Vol 7 Chapter 1654: Planetary essence

   "Well, any clues?"
   The bandage hunter with two great swords on his back continued:
  "We have found this planet for 13 hours. Based on our observations and analysis of the planet as a whole, it is speculated that this planet is not a natural planet transferred from the outside world.
   is [Betrayer-Morgan] directly built or ‘planted’ solid planets in broken dimensions through a certain technology.
   There is no soil structure here..."
  Speaking of which.
   He suddenly swung the great sword on his back and cut a few meters deep into the marsh ground.
   As expected, there is no soil structure inside.
   but stuffed with high-density vascular bundles,
   layer and layer are also separated by bast fibers or hard dead skin tissue, so that its texture is almost the same as that of a conventional solid planet.
   But the most important thing is the filling energy flowing between the vascular bundles. It is this kind of energy that supports the entire planet and at the same time provides nutrients for the tree of the world to ensure the stable existence of the [leaf layer].
   It is this kind of energy cycle and plant structure that allows the planet to exist stably among the broken dimensions.
   When I saw this scene.
   Suddenly said the last sentence with Han Dong who was at the end of the team:
   "If this technology can be used reasonably, it may be able to repair the existing [broken cracks] in the universe."
   This statement came out.
   The four bandage hunters, as well as the other professors of the team, cast their sights.
   They did not deny that it is indeed possible.
   But there are many problems. The technology is rooted in Morgan, and this man is an extremist who does not abide by the rules of the world and treats with the old king.
   Many old kings are paying attention to this matter. If it is not handled well... a vicious influence will inevitably spread quickly across the world.
   "We still consider how to suppress and seal the target first. If we can bring him back to the University of Michigan, we will carefully consider how to make good use of Morgan's surplus value while completing the trial and execution."
   Dean Dell's words eased the atmosphere of the scene.
   Because of the attention just now, the hunters also recognized Han Dong, a ‘geek’ who has suddenly risen recently.
   It is hard for them to imagine that this person would actually participate in such dangerous missions at the stage of returning to their ancestors... You know, they are all mythical hunters, and they just came here to investigate intelligence.
   Moreover, the Hunter Court also strictly requires them to avoid direct contact with the target as much as possible.
   However, since it was the arrangement of the school, they didn't ask much.
The hunter headed by    said:
  "In view of the high probability that the entire planet was created by the traitor Morgan in a special way,
   His affinity with the planet should be very high, and he can even directly monitor the situation in various regions.
  Cooperating with the "king-level land deed" he snatched from the Zosik continent, it may be possible to achieve overall control...If our two teams act together, the probability of being discovered will also multiply. "
   Dean Dell nodded, "Our two teams have different styles and are not suitable for joint operations.
   Let’s explore the inside of the planet in your own way...If you can meet at the final moment, I hope you can cooperate with our seal plan as agreed. "
   The hunters who were sitting, standing or resting in different postures disappeared from the field of vision in an instant, leaving only a little murderous residue in place.
   "The strength of this group of hunters is still very good, their assistance can increase the success rate of the plan..."
   Suddenly, Dean Dell tilted his head to look at Han Dong at the end of the team.
   "Associate Professor Nicholas, how did your idea just come up?"
   "Huh? Repair the cracks...
  Since the other party has the ability to build a stable planet between the cracks, I instinctively think that the use of similar biotechnology may be able to plug the cracks and even repair them.
   After all, this matter is about the stability of our world.
   Dean, you should also know that I have a deep intersection with destiny and the dark tower... Maybe in a few years, a ‘big event’ will erupt.
   At that time, if the cracks still exist, our world may also be affected, or even invaded. "
   Although Dean Dell had been in private, he took the time to listen to several public classes that Han Dong introduced to the University of Michigan, and he had a certain understanding of the space of destiny and the dark tower.
   "Huh? There is this kind of thing... In other words, besides the highest existence in the black tower, what else can threaten our world?"
