Vol 7 Chapter 1619: Pope's attitude

Directly cover and change reality, eliminating the basic concepts of time and space.
"This is not a simple mythological realm... Conventional reality intervention has absolutely no such effect.
Pop’s field can not only touch the rules,
Even the rules of the world in this special area can be erased, which is terrible! "
Han Dong and Sally are regarded as friendly forces, so they are not subject to much restriction. Both their bodies are covered with a faint starburst to ensure that they can move freely between domains.
If the enemy is trapped here, it is another situation.
Now that Pop has already asked this level, Han Dong naturally cannot continue to hide.
Open the mouth to an extent that ordinary people can’t reach,
The jawbone was also completely dislocated.
The gray tentacles with extremely high purity and originated from Han Dong's origins faintly float softly at the end of the mouth, and a special piece of equipment is slowly squeezing out.
"this is…"
When Pope tried to snoop in advance, he found that he could not see through with his star eyes.
A piece of equipment wrapped in the tentacles is repelling everything from the outside world, and even the subjective feeling of vision can be blocked.
Mucus drips.
A tentacle sword was held by Han Dong...a closer look will reveal,
The imitating tentacles with a black crystal color and a little hardened actually belong to the scabbard. By imitating the material characteristics of the original scabbard, it is used to suppress the inner magic sword, while ensuring softness and affinity, so that the magic sword enjoys the best Habitat.
When Han Dong grabbed the tentacle sword in his hand.
Sally was also in a biological instinct, and quickly moved a distance from Han Dong, the black hair between the legs of the lamb was completely erected.
She can clearly feel the danger hidden in it.
Han Dong held the tentacle sword in his hand and fiddled with it lightly.
"This magic sword is extremely difficult to control. I had three owners before, and they couldn't control it in the end and returned it to the black tower... I am only in preliminary control."
Pope asked further: "Look at its body a little bit, should it still be okay?"
"It may be dangerous."
"I will bear all the consequences!"
At this moment,
Pope has reached this juncture in his full incarnation of a curious baby, and he will never stop without seeing the body of the magic sword.
Quack quack
Under Han Dong's control, one of the imitative tentacles that constitute the scabbard slowly withdrew.
The weird sword body that is flowing emerges, like black particles formed by the destruction of the stars, in an orderly flow to form the shape of the sword body.
The moment I witnessed the main body,
Pop's starry sky brain is running at high speed, and the brain library set up in it has also begun to work fully, searching for knowledge related to it.
"Is this a product of an accidental formation of a dark universe when it collapsed? A one-in-ten billion coincidence?"
at this time.
Because part of the body is not covered by the scabbard,
The magic sword became a little impatient, and the black particles began to flow faster.
A tingling sensation spread through Pope's brain.
At the same time, the singularity of the mythical realm unfolded by Pop was cut through a crack.
See it
Han Dong quickly grasped the magic sword and tried to reassemble the removed tentacles.
At this time, a cold and temperatureless palm stretched out... buckled Han Dong's wrist to stop his behavior of blocking the magic sword.
At the same time, there was a tingling sensation similar to cosmic rays falling on the skin surface from between the palms, which was actually quite comfortable, causing Han Dong's whole body to tremble slightly.
"Wait! Let me see it again! It's so beautiful."
This process lasts about ten seconds.
Considering that the outside world may be greatly affected, and the magic sword's information may be leaked, Han Dong still forced the scabbard to be filled... and swallowed the entire tentacle sword into his body.
Ten seconds of scrutiny is enough for Popper.
A gentle comet flashed between the pupils of the eyes to express satisfaction.
When the field is withdrawn.
This was a luxuriously decorated private room, which seemed to be corroded by radioactive materials, all the lighting systems were damaged, and abnormal pits appeared on the surface of the wall.
"Don't worry, I will compensate in full for the loss of the private room. No one knows what happened here except the three of us.
Having said that, Nicholas really gave you a good thing..."
Although Pope is a little envious,
But he doesn't regret at all that he abstained in the game. After all, in his cognition, he was indeed a winner.
If you work hard at the last moment, the worst result will be the death of both parties.
He had long believed that this was the reward Nicholas deserved...but he didn't expect it to be such a special piece of equipment.
"Looking forward to the day when you perfectly control this piece of equipment."
"Thank you..." Han Dong also took this opportunity to ask about one thing, "By the way, Pop! Should the result of my job title evaluation come out? Can you reveal it in advance?
I am still more worried,
After all, this public class involves a black tower that is opposite to the world of monsters. It may cause a lot of controversy, right? "
Pope responded indifferently:
"No comment, UU reading www.uukanshu.com school has its own rules... Besides, tomorrow is the first day of school, the Office of Academic Affairs will naturally make a notification to the whole school, and you will know it at that time."
At this time, Pope contacted the person in charge of the canteen to bear the cost of the damage to the compartment, and at the same time he was about to get up and leave.
"That's it, I have a lot of things to do, so I'll go one step ahead... This time I have a better breakfast."
Just when Popper showed particles all over his body and was about to teleport away.
Han Dong gently put his arm up.
"Pop, can you leave a contact information?"
Pop did not respond and did not interrupt the transmission process.
At the moment when his body was about to dissipate, a sound came from the virtual space:
"I have left some of the void traits in the private room. According to your ability, you should be able to identify and capture them smoothly...Remember, if there is nothing necessary, don't bother me.
I am very busy. "
At the end of the speech, the transmission was just completed.
Standing in the same place, Han Dong smiled, as if he had achieved a certain goal.
"You are really good, Nicholas." Sally who was next to her attached such a sentence.
Han Dong showed an innocent expression that he didn't know anything, and turned his head to ask: "Huh? What can I do?"
However, the faintly revealed smile still exposed Han Dong's true thoughts.
As a result, the difficult barrier with Pope was finally pierced by a small hole.
This is very important for Han Dong's development in the University of Missouri and the development of the void attribute in his body.
"Just right, I have eaten breakfast too
Sally, let's go to see your sister. The rest of the day happens to be relatively free, so I can relax a little bit. "
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