Vol 7 Chapter 1617: Performance (2)

That's right.
That night, the aura that flashed through Han Dong's head was an open class about the black tower.
Now that it has been learned that Black Tower wants to establish a special cooperative relationship with the 01 world, to break the old grievances and long-term barriers, sooner or later the mutual information will be shared.
The Black Tower took the initiative to open the destiny space here, gradually allowing the alien life to go to the destiny space, and also giving rewards of the same level is a good proof.
Since Han Dong is an important gear for the cooperation between the two, he also agrees with this matter.
It's better to do better,
The intelligence information of the Black Tower was sorted out in an open class in advance.
To the esoteric masters and students who are good at accepting new things, introduce, explain and delve into the structure foundation of the black tower, world management, talent training and comprehensive diplomacy, etc.
It not only explores the knowledge of the black tower of science and the multiverse from teachers and students, but also conducts in-depth exploration of the method of managing the world like the black tower.
When this idea was first born, Han Dong thought it was necessary.
If this public class is accepted at UM, it would be equivalent to setting off a wave of new culture.
When the two sides really want to carry out special cooperation, the gap between them will also become thinner.
This idea brought Han Dong, but it was unexpected trouble.
Since Heita’s attitude towards 01 is not fully open,
When Han Dong went to the black tower for the first time, he was strictly forbidden to disclose any information about the black tower to 01, and he could not even mention the word black tower.
Other related to the black tower, large-scale, sub-super, and super worlds all have full interoperability of talents, trade, data, etc., and the mutual information is basically completely open.
Therefore, Han Dong must take a trip to the black tower and submit the relevant application.
Although the advanced-minded gentleman agreed with the open class matter, and took the initiative to submit it to the above.
The Black Tower therefore allows Han Dong to disclose relevant information to 01, but there are a lot of restrictions.
Han Dong must write open classes in accordance with the restrictions. Once he is taken as an example, he will be severely punished... The most difficult point is how to write down the real core requirements under restricted circumstances.
At the same time, the content of this public class is far beyond Han Dong's expectations.
For more than 20 days, Han Dong basically didn't sleep much... This is why Han Dong was so interested when he heard the first lecturer Brown Jenkin's speech on the dream hypothesis.
Sometimes I really want to spend all my sleep time, and hopefully achieve sleep effects.
For researchers like Han Dong, 24 hours a day is too short.
Although there is still a lot of content that needs to be added, changed and revised,
However, the basic system of the curriculum has basically taken shape, combined with Han Dong's own teaching standards, there is absolutely no problem with using it in public performances.

University of Michigan, atrium teaching building No. 1 lecture room
Two hours have passed since Han Dong came to teach on stage.
Even if it was late at night, there was no noise in the entire lecture hall... Even as the director of the Academic Affairs Office responsible for the evaluation of professional titles, he was listening carefully to Han Dong's teaching.
From the beginning, Pope's mental state of being prepared to provoked, slowly became fascinated, and temporarily removed his prejudice against Han Dong during the performance.
"Today I have prepared so much content for the time being. This course was made by me temporarily 20 days ago.
Due to the many restrictions given by the black tower, many contents need to be further revised, and there are still many contents and details that have not been completed... I will gradually improve this course in the next time. "
It was not stopped by the jury.
It was Han Dong who took the initiative to dismiss after two hours of teaching.
After a moment of lag, the jury and the students from the back row came to the class with enthusiastic applause...Even Pope was almost driven, and when he was about to clap his hands, his palms were only lightly pressed together without making any sound.
"It's interesting... I can barely give you an advantage."

The dean of the Academic Affairs Office looked at Han Dong on the podium with an eyeball hidden in the hood and occupying the entire sky.
It seems that he has made a secret decision to add this brand new course to the public classes of the University of Michigan.
"Quite a wonderful lecture!
Lecturer Nicholas, please show off your strength and complete the performance. "
"it is good."
In an instant
On the podium, the calm and introverted Han Dong in suit and leather shoes suddenly changed a person.
Two fingers crossed his lips to outline a black smiling face.
At the same moment
The densely spaced time-interval layer, the center of chaos tens of millions of light-years apart
Green, who was trapped in a state of self-swallowing, vaguely heard bursts of laughter with similar attributes, which made him wake up from the state of silence in an instant.
A name was whispered softly in his mouth: "Nicholas..."

The twelve-hour job title evaluation came to a successful conclusion.
The fourteen lecturers who participated in the evaluation of the title of associate professor were all scored and evaluated by the jury, and internal discussions will be held in the follow-up.
The final result will be announced throughout the universe at the beginning of school.
The former third element, Sally's sister, Professor Koji, hasn't gotten up yet.
Drops of loving liquid have soaked the seat, ticking, and even dripping.
It was stimulated by Han Dong's performance.
In fact, even though Sally is quite sure of Han Dong's abilities, Kouji, who has never seen this young man, herself is skeptical about Han Dong's ability to cure her mother.
But after seeing such a performance, his worries disappeared.
"Mom, maybe I can really recover..."

Han Dong, who devoted himself to the performance, immediately felt the tiredness accumulated during the summer vacation as soon as he stepped off the stage.
He just wants to go back to the dormitory to sleep.
When I was about to greet Sally to come and help me. UU reading www.uukanshu.cóm
A stream of pure cosmic energy penetrated into the brain, making Han Dong a little awake.
Sally, who was approaching in her field of vision, was also blocked by a translucent starlight head.
"It's a wise choice. If you continue to choose Alien Structures between performances, I will give you a failing score without hesitation."
Han Dong responded with an awkward look:
"Sure enough, I always hide my identity when I enter school, it's useless at all...
Pope, when did you find me? "
Han Dong didn’t use his original identity when he entered the school, but deliberately used it to avoid Popper’s attention.
"This kind of inferior disguise is not like the color your tentacles should have...
Not to mention, you have risen rapidly in the University of Michigan in only half a school year. You have been rated as an excellent lecturer and qualified to participate in the evaluation of professional titles.
At the same time, as an external professor, he was actually guaranteed by the vice president.
In addition, have we met once at Gushan Apartment? "
"I found out that time."
"It's not a complete discovery, it's just a guess...Combined with the above excellent performance, you can be determined without inference at all.
Do you think I really have such a small belly and chicken intestines, I will target you in school because of Green's problem?
As long as you are willing to contribute to UM, I will naturally treat you as a colleague. "
Han Dong pretended to be dull and friendly and scratched his head, "Haha, I must invite Pope to dinner when I have time. I am really tired today. I'm afraid I will have to sleep for three days and three nights to recover."
Pope took the initiative to show up this time, mainly because he wanted to ask about the treasure.
But in the end he couldn't ask, staring at the figure of Sally helping him away, curiosity doubled...
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