Vol 9 Chapter 1758: Staff

The lobby of the General Administration is mainly in gray.
The floor is paved with super-sized marble floor tiles with excellent reflectivity. The light from the spotlights can easily illuminate the hall through the reflection effect.
A surrealist sculpture stands in the center of the hall,
With a thin and straight cuboid column as the backbone, there are a large number of geometric branches on the surface, and the end of each branch is connected with a cube structure module.
It looks like a special structure of a shelter,
It's like a modular tree full of futuristic technology,
It seems to be related to B.B.C's core containment concept.
The lobby is a 500×500×5m flat cube structure. There is no elevator structure here, and
spatial stairs
are used as connecting passages to different departments and areas.
A total of [36] different corridor entrances are arranged at equal intervals in the hall.
In addition, there is a very strange point.
Different from the staff in other areas of the Black Tower.
The employees working in B.B.C did not wear swirling masks to reveal their human faces. At least Han Dong currently sees human faces in the lobby, and he has not found any alien employees.
Their logo is clothing.
Hidden between the suit and leather shoes is a thin garment that sticks to the body.
"The bodysuits worn by this group of guys are the "runaway suits" we wore during the test... Their status is monitored in real time, and any abnormalities will be known for the first time.
Also, there are too many employees here, right? Is it because we are in the transit hall? "
No leader on the side explained:
"The General Administration of Control and the Black Tower cannot be compared in the same way. B.B.C employees must treat them separately.
The reason for the large number of people is that all the [primitive worlds] under the command of Heita provide employees here, and will also issue recruitment letters to various connected worlds. "
No leader said here,
Han Dong suddenly remembered that he was in the [Ladybug Foundation]. When Mr. M first mentioned the situation of the containment tower, he said something very concerning.
It is mentioned that the rate of recruitment of the staff of the containment tower has long been unable to keep up.
This is why it is necessary to let the Foundation develop a "ladybug game" and put it in the Primitive World to greatly increase the rate of talent selection... Just like the containment tower will "swallow people", it is necessary to continuously recruit and supply employees to ensure the normal operation of the whole .
"What does the General Administration of Control want so many people to do? I can probably understand that there is a high risk of working here. If you lose control, you will need to be isolated or even handled privately.
But there is no need to use so many people, right? "
The headless knew that Han Dong was here for the first time, and there were bound to be many problems, and he was the same at the beginning.
"Quickly explain to you the basic situation of controlling the General Administration.
Once the [primitive world] under the black tower reaches a certain standard, they will directly come to the black tower after they die, and perform the "out of control test" as soon as possible.
As long as individuals reach the passing line, they will be hired as B.B.C intern employees with high salaries.
There is a fairly sound and fair "promotion mechanism."
At present, most of the employees we see in the lobby are interns.
When the internship period has passed smoothly, they will be assigned to different departments according to their performance during the period to engage in corresponding work.
Detailed job evaluations will be conducted at regular intervals, and individuals who meet the standards will continue to be promoted.
The "promotion mechanism" is the iconic concept of the control of the General Administration,
The number of B.B.C positions and titles exceeds three digits... It seems complicated but there are no loopholes at all. Every employee is trying to climb to the top position.
B.B.C can not only provide us with all kinds of "rare and exotic objects" brought by those who are out of control, as well as technical support, at the same time, it can also cultivate management talents through this large-scale screening and promotion to the black tower. "
"The top position... Director?
Could it be that Chief Charles was promoted in this way before? "
"That's right!
Charles Olmedo, the current holder of the letter C, is the best from here. Perhaps the term ‘best’ is not appropriate enough to describe it.
Chief Charles was once a genius in an absolute sense, and could even be called a monster.
During his time as an employee, he had dealt with emergency out-of-control incidents many times, and suppressed those out-of-control alone, and was completely unaffected by the out-of-control afterwards.
When he became the youngest director of the department, he was noticed by the former director and holder of the letter C, and he was trained as an ‘heir’.
Living up to expectations, he finally sat in the position of director and obtained the holding authority of [letter C] with the consent of the highest will. "
"I see.
However, just this strict screening mechanism shouldn't require so many people, right?
Even if there is no promotion, employees will stay in their positions and continue to work... What is going on with such a large amount of consumption? "
The tone of the headless changed slightly, and continued to explain:
"This involves a very important issue-"staff consumption."
Working in B.B.C, there is bound to be a huge risk of "out of control". Employees affected by out of control have not been able to drop to zero after a period of "isolation and observation" if they are out of control.
There is a high probability that it will be disposed of, or used as an experimental object or maximize the surplus value of the individual, and so on.
in addition.
When contacting someone out of control, the possibility of being killed is also great.
Especially when close contact is required for some special originals such as contact, sampling, transfer or necessary communication, a lot of consumption is inevitable.
If the black tower wants to get ‘information’, ‘technology’ and ‘resources’ from the out of control, it must contact them and pay the price.
This is the reason for "staff consumption". "
Han Dong frowned. "Do employees know the specific risks in advance?"
"They all signed the "Risk Agreement" when they entered the company, which is generally clear.
If they die in the line of duty, their partners, children, or relatives in the corresponding world will receive large compensation. "
Han Dong nodded.
Although everything seems to be clean, but Han Dong is considering ‘humanity’, and this way of recruiting and managing employees is problematic.
As a result, the employees walking in the hall in front of Han Dong do not seem to be independent individuals, but living consumables that have signed agreements one by one.
A large part of them did not have the consciousness of sacrifice,
It was just because of "rebirth" that he came to the Black Tower and was directly or even compelled to give such a job opportunity to carry out his second life.
"...Let's go! Let's go and see in other areas."
"Are you going to go directly to the out-of-control containment area, UU read www.uukanshu.com or go to some management departments?"
"First go to the various departments and get a general understanding of the internal situation."
"follow me."
Without a leader, he was quite familiar, and walked toward one of the corridors.
Just when Han Dong was about to keep up, he found Sally stopped in place and looked around.
"Sally, is there any foreign body sensing?"
Sally shook her head quickly, "No, everything is normal...but I always feel a little weird here, but I can't tell how it feels.
Perhaps it is because this is my first contact with this kind of human working organization. "
"Does it feel weird?
If this feeling persists in the follow-up, or even becomes more obvious, you must tell me the first time. "
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