Vol 9 Chapter 1810: Chef and pig

The connection between the floors of the mansion has only a single staircase (except for some unknown secret roads)
The eldest lady and the dog naturally had no time to search for the secret road, and went up the only staircase in the center of the mansion to the first floor, preparing to meet [the chef].
Just when the two reached the top of the stairs.
In the dark passage on the opposite side, a slender black shadow slowly crawled out.
It was a young man with a thin body and messy hair that almost blocked his face. When he stopped, he would stretch his tongue and lick the back of his hand.
It is the actor of [Cunning Mr. Voss (Cat)].
The eldest lady played by Feima squatted down and tried to get the opposite person to come over. After quickly observing the two of them, the cat turned around and quickly disappeared into the dark passage.
"This is the actor of Mr. Voss. I didn't expect that he could disguise himself so much, and he could move quickly on the wall freely.
Unfortunately, he seems unwilling to contact us.
Let's go, no time is wasted. 』
Feima nodded and said her impression of this person: "Well... this person's weight is the lightest among the actors. At first glance, he is relatively isolated. When he gathered on stage before, he deliberately interacted with everyone. Keep your distance. 』
Just when the two of them stepped down the stairs and came to the lobby on the first floor.
Since Han Dong imitated dogs, his limbs were stuck to the ground at any time.
I vaguely felt a continuous shock from the ground, as if someone was fighting...Because of the sound shielding of the mansion, touch is a better way to perceive it.
Han Dong barked twice at the side passage and rushed forward immediately.
Feima quickly took out her dagger and followed at full speed.
When the two arrived, the battle between the passages had ended. At the same time, in the [Free Map] room held by Han Dong, the side room was called the VIP room.
"Mr. Han, this is the area where [Baron Holly] is located.
According to the description of the plot, the baron belongs to my fiance. He came here tonight braving the heavy snow because he realized the danger in advance and wanted to take me away.
It seems that he has been captured by the actor. 』
Feima's expression became a little ugly, but in fact, she herself wanted to meet the Baron, so that she would have a ‘right reason’ to escape from here.
"Well... this guy is a bit capable. When he was attacked by an actor, he gave a very powerful counterattack, even smashing the actor's head.
It's a pity that in the end it was still controlled by the ‘line’.
In the case of the first shot hit, the actor can actually give this degree of counterattack.
The actor of the baron has a very special physical presence. It's a pity that this particularity will soon be transferred to the actors, and it will be more difficult for the two of us to deal with.
Let's go and meet the head chef quickly. 』
After Han Dong made a conclusion based on the fighting traces at the scene, he did not continue to linger, and immediately began to explore the first floor.
Due to the large scale of the house, coupled with the sound shielding, if you want to find other people, you must not explore slowly...but you need to sprint quickly inside the building.
The map exploration value gradually approached to "50%", and the living body display function was activated.
It will not be long before.
Han Dong, who rushed through a corridor somewhere, seemed to smell a meaty smell in the air. Perhaps it was too much for the show, which led to an increase in his sense of smell.
Searching for 【Chef】 by taste is the best way.
Under the leadership of Han Dong, the two quickly found the kitchen area with a very fishy smell... It is strange that there was a strange scarlet luster under the door.
With an extraordinary smell of meat, it is more like a slaughterhouse.
Feima didn't feel right, too, "It's a little weird, do we still ‘test’ this person as planned? 』
"Well, let's get started. 』

"Help! Help!"
There was a cry for help that resembled a torn throat.
The panicked [eldest daughter] slammed open the kitchen door frantically, as if some terrifying creature was chasing her... Just as she was about to escape inside, the scene in front of her still made her stunned.
First stepped on the thick and sticky blood, and when the foot was lifted, the blood on the sole of the foot was completely drawn.
The whole kitchen is covered with blood, let alone,
On the countertops, vegetable sinks, or hooks, all were white pig carcasses...most of them were still fresh, blood was constantly flowing out of the body, and all the bones were removed.
At the same time, there is another main feature. The [heads] of these white pigs have all been chopped off.
This is also the main reason for the meaty smell.
A chef who is about two meters tall and wearing a black leather apron is standing deep in the kitchen, his butcher knife in his hand is constantly slashing.
Every time it was swung down, there was a violent pig cry, so that it completely overwhelmed the eldest daughter's cry for help.
The chef only knew someone had broken in.
Although he looked at the door, the slaughter in his hands did not stop.
This scene shocked Feima. If it hadn't been known in advance that the [actor] was absorbing the characteristics of [Baron] in the basement, she would definitely regard the chef as the most dangerous existence.
"Chef! A terrible monster is chasing me... The butler and Baron Holly have been killed by it."
With that said, Feima has run to the chef's side, acting online all the time.
However, Feima was still instinctively on guard against the chef, for fear that the other party would suddenly give herself a knife...At the same time, when she came to the slaughter area where the chef was, she also caught a glimpse of a more terrifying scene.
Those pig heads that were slaughtered were all piled up in the food warehouse at the back,
When Feima looked over, she even felt every pig's head staring at her, and her body shuddered.
at this time.
The human and dog Han Dong had chased in, venting white air constantly, his spine and tail swaying frantically.
With a very fast body, pedaling continuously on the ground, countertops and side walls, rushing towards the chef...
Facing these terrifying creatures, the chef not only showed no expression, but stood up straight.
Instead of waving the butcher knife in his hand, he extended another rough and huge palm instead.
this moment
Han Dong foresaw a terrible future scenario.
If you continue to jump forward, you will be caught by the neck by the head chef and press it on the cutting board.
Snapped! The whole dog's head will be chopped off, and the whole process will not be muddled.
Realizing this, Han Dong immediately hooked the hard object on one side with his tail, and forcibly stopped the forward movement in the air.
Seeing a battle is about to break out in the kitchen area,
The chef seemed to perceive something, and his serious eyes returned to his usual state.
A thick and steady voice came from the chef's mouth: "Is it fun for the two of you to make a fuss like this? Or are you trying to test me on purpose."
"Chief chef, how did you see it?" The eldest lady next to her said with a look of surprise.
"My level of horror should not be low, but you fled in without thinking about the danger... Although based on your personality and the circumstances under which you were being chased, it barely makes sense.
Then, the attack of this human dog is also very intuitive.
It obviously can attack from a more tricky angle, but chooses the most inappropriate [front]. "
With that, he began to slaughter the white pig again.
Even though the kitchen knife was completely rolled, the pig's head was still chopped off and thrown into the back warehouse.
Missy explained:
"That's right.
The real danger is the pretender in our mansion. He just pretended to be a butler and attacked me. Fortunately, a dog came to help me to escape.
We are looking for a trustworthy and discerning partner to fight the pretenders together. "
The eldest lady explained in an acting way.
And Han Dong has begun to communicate with the chef through "visual synchronization"... the other party's receptive ability is extremely high, indicating that he can cooperate with the two.
Han Dong was also overjoyed, he didn't expect, UU reading www. The audience quality of uukanshu.com's performance is so high.
"I can act as soon as I clean up."
I saw the head chef walked out towards the back warehouse where the ingredients were piled up, as if to deal with the pig's head, and closed the warehouse door.
"This chef is really good, Miss Ferma, you have good eyesight. 』
"Haha, isn't it? 』
The ‘personnel testing’ requested by Han Dong is very necessary, and not everyone can come in for cooperation.
If the ability to'distinguish between true and false' cannot be achieved, once the actor is confused in the later stage, the team will disintegrate directly from the inside.
After a while.
The head chef with a stitched pig's head hanging from his waist came out.
"Let's go and kill that guy."
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