Vol 8 Chapter 1754: Special test

The existence of Mr. M's level naturally does not require a "runaway test."
When Han Dong and others were taken for testing, he could not step into the restricted area and went straight to the secret entrance on the side of the containment tower... a special entrance that even most employees did not know and could not see.
Ride on the exclusive elevator located here, and rise quickly against the outer wall of the containment tower.
I have come to the middle area of ​​the containment tower. There is a special supervision room embedded here. All the facilities inside are only allowed to be used by one person, also known as-[Supervisor's Room]
When Mr. M opened the secret door with the key constructed by the modeling fluid,
A silver-haired man floating in the air is monitoring the state of the containment tower inside.
The ring-shaped collar covers the mouth and nose, only revealing a pair of special eyes printed with the [X] symbol,
Straight-shaped white coat with cosmic patterns,
Each finger is covered with a metal ring, giving a strong sense of control,
According to the various numerical feedback on the monitoring equipment, everything inside the containment tower is normal and in a green state of "absolutely safe".
But the expression of the silver-haired man was rather ugly.
This person is the existence given the original letter-[C], an important member of the highest will, and also the highest administrator of the containment tower.
Charles Olmedo, known as "Control".
"Charles, you're still here, sure enough, you still can't find the "penetration point"? The red document has been drawn up above, and the containment tower will be completely sealed off. You should go back and take a good rest.
If it is really out of control, you still need to take the lead in suppressing the work.
It's too cost-effective to waste time and energy here. "
"Mentor, what are you doing here to waste your time?"
"I'm not wasting time.
Remember what I talked to you privately at the end of the last meeting? The "only heir" cultivated by me has reached the stage of mythology, and he is also an important intermediary connected with S-01.
I want to arrange for him to conduct a "full tour". "
Charles changed his face and said with a serious look:
"The situation is different, and the risk of a full visit has far exceeded estimates.
Not to mention that your heir will take unexpected risks and will most likely die during the visit,
If some "foreign objects" that we have not yet detected are taken out of the black tower, causing an out-of-control leak, the consequences will be disastrous. "
Mentor jumped directly into the air and put his arm around Charles's shoulder.
"Hey~ don't be so rigid.
It is necessary for this guy to have a "full tour". If it affects our temporary cooperation with S-01, will you be responsible?
In addition, if something happens in the middle, how about I'll take care of it all?
Moreover, even [F] was very supportive of this matter, and sent a ghost with a "throne" to follow it all the way.
In addition, there is a high-level stranger with pure blood in the team, and the safety is bound to be guaranteed. "
Charles' eyes changed slightly: "Why did Francis get involved? Is this kid related to that guy's club?
Even so, "safety" cannot be guaranteed, but...
Since both of you are supporting me, I would like to see what is special about this young man from S-01.
In this way, if this condition can be fulfilled, I will agree to the application for a "full tour". "
Charles pulled out a document and handed it to Mentor, and continued:
"If you want them to have a "comprehensive visit", you must conduct the most conservative and direct out-of-control test... let one of them directly contact Origonal-03-I.
If in one hour of contact, their physiological parameters are maintained above 70.
I agreed to let them conduct a comprehensive tour. "
The paper bag that Charles threw to Mentor was printed with several large characters [Origonal-03], and at the same time it was marked with "Original Data" in the lower right corner.
Mentor stared at the document in his hand, frowning slightly and said:
"With the first derivative of the "original" one hour in contact, still maintain a stable parameter of more than 70 minutes? Even if you conduct a comprehensive tour, you won't have access to the original version at all, right? "
"The real situation inside the containment tower, even I can't grasp it, no one knows whether there is an original version or its related objects have been leaked.
This is the biggest concession I can make, Mentor. "
"Okay, just do as you say.
Let this thing come into contact with [Han Dong], if there is any abnormality in the middle, I will take care of it myself. "

Out of control test area.
Three dark huts were open in front of them.
According to the staff, it only needs to stay in-house for a period of time to complete the test.
"This kind of test is very simple, although the method used is different each time. But according to the characteristics of Han Dong, you will definitely get a higher score easily.
I went in first. "
Without a leader, we have conducted out-of-control detection before,
The wrinkles on the surface of the belly showed a very relaxed expression, and he stepped into one of the cabins. When the door is closed, an employee guards the door.
"Sally, let's go too."
Although it was the first time that Sally had come into contact, she was confident enough to step into the hut on the left with a graceful sheep's hoof.
Just as Han Dong was about to enter the last cabin, the staff wearing inky black masks suddenly stood in front of him.
"Formal employee, Han Dong.
Please wait for a while. It was detected that there are some data residues in the current test house, and it needs to be cleaned up again, which takes about ten minutes.
Please also take a break. "
The staff politely pointed to the sofa on one side, while also serving a cup of steaming freshly ground coffee.
Although everything seems normal.
But Han Dong still noticed some clues that departments directly related to the containment tower would actually make mistakes in this kind of thing.
Of course, it may also be the reason why the out-of-control test has not been carried out for a long time.
"Mr. Han Dong, the test is ready, please go in."
When Han Dong passed by the staff guarding the door, a tiny detail was captured in the field of perception.
Even though the "taboo mask" completely covered his face and even concealed his breath, Han Dong still noticed the tightness of the flesh between his neck, and even appeared to be slightly trembling.
The staff is not only nervous, but also afraid of something.
"The situation doesn't seem right..."
When the metal door behind him was tightly sealed.
Han Dong immediately increased his concentration to the maximum, and at the same time put a circle of red smiling faces around his lips...The "crazy smile" has been fully activated between the skull.
The layout of the cabins is quite simple.
Similar to an interrogation room.
A silver square table is placed in the middle, and sterling silver benches are placed on the opposite sides.
And an ‘individual’ is already sitting on the bench on the inside.
His whole body is covered with insulating tape, and his hands are fixed behind the bench with a pair of sterling silver handcuffs.
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