Chapter 167: Witch's House

There are not a few knights who follow the example of the Great Plague and take the second destiny profession.
But there are too few to really achieve something. According to big data statistics, knights majoring in a destiny career are more likely to be touched.
Even if the Great Plague grows like this, combined with the existence of the natural disaster tree, it is harder to go up and reach a higher level than a knight who majors in a profession.
Parliament has issued clear directives.
个体 When an individual tries to allocate destiny points to the second profession, he must report in advance, and only in the case of a guarantor, is this risk allowed.
Uh ...
Therefore, when talking about minors.
Witch is also very surprised ... After all, Han Dong is a disciple of "Mr. Black and White". I did not expect that Mr. Black and White would allow Han Dong to make this risky choice.
In fact, as early as five years ago, he has reached the level of strength of being a department head and subjective mysterious department.
However, because of Mr. Black and White's existence, she could not sit in that position anyway.
What Mr. Han Dong wants for minor repairs, Mr. Black and White naturally knows that he will write this recommendation letter.
The witch witch looked puzzled, thinking, "Is that crow betting again?"
When the witch tried to peek into the special place of Han Dong with a special "pupil technique".
The Great Plague Mayor-Mograine put a hand lightly on her shoulder and stopped the action in time.
The Great Plague Chief slid his other hand back and forth across his thick beard.
"My" natural disaster "is fundamentally different from the plague you are repairing, and it is not suitable for you to give pointers ... However, I can tell you something empirical about the issue of" minor repair ".
什么 What are you going to minor? "
Han Dong answered without hesitation:
Han Dong was immediately attracted when he made his fate decision for the first time.
The essence of this profession corresponds to 'magic'.
Only because of the nature and contrast of the "faceless person's skull", Han Dong preferred mystery in order to familiarize himself with the skull's ability and relatively camouflage it, to establish a foothold in the holy city.
After learning that the Great Plague Chief majored in Crusaders and supplemented with Plagueology.
Han Dong's idea of ​​minor training is getting stronger and stronger.
According to Han Dong, the magic system involved is directly linked to the technology of this world.
He was engaged in scientific research before his death, and he was eager and eager to understand the magic elements in this world.
"Hmm ..." The Great Plague nodded.
I did not explain some basic things, such as the balance problem, energy problem, and destiny point input during minor training.
The Great Plague is just longer than a finger.
"Don't be affected by any external factors, have any purposeful thoughts, try to minor supplements ... but let it be, because you want to do it alone, and the destiny profession alone cannot meet your needs Select minor second door.
In those days, I just wanted to further temper through some special methods.
After learning that the mysterious department is a good place for tempering, he secretly found a chance to sneak in and end the plague for the first time.
The soothing sensation of dipping his body into the plague pool for the first time is hard to forget now.
I never thought of minors myself ... just let it be, just do it.
也 "Fate" itself is the same.
Can you understand what I mean? "
As soon as this remark was made, Han Dong's eyes flashed with a flash of light.
This is exactly the answer that Han Dong wants.
Some basic things are understood by Han Dong, and the words of the Great Plague may be of great significance to Han Dong.
"Thank you for the mention of the Great Plague Chief! I understand that I will seriously consider the matter of" minor repairs. "
"Yes, Not Bad."
Han Dong can understand these words, the plague chief still agrees with him.
"I won't bother ..."
Now that he had the answer he wanted, Han Dong was ready to get up and leave.
Take a break in the last three days and prepare for the upcoming qualifiers.
At that time, there will be a large number of elites participating in the National Royal Knights College ... Under the premise that the faceless person's head-related ability cannot be used, Han Dong must go all out.
Who knows, Han Dong just got up, but was suddenly called by the witch.
"Little guy, don't hurry! All come, come and stay overnight."
Han Dong replied awkwardly, "Mr. Kailongya, I have something to go back to."
"Wait a minute ..."
The eyes of this witch revealed a look of interest in Han Dong.
Get in touch with Mr. Black and White immediately through the clockwork.
"Crow, can your student lend me a‘ use ’day?

别 "Don't play it bad, it's enough."
好 "Well ... I will educate him well."
Listening to such a conversation, Han Dong felt very uneasy.
The sorceress woke up with an evil smile and reached out to a room inside.
"Mia is a student I see very much.
I'm here now, so stay with you and Mia.
I just have half a pot of witch soup that I can use to
make up my body
. I will be able to eat it a little while heating for dinner, which is very helpful to your young people ’s health.
You stay here to learn more about each other.
‘The 'important thing' between me and the Great Plague Chief has not been done yet, see you later. "
I finished talking.
长 The great plague chief directly picked up the witch in his arms and continued to work in the house.
This kind of "high-level" battle will naturally have greater movement.
两位 The two young people sitting in the hall were naturally affected and their faces were flushed ~ ~ as if they had suffered internal injuries.
那 "That ... that ..." Mia blushed, and she even murmured.
"Let's go outside and around?" Han Dong is in good shape, after all, he has heard the story between the two big men.
"it is good……"
Mia is too 'excited'.
When I got up, I accidentally bumped into the bone ornament hanging in front of me.
Like a personal item, half of the face worn at any time was knocked down.
Mia's right face was exposed.
There are dense and strange marks on it, like birthmarks or some special tattoos.
Han Dong's special vision saw a little black smoke from the surface of these marks ... it should be some kind of "curse mark", somehow it was imprinted on Mia's right face.
Because his right face was exposed to the air.
A large number of small poisonous spiders crawled out from the gap between the floor and the wall.
She Mia quickly picked up her mask and put it back on.
As the mask covered the mark, these spiders immediately turned into black smoke and disappeared ...
"……That one."
Mia was a little nervous and was trying to explain when.
Han Dong was standing outside the door, pretending to see nothing, nothing happened, and beckoned to her with nothing.
"Let's go."
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