Chapter 159: weird

When Han Dong was pulled out of the study, the door was closed.
It seems that due to Han Dong's "peep", some changes are going on inside.
He shivered.
Yes, Han Dong, who had once died, was shaking uncontrollably.
It's different ... and it's clearly different from the feeling of death.
At a moment ago, if he really [face-to-face] with the uninvited guest, Han Dong feels that he may fall into a level more terrible than death.
Han Dong's body trembling at this time is in the fear and fear of biological instinct for 'absolutely unknown'.
I do n’t know, I ’m afraid.
"What do you see?"
"The house is full of white tentacles, Viscount Alex is creating in a weird state ... and a mysterious person supervises it all."
"Mystery man!"
When she heard this news, she was ready to make a foray into the 'suspect' who controlled Viscount Alex.
Han Dong stretched out his right arm and took all his strength to grab Sileste's arm.
"do not go……
I once saw [Baker the Fallen] without any response. But when I saw this man, there was a sense of despair that fell into the endless abyss ... it might die ... you should never go! "
Han Dong's eyes were very serious, and he returned Silestra stiffly.
"What does the other person look like?"
"The yellow robe covers the whole body, you can't see any features ..."
"Yellow Robe?"
It seemed that Lexiste had thought of something terrible, and resolutely gave up breaking into the study, immediately helping Han Dong back together.
I was at this moment.
的 All the fog that had been scattered in the house sank to the ground and disappeared. Even the little magic eyes could not catch it ... The house seemed to return to normal.
The sense of pollution disappeared completely.
[Main creative room] opens again.
No more white mist and tentacles appear from the gap between the doors.
Instead, a trembling arm grabbed the side of the door and dragged the body out.
子 Viscount Alex slowly crawled out.
He's awake from sleepwalking, showing an expression of horror
Plutonium still has thick traces of oil near its eyes.
Hissing hissed and exhausted:
"Save me! Please save me!
Why ca n’t I eliminate my dreams after receiving the baptism of the Holy Light.
Instead, he made the person in the dream move faster and closer to me!
If I sleep again, I may be killed ... I don't want to be a slave to it, I don't want to lose my qualifications! "
I was at this moment.
More than a dozen supporters of the Holy Knights arrived and immediately sealed off the scene.
He first stabilized the physical state of Viscount Alex through hypnosis, and then chained his body to leave the house.
the strange thing is.
During a subsequent search of Martigny's mansion.
The pollution that once scattered here has disappeared.
Later members of the Knights, even if they took out the induction equipment, could not find any pollution.
It was as if the white mist and tentacles overflowing the study disappeared with the ‘mysterious man’.
1. When I searched Alex's study, he didn't find any works that recorded the knowledge of life outside the city or the evil formation. There are only ordinary scripts and communication instruments about the fate space.
2. In addition, according to the "sleepwalk digging" information disclosed by the housekeeper.
In the backyard, there are no traces of the pits that have been dug out ... After every sleepwalk dug out, the servants responsible for backyard work will fill the pits in time.
Alas, there are strange places.
Except for his mother who was taken away by Cass.
Martini's house has more than thirty servants. After experiencing the incident tonight, all the servants disappeared along with the white mist scattered in the mansion.
Uh ...
Holy Knights-Garden of Light
子 Viscount Alex Maldini was completely exposed to the light of light and interrogated.
Han Dong, a 'informed officer', confirmed that he was not infected, and followed the Knight of Sealester all the way. He was counted as a deputy and was a bystander of the interrogation.
诱导 Inductive interrogation by Covey Elliott, the Second Captain of the Holy Knights, majoring in [Library-Divine Realm].
According to the clues, the interrogation focused on two aspects.
Dream and Opera House
"What did you dream of?"
"The scene in the dream is exactly the same as my home. Only because I have a unique perspective on dreams, can I realize that this is a dream ... I sleep on the bed in the master bedroom, and my body cannot move.
On the wall I was facing, there was a picture hanging.
A painting that does not belong to my house.
Jain is a horrible painting that is difficult to describe. It is full of content that is higher than my understanding. It is an abstract painting composed of distorted deformation of different words.
Then, before the painting ... stood a ‘person’.
It's just that because it's the same height as a human, I think of it as a human.
Every dream, it stands beside the painting. "
"Appearance, characteristics?"
"Can't see clearly, darkness is his sanctuary ... I can only feel it staring at me, a gaze that makes my spine cool, restless."
"Dream is the same every day?"
"The scene is the same, but this person is constantly approaching.
yesterday! It is already standing at the end of the bed. If I dream again, I will fall into the abyss of darkness and lose my chance of being a man ... I beg you to save me. "
With a wave of his hand, Coco Elliot warmed the light and calmed Alex's mood.
"The second question, I heard from the steward.
A few days before the strange dream began to affect you, have you ever been to the Opera House? "
Aris nodded quickly:
"The writer circle often gets together to talk about ways to find inspiration.
About two weeks ago, someone said that the second stage of the [Sacred Soul Opera House] will host one of the most gorgeous stage performances in history. Everyone agreed, and went to watch this 'gorgeous' performance the next day. It's about ... "
When I said this ~ ~ Aris suddenly felt that the 'memory' that should have been stored in his head was gone.
只 He only remembered watching a magnificent performance, only that the performance was shocking and brought new inspiration to his creation.
But all the information about this 'opera' in the memory disappeared.
"Which writers did you meet at the Opera House?" Covey Eliot continued to ask.
"Baron Simon, Viscount Wordsworth, Lord Louis ..."
Coco Eliot left the room temporarily, and after discussions with outsiders, returned to the interrogation room with the relevant information.
"These are the relevant materials of your fellow writers in your dictation."
When Viscount Alex opened the files, his body trembled, his eyes filled with fear, and his mouth kept repeating: "Impossible ... Impossible ..."
Sergei Eliot said blandly: "[Sacred Soul Opera House] in your mouth, let alone the second floor, the entire holy city has never existed before.
In addition, the fellow writers mentioned in your mouth have been missing for more than ten years if they were not the bone-inhabitants in the cemetery. "
的 The materials handed to Yaris were all the death files backed up by the local public security bureau.
That is.
Viscount Alysse followed a group of dead men to a ‘non-existent’ opera house and watched a ‘unforgettable’ show.
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