Vol 7 Chapter 1668: cut

   Chapter 1669
  Even though Eugenes lost an anti-life in the first second of the game, which made everyone more confident...but the fear of the unknown still exists.
  Especially when hundreds of anti-life swarms into the brain area at the same time, the sense of fear is filled again.
  Compared with Pope’s "Gracchi Revelation"
  Eukins’s "Chapter of Corpse Food" actually leans towards close combat. If you swallow the enemy through close combat, your power will be doubled and energy consumption will be reduced.
  But because of the fear of the unknown and the concept of "touch and die",
   Eugenes simply can't perform to the required level, let alone fighting personally.
  This is understandable, most people will do this...unless these primitive fears, the strongest ancient feelings can be restrained in a real sense.
  Han Dong considered the impact of fear,
   adopts one of the simplest methods-[overwrite].
   Maximize the madness in the body, and cover the fear with the emotion of madness.
  "If Green was here, he would not waste time on thinking.
bring it on!
   Let’s add some mobility first. "
  Continue to maintain the state of combining the brain with the doctor, which has ensured the ultra-high-speed neural reflex.
   Then I felt immersed in the state of Crow Mountain.
  唰! The back is torn, a pair of bone wings grow out,
  The breath of death constantly overflowing from the left arm, turned into a tangible feather, hung on the bone wings...
  It’s just that Han Dong turned around and rushed out before the feathers were full.
  Because the magic eye caught a black singularity formed in front of Popper...The space in the current area is completely locked, even if Popper wants to establish a void channel, it needs enough casting time.
  The body turned into a black dead light.
  During high-speed movement, the feathers on the surface of the bone wing are filled...
  Two hands hold a sword,
  The tentacle scabbard retracted into Han Dong’s right hand by itself,
  The sword body that is flowing is exposed, and the black particles flowing in an orderly manner are like the product of the collapse of a dark universe.
   "The Lost Sword of Trentis, the Eraser of Truth"
  Han Dong was only initially recognized by the sword body, and he didn't even know the true attributes and effects of this magic sword.
  It’s just speculation that the magic sword is still in the undeveloped embryonic stage,
  In the follow-up, Han Dong will gradually adapt to the subject’s attributes,
   will gradually grow and change as the enemy eats,
  Han Dong has long wanted to try the actual effect, now is a great opportunity...
  Swish! Black feather fanning.
Between   dive, get behind the target at the fastest speed.
  This moment is very strange, completely different from the feeling of swinging the holy sword.
  Or because the magic sword belongs to foreign equipment, and the holy sword belongs to the blood flowing in Han Dong’s body,
  Maybe the dangerous situation in front of you coincides with the sense of crisis that is being watched by the emperor in London games.
  At this moment,
  Han Dong actually felt a kind of temperament from Emperor Slash,
  The feeling of being slashed once is recalled, which in turn affects Han Dong himself,
  Although this artistic conception is less than one percent of Zhanhuang's, it is indeed conveyed to Han Dong's hands...The overall feeling of swinging the sword has become very coordinated.
  When Han Dong was puzzled, the magic sword in his hand had completed the slash.
  Unhindered incision goal, and at the same time achieve the ‘feeding effect’.
  Except for the metal canister that holds the "brain in the tank", it is absorbed by the magic sword.
  It’s just that the amount is far from enough. The sword body is completely unsatisfactory, and it even feels a bit stuffy.
   "The feeling just now is really different~ I didn't expect that after being cut down by Emperor Slayer, I would still have such a gain... Keep coming!"
  Han Dong was completely immersed in the killing period. When the killing was completed, the magic eye began to search for the next target.
  As everyone knows.
  Pop, who is less than two meters away from him, has already seen God.
  The black wings that stretched out on Han Dong’s back reminded him of the unexpected scenery on Crow Mountain,
  The magic sword flowing in Han Dong's hands also makes Pope unlucky.
   Staring at the absorbed anti-life, Pope said excitedly:
   "It is effective, and it can be completely absorbed... It is basically certain that this sword is a product of accidental coincidence from the big bang of a dark universe.
  Nicholas, you must be careful in close combat! There is no such thing as injury and regeneration here. "
  Han Dong did not respond verbally, but just made a gesture of ‘OK’.
  Now he only wants to do one thing—【Slash the enemy】
  Black shadows flashed...Four brains in the tank fell to the ground, and the dimensional matter turned into black dots and was sucked into the sword body.
   Pop also focused on Han Dong.
  Once it is judged that the enemy in a certain direction may threaten Han Dong, he will instantly destroy the opponent with the magic tome.
  At this time, Morgan, who was in the upper area of ​​the brain palace and had no plans to take action, also noticed Han Dong's state.
  "This...is the ancestral body?"
  Professor Morgan, who is located in a high place, stared at the scene of Han Dong beheading the enemy, and he even didn't believe his eyes.
at the same time.
   Eugenes, who was passing the long-distance raw food enemy, was also stimulated.
  For a time, a certain extreme emotion arose in Eugenes, overwhelming the sense of fear.
  He no longer cared about life and death,
   Turning his arms into a completely torn, crooked mouth, combined with the domain mood, head-on into the anti-life enemy...While gnawing to death, you can see the whole situation with eyes all over the body.
  When Eugenes smashed a brain in the tank, Han Dong happened to flash past him.
  The two looked at each other briefly.
   "Not bad, Eugenes..."
  The more you fight, the stronger.
  With the passage of time, the speed of killing the enemy has doubled, indicating that everyone has gradually adapted to fight against this unique life...Of course, due to the use of the magic tome throughout the process, the physical energy consumption is also quite huge.
  Only Han Dong is different.
  Due to the use of magic swords,
  In addition to the increase in [proficiency], he, the subject of use, also received an increase in [recognition]
  Han Dong gradually immersed in a strange state, a certain unique connection formed between him and the magic sword, like a kind of consciousness connection.
  Han Dong’s own movement speed began to slow down,
   even put away his wings, and then changed from running to walking...even as if strolling in the courtyard of my own family.
  This scene directly sees everyone on the scene.
  The magic sword is no longer in your hand,
   is an independent individual, suspended around the body,
  Once the enemy enters the attack range, it will be instantly killed and absorbed by Han Dong's artistic conception.
  Finally, the anti-life between the cervix was completely eliminated.
   Nearly half of them were killed by Han Dong,
  Most of the rest was eaten to death by Eugenes,
  Pop seems to be deliberately preserving physical fitness, UU reading www.uukanshu. com to ensure that an escape channel can be quickly established when encountering dangerous situations in the future.
  Since it’s an acting, you have to act like it.
  Han Dong, who had finished killing the enemy, did not put away the magic sword, but showed a fierce look, staring at Professor Morgan in the upper area of ​​the brain palace.
   Pope also hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: "Nicholas, the general situation has been briefly explained to you just now...Now we only have to help Morgan.
  First help him get what he wants, wait until he is out of the broken dimension, and then perform the mission of Mi Da. "
  This kind of performance and perfectly connected acting skills,
  Take Morgan's evaluation of Han Dong to a higher level.
   "The three young people are really good,
  Nicholas In view of your performance, I will no longer restrict your thinking... Now that you have adapted to this zero-dimensional life, the rest is simple.
  It’s not far from the deepest point, come with me! "
  (End of this chapter)
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