Chapter 161: The truth of overlapping spaces

About the Viscount Alex went to the Opera House and dug in the backyard during sleepwalking. These important information were given by the housekeeper.
Although Viscount Alex himself had the memories of going to the opera house.
But it may also be ‘fake’ or affected by dreams, resulting in chaotic memories.
Actually, Viscount Alex never visited the Opera House.
整 It was midnight yesterday.
The white mist suddenly diffused in the ‘Kas’ house and introduced everyone into the overlapping space. It ’s exactly someone who started this formation in the backyard.
The housekeeper who lives in the backyard has major suspicions.
"Mr. Black and White, overlapping space? It means that there are two different spaces in the same place, does that mean?"
"Yes ... this array is both the main focus of maintaining the overlapping space and the 'switch button'."
Last night someone started the formation and introduced you into the overlap space.
Therefore, you have witnessed the white mist, tentacles, and mysterious people.
When the supporters of the Holy Knights rushed to the gate of the mansion, someone closed the formation and switched back to the original space ... Therefore, the white mist and tentacles were completely dispersed, and even a little pollution was undetectable. "
Han Dong still doesn't quite understand: "So ... what does it mean that the real Alex was trapped here? Who was taken to the Holy Knights?"
"What is imprisoned here is just a ray of spirit of Alex, a ray of spirit body dedicated to creation. He should be a special writer 'selected' by this incident.
Since starting to dream the same dream continuously ten days ago, he is being induced to create special works for someone.
At midnight every day, the matrix method will start on time, introducing him to the overlapping space for secret work creation. "
"So it is."
After Mr. Black and White explained.
It is clear what to do next.
Enter the main house and prevent creation.
"The cleanup of the" little things "will be left to you, and I will show up at the necessary moment.
You still need to pay attention to that, the servants of Maldini's family have been polluted for more than ten days, and the body has been corrupted.
In addition, when dealing with this 'white tentacle', be careful of the direct influence from the spiritual level ... the goggles may fail. "
He said, Mr. Black and White changed.
He turned into an ordinary crow and fell on Han Dong's shoulder.
"The crow prophet ... is amazing."
莱 Silaisite, who followed, was completely out of touch.
Tong Mingming had not experienced the incident last night, but Mr. Black and White was able to understand the truth of the incident as an onlooker and cooperate with Han Dong's oral information.
Amazed, Searest was ready for battle.
The armor, chain 枷, and light shield are already equipped.
Multiple gains are applied to the front yard of the mansion.
"Nicholas, you better follow me, use your special eyes for observation, and make up the knife if necessary. Faced with such a large number of fallen people, you better avoid fighting ..."
Silaisite just finished telling.
Two weak breaths came from behind.
韩 In this "overlapping space" that isolates the outside world, Han Dong has no worries, and in addition to time constraints, Han Dong directly sacrifices all his strength.
The two belongings appeared together.
When Chen Li appeared, she sneaked into the darkness through the white mist.
Lucy Lester has not been surprised that she has seen the middle evil-Chen Li in the previous Baker incident.
But she has never seen this bald head with a saw blade inlaid on his skull, an iron chain dragged in his hands, and a black eyeball-[Tugu. Gonzales]
Because of this man's appearance, ashes particles were scattered in the air, and the temperature rose accordingly.
的 The strength emanating from this man was not weak at all.
"Devil? ... Where are you so many summoners?"
Silaisite had contact with many knights majoring in [Control].
She knows some rules about 'summoning' ... Even a formal knight, few people can control two summons that match her level at the same time.
Summoners like this humanoid are more difficult to control than Warcraft with simple thinking.
"Let's talk later, let's solve the gardener in the front yard ..."
Gaze shifted to the garden area.
Strewn in the mist, the plants in the front yard became weird.
The creeping vines, branches, and flowers swayed strangely in the air.
As for the gardener who is in charge of the garden work, he has been completely corrupted.
Unlike the former [Baker of the Fallen], Baker can barely maintain the human form because of the support of eye books, and his consciousness is relatively sound.
However, the gardener here has lost his human body's proper posture, and his thinking and consciousness have already decayed.
1. The skin is massively lumped, with white tentacles growing.
2. The arm turns into a 'meat-shaped funnel', which waters the plants through its body fluids.
3. The lower body becomes a giant sucker, which is convenient for them to quickly draw water from the fountain pool area and replenish the nutrient solution in the body.
"There are five in total, I will solve three of them ... the remaining two will be slightly delayed!"
"it is good."
After all, is the best in the Cavaliers.
Russell Wester rushed forward without fear.
The steel chain in my hand was immediately covered with a flame of restraint against pollution.
Chain 枷 swept!
The first gardener who hadn't responded yet was attacked directly by a powerful chain hammer and was crushed directly.
The polluted limbs scattered on the ground were eroded by the holy flame, quickly annihilated, and did not give the other party any chance of revival.
`` Avenger's Shield ''
Aegis thrown and flew out.
The cricket hits and bounces between the other two gardeners, causing damage while giving a stun effect.
Silaisite immediately approached, and the chain dagger waved to destroy Yuan Ding, who was in a daze.
"Huh? Vertigo resistance!"
Just as Searest turned.
The third gardener actually offset the vertigo, and aimed the funnel arm at her.
喷射 A highly contaminated body fluid sprayed.
After passing through the battle-fighting Sylest, she quickly raised the Aegis.
Let's sizzle!
White smoke rose over the Divine Shield.
长时间 Prolonged contact with this contaminated liquid ~ ~ may damage the holy things.
Sileste gritted her teeth and decisively launched the active skills attached to the chain 枷.
普通 A normal-sized sacred hammer was formed out of nowhere above the gardener's head.
Lowered vertically and completely crushed the third round dices.
"Three, get it! Deep corruption ... Nicholas shouldn't deal with it well, right?"
Sileste took a deep breath, bypassing the weird garden area as fast as possible, and went to support Han Dong.
However, the scene she saw as she stepped out of the garden.
He did not agree with the picture that Han Dong struggled to delay the two fallen men.
Han Dong, who had a black crow on his shoulder, didn't even do anything, even sitting leisurely on the edge of the fountain.
The battle just ended.
Yan Tuogu confronted directly and cooperated with Chen Li's assassination, they completely destroyed the two gardeners.
The gardener's body was completely burned by Togu's "lava" ability, and it was neat and clean.
This scene can't see West Lest.
In just over a week, Han Dong, who was released from the space of destiny, has improved substantially from the last time he was in an underground area.
Han Dong took back the two servants and got up and pointed towards the mansion.
"Sister Winow, let's go!"
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