Vol 7 Chapter 1674: Explant celestial event

Ten days have passed since the [Explanted Celestial Event].
The holy city of mankind located in Italy is still severely affected by the incident.
A large number of people are currently being used to repair damaged buildings and streets, strengthen fortifications, and increase patrols throughout the city.
The inhabitants of the Holy City, whether it is a civilian area or a nobleman, a knight academy or even the headquarters of the knight order, will show more or less panic when recalling this incident.
The incident directly destroyed about 1/5 of the urban area of ​​the holy city,
The plant roots that spread out have severely damaged underground fortifications.
The only strange thing is that the number of deaths caused by the incident is very small, and even those who died were steam engineers... The actual number of casualties currently counted is zero.
The two knights who were cleaning up the remnants of plants in the incident area were chatting.
One of the lionheart knights happened to be patrolling the area during the incident and can be said to be a positive contact of the incident.
"Dunan, you happened to be patrolling here at the time, right?
Can you tell me what happened at that time... I was investigating the incident outside the city at that time, and when I received emergency information and rushed back, the "impact" was over. "
When he heard this, Dunan used brute force to pull out a thick root of a plant rooted in the ruins.
"Nord, you have no idea how desperate I was at the time,
The first time I saw such a scene, I thought I would definitely not survive... I didn't expect to stand here safe and sound now.
It makes my scalp numb every time I think about it. "
"Come and listen quickly, don't lose your appetite."
"At that time, I finished investigating a stronghold of [Ironmane Brotherhood]. When I walked back to the street, I suddenly felt a pressure from the top of my head that made me breathless. It was the same situation with other people on the street .
Everyone looked up at the sky.
A super giant meteorite covered with green plants fell straight toward the holy city.
The size of the holy city is definitely larger, and at the same time it exceeds the falling speed of a normal meteorite...The whole exudes a powerful aura, as if something terrifying is living inside the planet.
crucial moment.
The big demon leader borrowed the "Land Deed" to prop up a powerful defensive enchantment.
The gold master also uses endless energy to activate the masterpiece of the steam knights' city defense, and the "zenith" made of destiny metal encloses the holy city in it.
when! The sound of the impact almost shattered my eardrums.
The land deed barrier was torn apart by the impact, and the steam zenith had been knocked open by a big hole... but the invasion continued.
The meteorite was like a living thing, continuing to invade through the big hole that it knocked open, and it happened to be on top of my head.
However, death did not come as expected.
The weird plants that encroached on the street did not attack us, but grew crazily and went underground... Even if some rocks fell, I could easily defend. "
"This is the end?"
"I thought so at the time.
Unexpectedly, when I was preparing to rescue some residents trapped in broken buildings... More than a dozen powerful auras descended from the sky, again pressing me out of breath.
I swear to God that these auras can definitely reach the commander level.
I probably saw more than a dozen figures descending into the city. At first, I thought they were the masters behind the impact of the meteorite. The evil monsters who attempted to invade the holy city had been desperately planning.
Unexpectedly, one of them had a translucent head and was filled with starlight... No, it should be a young man who filled the galaxy universe came to me.
Any attack that I swayed at him seemed to sink into a river of space and couldn't hit at all. When I met his eyes, it was like being exiled into the deep space of the universe, which was terrifying.
Just when I thought I was bound to die,
He didn't kill me, but asked if he saw any strange monsters all over the brain tissue.
After I gave the answer of denial, he left immediately.
Follow-up team leaders came one after another, and the matter slowly calmed down... Later, you also knew that these people were not invaders, but came here by tracking plant meteorites throughout the process.
It seems that an alien criminal is manipulating this plant meteorite in an attempt to abscond. "
The knight who was able to listen to the side quickly echoed: "Are all the dozen or so pursuers at the head level? Who is the chase?"
"I don't know... There may be more pursuers than I have seen.
