Vol 9 Chapter 1905: Weird campus

"Mr. Han Dong?"
"Do you know me? I'm still rushing for the next class. If there is anything you can wait for me to finish the get out of class, I will talk about it."
Although Han Dong felt that this strange woman suffering from'albinism' was a little strange, and even a little out of tune with the environment.
But he is rushing to class right now, and he has delayed a lot of time for temporary lesson preparation. After hesitating for a while, he may be really late... and walk towards the classroom as quickly as possible.
Han Dong turned a blind eye to the alienation among the teaching buildings.
When passing by with a larger classmate, accidentally blasted the sac on someone else's body... the splashing of juice is simply not too beautiful.
The student also quickly apologized to Han Dong, and at the same time licked all the liquid spattered from the swelling cyst on the ground.
In Han Dong's eyes, this scene was nothing more than accidentally knocking down the milk tea in the hands of the students.
The students were also very polite and took out the paper towels they carried to wipe clean the spilled milk tea.

Marui stared at Han Dong's back, and was about to call the other person to tell the purpose of the trip.
When she wanted to say something, she felt a little confused in her mind, even covered with layers of thick fog... Many things have been forgotten, even her identity and the dark tower can't be remembered clearly.
It is probably clear that she came here to find an individual called the "Yellow Robe King".
"My memory becomes fuzzy,
If I can find the yellow robe, I might be able to figure it out completely... Let's follow this Mr. Han Dong first, since I still remember his name, it means that he must also be very important.
Perhaps a clue to the "Yellow Robe King" could be found from him. "
After all, it was the world search officer, Marui immediately followed with her sense of smell and instinct.
At this time, the class bell has rang.
Han Dong has already entered the first lecture classroom and stepped onto the podium...Marie can only walk around to the last row of the classroom and listen in quietly, and then come forward to ask for details after class is over.
"Today we will continue the explanation of [The Dirty Ministry], please turn to page 153 of the book."
Marui looked around the blood-stained classroom curiously, observing these students whose bodies were alienated to varying degrees.
"Flip the book? None of these students seem to bring the book."
However, when Han Dong gave the request to "open the book", all the students made the same terrible actions.
They put their fingers along the midline of their bodies and into their chests.
Kakaka~ A crisp sound of tearing flesh and bones spread between the classrooms. The students have fully expanded their chests and at the same time continued to cut open their belly to fully expose the internal organs for the next study.
This kind of voice sounded to Han Dong as a normal flipping sound.
During the next course,
Following Han Dong’s lecture, these students will also reach out and touch the corresponding internal organs,
Or inject some unknown and strange liquid into it,
Or directly peel off a certain internal organ, cultivate and multiply it on the table, and then put the newly obtained diseased and alienated organs back into the body.
As an observer, Marui would naturally not do such weird things.
But as the course progressed, Marui also faintly felt that her body was not quite right...
Those words that came out of Han Dong sounded normal, but actually penetrated into the brain like a virus. Even if the ears were blocked, a clear whisper could still be heard.
Even Marui felt her internal organs wriggle uncontrollably.
Yue~ a rash of retching
Marui couldn't help it anymore.
When get out of class was over with five minutes left, she left the classroom early and ran to the nearby women's bathroom...find the last vacant cubicle, and started vomiting frantically in the toilet.
He vomited out three incomplete lungs, two kidneys and half of the heart.
These organs were not Marui itself, but proliferated during the lecture...it was a good thing to vomit all of them.
The hyperplastic organs are all black and smelly, and they are still restless when they fall into the toilet, wriggling to crawl out.
Marui immediately pressed the ‘flush’ button.
Unexpectedly, it did not trigger the flushing situation. Instead, several tentacles grew from the depths of the toilet to drag these internal organs in, and even weird chewing sounds could be heard.
When she pushed open the cubicle door somewhat prostrably and wanted to leave the bathroom, she happened to meet the end of get out of class time.
A large number of female students rushed into the bathroom quickly,
Most of the situation is the same as her, vomiting the excess organs directly in the bathroom, or standing in front of the washing table, cutting and cleaning the excess organs in the body.
Due to the limited size of the bathroom.
Those girls who didn’t find the pits and sinks had to be in groups of two, sticking their bodies together,
Clean each other's excess internal organs, even some people bite directly with their mouths, or cut and separate them with their nails... Somehow, the scene in front of me even made Marai a little excited.
At this time, another black girl who looked pretty good came to her on the initiative and put her body directly on it.
If it weren't for things, Marui would probably stay in the bathroom for a little bit of satisfaction. Anyway, she couldn't remember who she was, she just followed her instinct.
"No, I have to find the yellow robe king."
The task rooted in her heart drove her to leave the bathroom.
While she was looking around looking for Han Dong's trace...a palm was lightly resting on her shoulder.
"You seem to have been looking for me, stranger."
Being so shouldered, and whispering in the ear.
Marui felt her internal organs roll again.
The person with the palm on her shoulder was Han Dong who had just left the lecture hall.
In Han Dong's eyes, everything at the school was normal...On the contrary, the arrival of her stranger, UU reading www.uukahnshu.com brought a sense of disobedience and a sense of unreality to the campus.
In the class just now, Han Dong would also unconsciously glance at her, a woman with severe albinism, so that the teaching efficiency has been reduced a lot.
So I decided to come and ask after class.
"What's the matter with me?"
Marui could only tell the only thing she remembered, "Excuse me, do you know who the'Yellow Robe King' is?"
If Han Dongzhen returns to the state of teaching before his death,
Such a weird name will not appear in the university, and Han Dong, as a university teacher, will not come into contact with this weird term.
But... when the albinism woman uttered this term, Han Dong was not unfamiliar at all, and even felt a strong electric current passing through the brain.
Not to mention the tingling, it even aroused some hazy memory fragments.
It seemed to see a strand of yellow silk floating in front of my eyes, but when I wanted to observe it carefully, it disappeared.
"Very familiar, but I can't remember... You came to the University of Florence to find me just to inquire about this special term?"
Marui quickly replied: "Yes, I don't know why I came here... I only remember the "Yellow Robe King", and my heart urged me to find this mysterious existence.
in addition,
I don't know where this is, nor any of the students here, but when I saw you, your name suddenly appeared. "
"Well... the term'Yellow Robe King' seems to have existed in my head.
Let's go to the library of the Buddha University~ Maybe we can find the answer there. "
Han Dong didn't regard the other party as a lunatic, because deep in his heart he was also eager to find the answer to the "Yellow Robe King"... so he went to the library together.
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