   Han Dong also took this opportunity to reveal part of the matter in advance,
   As a senior member of the University of Michigan, Dean Dell, if he pays attention to it, it will also facilitate subsequent preparations, which is equivalent to a vaccination in advance.
  "If it is a group of existences similar to [Kit], which are themselves positioned as ‘wrong’ existences, invading the world... the harm caused should be very serious.
   This is probably the case. The specific situation will not be understood until I reach the stage of mythology. "
   "Kit...this matter must be elaborated after returning to school! This is a big deal.
   At present, handle Morgan's affairs first. When we successfully complete the seal plan, I will propose a meeting involving the top secretaries. Nicholas will also participate. "
  When talking about this.
   is a bit contradictory, if what Han Dong said is true.
  Mending the cracks is really important, but this again requires the use of [Morgan], a dangerous figure.
   Dean Dell recalled a meeting of deans held at the University of Michigan.
   was also the only dean's party that Morgan attended, and was subsequently dismissed.
   At that time, he was on the surface in the party. He was thinking about a project that could complement the world and even complement the life system. He was just discussing it in depth and in time, and many of the content touched the [bottom line] of the alien.
   You need to know that the strange monsters originally maintained their balance through a relatively chaotic chaotic order.
  If this kind of order is placed in human society, it will definitely be regarded as a blasphemous, degenerate and no bottom line of order rules... But Morgan's experiment is far beyond the bottom line of this order.
   was criticized by many deans, including Dell.
   "Well... let's go, find Morgan's lair first."
   The same moment.
  , along the winding tunnel, goes deep into the center of the planet.
   Indeed, as the "Hunter" guessed,
   This planet is very different from regular solid planets.
Although    has a layered structure similar to the crust and mantle, the whole is composed of plants.
   However, in order to maintain the activity of biological enzymes, the geological temperature does not change with depth... The overall temperature is maintained in a more suitable temperature range.
   Deepest point-the center of the planet
   does not have temples or palace buildings that are similar to other myths or kings.
   There is only one relatively spacious [biological laboratory] located here.
   The walls of the laboratory are covered with colorful brains, which are connected to the main roots of the plants that build the planet.
   These brains further separated the nerve tentacles, gathered in the center of the laboratory, and woven into a neural tennis ball.
  The "king-level title deed" that was loaded inside the tennis ball was the core of the planet...when the land deed was installed, the planet was officially activated.
  Professor Morgan with his exposed brain is also here.
   He only needs to separate the tentacles and connect the tennis ball to manage, adjust and monitor the planet's conditions.
   Moreover, he will never make mistakes similar to M.O.
  Through neural network and highly optimized plant framework, he can perfectly monitor any corner of the planet. As long as it is a ‘fly’ that does not belong here, it can be found immediately.
  "Very good...The best experimental materials are finally here!
   The speed of Mi Da is really slow, I thought you would be the first to come here.
   After all, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com I have taken the initiative to quietly spread the clues of the hidden place to some corners, and you should be able to find out soon with your ability. Unexpectedly, it took so long to find him.
   Let me see who is coming?
   Hmm... Dean Dell! Quite perfect mimicry, your body is enough to rank in the top three in Mitsui University, and may be the core and main nutrient of the experiment.
   Who else is there?
   Cognitive impairment... This should be the unique moon beast, right? [Warren Rice], actually sent me such a great tool man.
   If I can control this person, it will become an important medium for me to read the ancient research relics.
   There is also a very dangerous professor. Are you planning to kill me directly? The former secret executioner and executioner-Karen Siti.
   The remaining two are a little strange.
   The activities of one of them will only cause extremely weak spatial fluctuations... Is it the famous "second original quality" of contemporary times? If this is the case, it would be really troublesome.
   When the time comes, let him live.
   The disguise skills of the last one are so high that even I can’t recognize them. It is completely integrated with the ecosystem, which is a bit interesting. "
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