explain why I am a visitor to S-01 and carry the attributes of a strange monster, but I am not rejected.
When I come out alive, ask Mr. M again...There must be a secret that touches the top.
In any case, it is a good thing.
Although the arrival of Pope will increase the difficulty of obtaining treasures, it is beneficial for event clearance and destiny confrontation.
At the critical moment, our two teams can form a cooperative relationship and fight against other treasure hunting teams together.
Moreover, the system compensation is also great~ In this way, the worry of "the equipment from the treasure chest is not suitable" disappears completely, and the efforts made will not be wasted.
Get ready to do a good fight... When it comes to the fight for treasure alone, the most troublesome thing must be [Pop].
Fortunately, I still have an opening advantage, please give me a [6]. "
When Han Dong picked up the lucky dice on the desktop, the system prompted:
"It is forbidden to interfere with the dice by direct or indirect means. Once discovered, the lucky effect provided by the dice will be erased and 3 points of bad luck will be added to the individual.
The doom value is the opposite of the luck value, and the individual will fall into a rather unfavorable situation when executing the event. 』
Han Dong will naturally not mess around.
I picked up the dice and threw it lightly. The dice that touched the table top rolled violently due to an abnormal repulsive force.
In the end, the upward numbers made Han Dong face embarrassed: [2]
"Hey... at least slightly better than [1]."
"Lucky value +2, the influence conditions have been loaded into the destiny system, the world is being matched, please wait..."
Compared to before, Han Dong waited a long time this time, and it is estimated that it took several hours to get the system's feedback.
"Matched with the special world EX-03 "Ladybug Day"
Special note: Due to the irresistible factors and variability of the original world during the evolution and ascension period, the world cannot develop along the ascending route prescribed by the black tower, and finally forms a special world with unstable and disordered systems.
The special world has a very important research value for the black tower, so special means are used to monitor, and occasionally employees will be deployed to intervene in some uncontrollable areas of the world.
The level system of the EX-03 world has been completely disordered. When an individual enters it, the level and ability will be suppressed or directly closed, and the initial state will be similar to a normal person.
(Staff friendly reminder) Please don't rely too much on your own ability in a special world. Finding and using the rules of the world is the key to survival.
The non-linear core plot, 10381 branch plots, and treasure plots have been loaded.
In the distribution of individual identities, the world limiter has been activated..."
"Special world? System disorder?"
For a time, some kind of strong restriction acts on the whole body. Com Han Dong's level and multiple abilities are being restricted by the rules, or even completely closed, this kind of restriction power comparable to the king's level cannot be resisted at all.
This feeling is more troublesome than when I went to the corpse kingdom, when at least the important head characteristics were still retained.
"This! At least leave me with some basic abilities... If Nicholas' body is pressed back to the original state, this game will not be played at all."
It doesn't help to not listen to Han Dong's complaints, and can't struggle how much.
His eyes went dark and his consciousness disappeared.

The sound of the ECG monitor first passed into Han Dong's ears.
The bewildered eyes slowly opened, and what was greeted was a clean private ward, with a needle tube inserted in the back of his hand connected to a bottle of physiological saline.
Han Dong continued to pretend to sleep and quickly checked his physical condition.
After some inspection, Han Dong let out a sigh of relief.
Although his own level was strongly restricted, and Han Dong almost returned to a state between a normal person and an apprentice knight, some characteristics were retained.
Both the black vortex torso and the two external arms are retained, but the related abilities also correspond to the level state after suppression.
As for the effect of "Head of the Faceless", the effect is basically forbidden, only a few soft tentacles can be split slightly.
"At least it's not a weak young man, who is more powerful than ordinary people."
At the same time, Han Dong also discovered the reason for his hospitalization.
"Cranial fractures", "shots in multiple parts of the body, causing liver and kidneys to shatter, and at the same time causing hemorrhage."
However, after a successful organ transplant operation, the state has stabilized, and it seems that he has been lying in the hospital for more than half a year. Today is the date when he is about to be discharged from the hospital.
"This is the starting role with Lucky Value +2? Isn't it too miserable?"
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