Vol 9 Chapter 1821: Magic show

Staring at the props that were taken out by the magician, Han Dong made a sound in his heart.
"A lot of people will die, and it's probably not as simple as'death'... If I'm selected again, maybe I have to consider using the [Magic Eye] hole card. This kind of props comparable to instruments of torture can be used on ordinary flesh. No more."
Han Dong also prayed silently that he would not be selected, but deep in his heart, he had a desire to try it.
In the end, he suppressed the desire with reason, and didn't raise his thin arm... After all, the follow-up still needs to deal with the clown in a full state.
About five minutes passed.
A bright spotlight shone on the magician alone, and he immediately entered the state of a formal performance.
Raise the black top hat over his head and let go of his hand... When everyone thought the hat would fall on top of his head.
Who knows!
The ‘black top hat’ resembles a magician, with jagged teeth growing inside, turning into a devouring creature similar to a lamprey.
When it fell, the magician was eaten away.
Just when the audience took a breath of air-conditioning.
It was illuminated by another spotlight, pointing directly to the "entrance" of the main venue.
The deity of the magician did not know when he had stood here, bowing again to thank the audience.
When he bowed, he found that his right arm was in a mutilated state, and a large piece of flesh was missing in his waist and abdomen.
Upon seeing this,
The magician immediately stretched out his hand in the black hat, and finally took out the right arm that could not be repositioned and some of the meat on the waist and abdomen, and quickly took it back to the body.
"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the "Fatal Magic" I brought to you by LeBron Kuranke tonight.
Since I don't have any assistants, this gorgeous performance carefully prepared by me needs the active assistance of the audience.
Since I have more stringent requirements for ‘participants’, I will not take the initiative to sign up here. Instead, I will personally select a suitable audience to come on stage as my assistant.
Like stage plays, as long as you participate in my show, you will eventually win rewards.
Of course... only the living can get it. "
A magician with spiral spikes on his feet walks between the aisles.
With hundreds of red thread floating in the eye sockets, he is slowly selecting any suitable magic assistant for him... Once selected, the entire head will be drawn into the audience room.
The selected audience was taken aback, and their whole bodies were immediately soaked in cold sweat.
However, according to the rules of the circus, such invitations must be followed, otherwise they will be executed directly.
In their view, there is at least a silver lining when they come to power.
In the end, a total of 18 audience members were selected for the stage. They all possessed an easily distinguishable feature, such as one-eyed, one-legged or tall stature, or dwarf physique.
Under the arrangement of the magician, these assistants each went to different props... It seems that all the magic will be performed simultaneously.
Han Dong was not selected. He was watching the magic show off the court and quietly took out 10% of the magic eyes to observe the mechanism of these magic props.
"Huh? What's the matter if you can't see through?"
Han Dong continued to increase the magic eye effect to 20%... but he still couldn't see where the magic prop's ‘mechanism’ was, or that there was no mechanism at all.
"If there is no mechanism, it can't be called a magic prop, but a torture instrument, right?
In the case of "truth closed", at most only some basic characteristic abilities can be used, and it is impossible to use space magic to achieve magic effects.
If you mess around in this way, it will become a pure [slaughter], completely without the program effect that magic should have.
Will the circus really allow such low-quality shows on stage? "
Han Dong has even imagined the scene that will happen next in his head. This kind of meaningless and disgusting is the lowest level performance in his opinion.
When all the assistants are in place.
The magician pulled out the main remote control switch from the black hat and pressed the red button.
All of a sudden, the sound of metal gears, iron chains, chainsaws and other various organs spread throughout the venue...
The temporary helper fixed on it can only pray silently,
I hope that the magic show they will experience can be as thrilling as they usually see, but in the end they will be able to complete all the performances through the magic skills of stealing the sky.
The bald man who was fixed to the cutting table clearly felt that the chainsaw had torn the scalp and was cutting his skull.
The woman imprisoned between the water tanks wanted to find internal organs to escape, but found that not only there were no organs, but the green liquid inside was corrosive.
The dwarf fixed on the guillotine hasn't made any preparations yet... Click! The head has fallen in the barrel room in front of him.
Scenes of cruel scenes that could not be broadcast to the outside world were performed on the stage.
Except for the quicker ‘magic’ of the guillotine, the rest are performed very slowly.
It was almost the same scene as Han Dong had imagined. He himself was very disdainful of such a performance. Unfortunately, due to the rules of the circus, his vision must be fixed between the stage.
"If this is the performance, the circus would be too broken."
When all the performances were over, the scene was completely red with blood like a slaughterhouse, and even heart-piercing screams echoed in the air.
At this time.
The magician first came to the human body segmentation device and completely covered the audience who had been cut into six pieces with a black cloth.
In only three seconds, the black cloth was removed.
Han Dong, who felt bored, stood up suddenly, and the picture in front of him was shocking.
The head was cut open, the body was broken into several parts, and even the blood was flowing to the audience.
It actually appeared'intact' in front of everyone's eyes... It's just that the blood color is a bit not so good, and the eyes are slightly muddy.
Immediately afterwards, the magician spread out a larger black cloth to cover the water tank.
This time it took a little longer, about ten seconds.
The female audience, who had been corroded into a non-human-like appearance, appeared alive on the top of the water tank...The skin of her body even became smoother and fairer than before, and even these skins were not her own at all.
The guillotine is even simpler. It takes only a second to recover perfectly... The only thing that changes is that the blood color is a little bit sluggish, and a lot of blood has been lost after all.
Within five minutes
All the spectators who seemed to have been killed by the props reappeared ‘intact’.
There was thunderous applause from the audience. They had never seen such a real and incredible magic show.
At the end of the applause... Ah! what!
A scream sounded between the stage, and the sawed guy rushed to another audience frantically, and ate directly, like an irrational bloodthirsty zombie.
Several other audience members had their bodies connected upside down, and their spirits seemed to have been severely traumatized. They kept screaming in retrospect of their previous experience.
Two other internal organs seemed to be connected incorrectly, and died of their own accord within a few seconds.
"Oh~ the time is too short, some parts can't be connected back normally? Sure enough, I have to practice more. Fortunately, I exchanged the order with the clown and didn't let me finalize... Otherwise, the team leader may lose his temper again."
The magician immediately released a black hat like a monster, and directly swallowed the mad temporary assistant in one bite, and then locked in other'failed items'... The first 18 people who took the stage, only five seemingly normal people remained in the original Bit.
However, the magician did not intend to let them go.
"The five of you, please take a break. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will start the next round of magic later...Due to the reduction in personnel, I have to select some audiences to fill the assistant positions."
At this moment, Han Dong understood, and at the same time showed a crazy smile.
"On the surface, he is a magician, but is he actually a surgeon with extremely skillful techniques?
Turn the nature of magic into a surgical show, allowing the audience to constantly wander between life and death and experience the most primitive pain and fear. There is really you. Sure enough, everyone here is top talent! "
Thinking of this, Han Dong raised his hand again and kept shaking.
When the magician LeBron looked this way,
It seemed to see a grotesque holding a red balloon, and another arm full of blood was beckoning to him.
LeBron immediately showed a disgusting expression, and did not respond to Han Dong.
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