Vol 7 Chapter 1640: Francis Morgan

In the depths of the brain-filled skeletal remains, the sound of devouring flesh is constantly heard.
Eugenes stood aside respectfully, watching the eating process of senior.
Although he felt a bit distressed about the living creatures being eaten, he did it voluntarily...it was a return to the gift once given to the whole clan by the other party.
Professor Morgan was swallowing a special brain with a chrysanthemum-shaped opening on the top.
Due to the devouring of this high-quality brain, his own brain loss can be quickly replenished,
The negative emotions of endless greed are slowly disappearing.
"It's worthy of being a technological race that could compete with our race in ancient times... The brains of these guys are still so unique! As compensation, I will give you some scientific researchers."
That's right.
Professor Morgan ate the ancestor who Eugenes actively contributed from the Black Meat Mountain.
"It doesn't matter, as long as you can be satisfied...I always want to thank you for your help to my clan, but this time I have a wish."
The Antarctic once was quite chaotic.
As the main invasion point of the world catastrophe, the ancients have completely fallen, leaving only a handful of survivors.
Also due to the fall of the ancients and the complete collapse of the social system, the Shugs tribe, who was completely enslaved by the ancients, was finally liberated.
However, although they are free, they don't know how to use such freedom.
At first, he only knew that he could vent all kinds of desires indefinitely, swallow the essence of Roshan, and arbitrarily carry out the most stinking substance metabolism.
Black Roshan was once turned into a cesspool and garbage den for Shuggs.
Until this professor Morgan from the University of Michigan came to investigate the new alien species...
Because he himself despised the ancients,
Therefore, special methods are used to control the Shuggs, carefully teach a sound social management system, and turn the remnants of the ancients into slaves for endless scientific research.
It took several years to build Black Roshan into a Shugus society.
It is precisely in this way that Eugenes can get the advanced ideas and technology education of the ancients since childhood, maximize the heritage and technology of the six villages of the ancients in Roshan, and grow into a unique and special existence.
With one by one the ancients' brains go down.
Professor Morgan's brain loss no longer exists, and he has returned to a rational state as a whole.
The brain tissue covering the skeletal hiding place and Professor Morgan's body all converged towards the semi-open skull...contained in a normal-sized cranial cavity.
With a flesh-red main brain as the center, six sub-brains of different colors surround it.
Leaving aside the neural connections between each other and the structure of the brain, it is actually somewhat similar to the celestial structure of a star system.
Both the main brain and the sub-brain are responsible for very important tasks, possessing completely different ability systems...Any head that is separated and put into a suitable body will form a powerful individual.
Dr. Morgan also completely returned to his original state, as Miguel's true posture.
The semi-open cranial cavity that contains the brain corresponds to the slender and thin body.
Six slender and wrinkled arms hanging from the knees,
A tail covered with spiral patterns drags to the ground,
There are also a pair of wings that can be used for flying on the back,
Leaving the brain aside, it was an ordinary Migo body... and this body was not complete yet, half of the waist and abdomen were missing, and even the soul was bitten away.
The surrounding wounds are also covered with small gears inlaid in the flesh and connected, which need to be removed slowly.
It was the severe trauma that brought him. .
"The corpse food teaching ritual, in terms of aggressiveness, is enough to rank in the top three in the magic book... even if this ghoul does not fully understand it, it is still a huge threat.
It's really bad if you get bitten by it.
This is also no alternative... Among the many old kings, only He fits this plan. Such an arrogant character allows me to have such a one-to-one opportunity.
Although the price is high, everything is worth it. "
Professor Morgan has already detected the location of the land lease,
Down the secret road
Came to the king-level title deed buried deep in the continent, supporting the entire Zosik continent.
"Although I failed to win the throne in one fell swoop, the land deed is enough... In this way, I can build my own ecological empire.
I will prove to everyone that my research will reach the end of truth.
The world will be completely complemented by my research. "
When he touched the title deed,
The signature in the lower right corner was immediately replaced with Professor Morgan's name.
"Is Eugenes coming with me?"
"it is good."
Professor Morgan created a living spacecraft that can carry two people on the spot and provides a stable ecological environment.
Carrying the two straight out of the earth, towards the depths of the universe, to an unknown planet... where a special ecological prototype and a laboratory belonging to Morgan have been established.
As long as the land deed is brought over, an independent ecological experimentation circle can be formed.
Was taken away due to land deeds,
This piece of Zosik Continent, isolated between the slits of the world, no longer has a support point. The cracks of the earth quickly penetrate the entire continent, carrying the ghouls who have not had time to evacuate, and together they turn into food for the deep sea.

On the biological spaceship.
Professor Morgan still cares about one thing.
"Eugins, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, you seem to know the special young people who are in the corpse?
When I came to Zul Baha, I was always in a secret state.
The only possible exposure is by accidentally being swept by this person's fake magic eyes.
He is also proficient in the secrets of the void, although he is not as good as Pop, but he is also more proficient in using it.
At the same time, there is a special Migo fused in his brain, a special breed that even I have never seen.
There are many kinds of strange demonic auras in his body, but there are human elements in his soul.
What's the origin of this kid? Why is it that even important people like Sally Love are following him... I have been in retreat for the past ten years, and I have never heard of relevant information before. "
"You are talking about... Nicholas.
It is true that he has only risen suddenly in the past ten years, and it is normal that you have not heard of it. "
Eugenes made a gnashing appearance, and he really didn't want to recall Han Dong's deeds.
But he still told the deeds he knew...just skipped the shameful deeds of his defeat to Han Dong.
Overcome the top ten elements of the contemporary era to win the final victory in the London game.
I remember the original quality of this generation should be regarded as the strongest after the reconstruction of the new world, right? Even the young man who crawled out of the abyss of madness was able to beat Pope and become the first quality.
Can he actually win the first contribution? "
"Well... Nicholas is quite special, and there is a deep relationship with Gray Walker behind him.
I also heard recently that after the game in London, he went to UM to apply for teachers. "
When you hear the word Mi Da.
Professor Morgan's eyes flashed with uncontrollable extreme evil and mania.
"That's really a pity... If you just kill this kid, you can study his brain, it will be very interesting."
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