The only thing I heard was that the incident seemed to be related to the Nicholas Knight. "

【Miskatonic University-School Council Hall】
Almost the entire school's dean, school executives, and even the vice-principal were present in the form of mummified incarnations.
"Associate Professor Valen Nicholas, based on your current testimony and all the intelligence we have collected, we have completed all sorts of [Morgan the Betrayer] escape.
Relevant documents have been distributed to you. If you have any questions, please ask on the spot. "
Except for Han Dong, everyone is reading the information carefully.
Since a week ago, Morgan the Betrayer controlled the plant planet to appear in [Broken Mouth No. 7],
Under the chasing of many forces, they used the "interstellar jump" to come to the Milky Way and took the initiative to crash into the holy city of humanity on the surface of the earth.
At this point, Morgan completely disappeared.
Han Dong was taken as [hostage] throughout, but survived this accident.
According to Han Dong’s dictation,
The reason why the plant planet deviated from its course, came to the area where the old kings gathered in the Milky Way, and hit the main city of mankind was precisely because of Han Dong's secret intervention.
During the hostage period, Han Dong, who was located in the central laboratory, secretly deciphered and invaded the plant planet's control system.
Questions were soon raised in the conference room.
"According to your description.
How could someone like Morgan let you go... With his character, once he falls into such an extreme situation, he will inevitably get out of control and kill.
Not to mention, you caused the plant planet to accidentally hit the earth. "
Han Dong answered calmly:
"Two reasons.
1. Because I was in the depths of the dimension and helped him find the "atomic fungus", this matter gave me a lot of trust. At the same time, this item is also a key prop for his self-completion.
Morgan has completed the final stage of self-replenishment in the laboratory. There are no defects in his spirit and he can perfectly control emotional problems.
At the same time, it was precisely during his self-completion period that I completed part of the invasion of the central system.
2. When the incident was revealed, the planet had appeared above the earth, and it was only ten seconds before it hit the holy city... Morgan really wanted to kill me at the time, but he could not do it.
If you can give him an extra half an hour, maybe you can kill me. "
In Han Dong's explanation, there was a slight feeling of ‘self-arrogance’.
But it is this arrogant ‘deduction’ combined with his severely injured state when he was discovered that makes this answer more convincing.
It’s as if Han Dong really fought with Morgan for an instant,
Due to time constraints, Morgan was unable to kill quickly, so he could only shift his focus to the matter of fleeing...Han Dong also survived.
Then, the second question came, and it was the most critical question.
"What on earth do you have the ability to decipher and invade the [Private Planet] that Morgan spent a lot of effort to build?"
Han Dong did not answer directly, but released Dr. Swelling.
"This is my assistant, and belongs to'Migo' like Morgan.
I can only say that with his assistance and the moment of life and death,
I successfully connected to the central system and gained part of the control rights, and successfully changed the terminal coordinates when the planet made a planet jump.
As Morgan disappeared, he was completely disconnected from the planet, and I became the main manipulator.
At the same time, with the brain access of the ‘Doctor’, he obtained complete control of the planet, and he also accidentally obtained part of the biotechnology that Morgan had left inside.
I plan to organize this part of the technology into a course, or directly contribute to the school.
If you don't believe it, then I can't help it. "
At this time.
Dean Dell, who is in charge of the operation team, also asked a key question.
"Based on your knowledge of human cities, where do you think Morgan will escape?"
"It can disappear directly under the eyelids of land deed surveillance, many myths, and kings... There is only one possibility that I can think of. Morgan, with its king-like brain, has successfully affected the clock managers in the holy city.
In the absence of a sound, stepped into the "gate of destiny."
This is my guess. "
After a long discussion,
No one can find loopholes in Han Dong's statement. Although some are skeptical, the end result is good.
It was announced that Morgan was dead, and the matter was over.
And Han Dong also got some extra technology left by Morgan, which is an important asset for UM.
The follow-up review will evaluate this task and give each member of the professor team a corresponding contribution award.
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