Vol 7 Chapter 1549: Company and the world

Han Dong's guess is correct.
The reason why I didn't meet any employee along the way was that the passage from [Game Room-9] to [Boss Office] was created temporarily.
the reason is simple…
But when Han Dong turned his head, he found that molecular and atomic dissociation was taking place in the channel ten meters behind him... The dissociation speed was equal to Han Dong's speed.
To be sure, the technology mastered by the Ladybug organization is probably higher than the "The Matrix" encountered during the London game.
"Not just metal,
Even the molecules corresponding to this glass-like material with 100% permeability can be freely controlled to perform precise and rapid sorting and material construction... This technology is similar to Mr. M's method.
It can realize ultra-fast material, scene, and even world structure. "
Thinking of this, Han Dong quickly asked the designer next to him.
"Excuse me, the game scene of "Ladybug Day" is not virtual, but real?
We use the bath liquid to transmit consciousness instead of connecting to the game network, but to transmit consciousness into the body of an ordinary person to play games between real scenes? "
"Yes it is.
However, the body that your consciousness enters is not an ordinary person.
It is our specially developed "consciousness receptor", which has the same physique as ordinary people and is dedicated to ladybug games.
"Consciousness receptors" are highly adaptable and restrictive to external consciousness, ensuring that the conscious access person cannot wake up from the game by relying on their own consciousness, ensuring the stable progress of the game. "
"So... Are you designing this game to test the stability of the relevant world, or is it to develop a new upgrade system?"
Han Dong's question made the designer stunned.
Obviously, this question touches a very deep level... and it is difficult for the average visitor to ask such a question.
"I have no right to answer this question."
Even if the other party doesn't answer, Han Dong can vaguely guess some clues based on this kind of performance...The fundamental purpose of this company's game design is bound to be closely related to the world.
"Let’s find a chance to ask the so-called "boss" later. 』
The end of the temporary passage corresponds to the sealed metal wall.
As the designer puts on the palm,
The metal atoms on the wall immediately rearranged in an orderly manner... With the palm of the hand as the center, a dark gold secret door printed with the company's mark was formed.
"The boss is waiting for you inside, and I will wait outside the door the whole time."
"it is good."
Pushing the door open, the scene in front of me was completely different from the office I had imagined.
The interior turned out to be a private library divided into upper and lower floors.
A middle-aged man with lush blond hair, a square face and a beard, a vertical line suit and a golden ladybug on his chest, is watching design-related books on the second floor.
Han Dong stared at this person, unable to identify the specific level.
However, it is inferred from the designer as the mythological body that this boss has a high probability of corresponding to the king level.
The ‘boss’ on the second floor spoke first:
"There is a big gap with the "different demon" in my impression, but your performance is surprising.
"Ladybug Day" has been 1081 days since its internal testing...You are the "destined traveler" with the highest potential we have seen so far.
Not only that, but there are also several strange monsters from S-01 who performed in the game extremely amazingly.
Including the crazy young man you worked with against the designer, and a guy named [Pop Menda].
However, considering that you are also a regular employee of the Dark Tower and a member of the Fight Club, I decided to meet you in private. There is a very important thing that needs your assistance.
The company will naturally not treat you badly, and can give you some privileges without violating the fairness of the game. "
"What's the matter? Can you talk about it first?"
The ‘boss’ on the second floor temporarily put down his books and walked down the stairs with his hands behind his back:
"At present, the game "Ladybug Day" is still in the testing stage, because one of the very important parameters has not been determined, and it has even exceeded the scheduled "construction period" of the project.
I hope you can be used as a ‘ruler’ to help us determine it. "
"What parameters?"
"The upper limit, we want to know where the upper limit of "Ladybug Game" is.
To put it simply, it is to make the most difficult challenge possible on the basis of complying with the rules of the game, similar to your behavior against GM in the event.
I hope you can use your full potential, try to reach the limit in the game, whether it will cause the game to collapse.
If your behavior causes serious problems in "Ladybug Day", we will also give some additional rewards afterwards. "
"Oh! I'm willing to try this... However, the risk issue cannot be ignored.
I used to fight against the designer, if I continue, I might really be killed.
Therefore, I also have a condition here, I hope you can agree to it. "
"As long as the conditions do not affect the balance of the game, I will try my best to meet them."
"I don't need anything, I just want to know some information.
Information about your company or the world is based on the fundamental reason why you developed "Ladybug Day".
I am willing to sign a soul-level confidentiality agreement. "
Han Dong's words also made the'boss' frown.
"Why do you want to know this? The questions you asked do not seem to help you in my opinion.
The content of the information touches our company's top secrets, and is even closely related to the dark tower... Although I can tell you, you must have a valid reason. "
"I own one [Medium World] node and three [Large Worlds] shares under my name. One of the large worlds also belongs to the'special category.'
According to my speculation, your company should be testing the stability of the world or trying to develop some kind of upgrade system.
If I could know it, it might be very helpful for my own world management. "
"Wait a minute."
The'boss' closed his eyes and seemed to check the authenticity of Han Dong's words.
"Unexpectedly, a full-time employee could have so many'world assets'. It seems that we have really chosen the right person.
Okay, we promised your request.
However, my answer will not go too far, and will only briefly explain the nature of our company and the basic structure of the world, as well as the general purpose of "Ladybug Day". "
"Ladybug Foundation, Game Director-Mars Preston, I am very happy to work with you.
This confidentiality agreement needs you to sign now. "
An agreement involving the soul appeared in front of Han Dong. After confirming that it was correct, Han Dong signed it decisively.
"First answer your first question.
In fact, on the way you came to me from the game room, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has already seen the ‘world’s nature’... The panoramic channel design should allow you to see clearly, right? "
Being reminded like this, Han Dong reacted quickly.
"Huh?! Could it be that ‘the company is the world’?"
"Yes, our world is very small... The world is formed on the basis of the company. In our case, the two belong to the same concept."
The reason why Han Dong was able to guess quickly was precisely because Dray Town was similar.
The town of Derui, which has been given a special label, is a large-scale world, but the world is a small town...there is no problem of the size of the land.
Director Mars continued:
"Before you came here, you should have known that we are not restricted by the Black Tower's [World Ascension] and belong to the'special world'.
In fact, our connection with the Black Tower is much closer than other worlds.
Our company has been recognized by Heita's senior management and has signed a cooperation agreement, which belongs to the special department of Heita-the "World Design Department".
"Ladybug Day" is a large-scale project assigned to us by Dark Tower.
As for the use, I can only tell you that it has something to do with the primitive world... If you can help us determine the "upper limit" of this game, the game can be officially used.
Heita is at a critical point where it is in urgent need of employment. Once it succeeds, it can greatly increase the talent selection rate in Primitive World. "
Han Dong was surprised, but also noticed a key point, and quickly asked:
"Urgently in need of employment? The Black Tower maintains contact with thousands of worlds, will there be a shortage of people?"
"You, as a Black Tower employee, should be able to inquire about this matter internally... I don't know much about it, it's just about going to the "asylum". "
The so-called asylum is precisely the imprisoned building used to detain the clown-Pennywise.
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