Chapter 193: Unknown warning

Seeing Han Dong's decision was extremely firm.
Captain Abel communicates with the mission receiver through a special eagle language:
"Aunt Bardot, this deputy captain was self-appointed by his grandfather ... he was a student of the Raven Prophet.
I hope Auntie will allow us to take on this ‘Ishii’ mission, and at the same time, help reserve two other simpler basic missions. "
Unique hawkish language, plus the name ‘Crow Prophet’.
女士 The lady moved.
Three stars are considered to be the most difficult of a series of basic tasks in the "camp".
It is indeed a bit wrong for the new team to deal with it.
"Crow Prophet ?! Does this adult really accept students? (Eagle)"
Bardot stared at the young man in the crow costume in the line with a look of shock.
"Captain Kenny is protecting you secretly?" Bardaw confirmed again.
"Abel, you have to be careful, this water well had some minor problems when it was processed by our Knights! Before you go down, please make good preparations and try to determine the dangers below through foreign objects After sex, explore further.
Don't hurry ... I will reserve two other tasks for you. "
谢谢 "Thank Aunt Bardot."
In this way, Han Dong and others took the task scroll to their destination.
The so-called sealed stone well is roughly located at the junction of the wheat field and the town.
中心 The center of the open space surrounded by three buildings at the intersection of the town.
Because of the strange problem of Ishii.
The alley between the three buildings was also blocked by people, and wooden block roads need to be cleared to pass.
"Is this Ishii?"
Is not much different from the impression of Ishii.
Round wellhead stacked with vermiculite,
Wooden lifting water pump,
However, at present, the wellhead is blocked by a large number of boards of different specifications and fixed by iron nails.
数量 The number of wooden boards used, and the old wooden boards and the old wooden boards are different. It is obvious that they have experienced many ‘sealing wells’.
I'm the weirdest.
With careful observation of the bright fire, Han Dong could see that there were some black hair in the gaps between the wooden boards.
He cooperated with a group of people holding a kerosene lamp, and stared at a sealed stone well at night.
Over time, a strange feeling gradually dispersed in the air.
The blacksmith, Wen Li, was very timid, crowded into the crowd in fright, and deliberately leaned between the captain and the deputy captain, seeking maximum security.
However, just as Wen Li leaned toward Han Dong, she felt that the Deputy Captain was a little strange ... under the beak mask, Han Dong's eyes seemed to be ‘lost’.
Uh ...
Perspective switch.
Han Dong himself.
I watched Ishii seriously, watching the weird black hair interspersed between the gaps in the wooden boards.
Click ~ click ~ The sound of a tiny piece of wood breaking came.
The wooden block that blocked the stone well, a large number of cracks appeared from the bottom, and cracked layer by layer at a very fast speed.
Until all the wooden blocks are disconnected, when Ishii reconnects with the outside world, it seems that something is about to climb out of the wellhead.
What could it be?
Black hair? Drowning woman? A ghost downhole? Or what terrible aquatic life?
A 飘 red balloon floated out of the wellhead.
气球 The balloon with a smiley face slowly floats up.
As the balloon emerged, he took out a ‘acquaintance’ in a clown suit with white gloves and red hair.
"Ha ha ha ha! Ios!
下面 It's a bit dangerous below ... Don't die before you come! Otherwise I would have one less interesting toy.
Be careful and ask your teammates to go down. "
Uh ...
"Vice team ... Vice Captain! Are you okay!"
Thoughts flashed.
东 The weird image in front of Han Dong disappeared, the stone well in the center of the open space is still closed, and the wood board is not damaged.
However, Han Dong is not very comfortable.
Arched slightly, reaching out and holding the beak mask.
"My old body is guilty, and I need to take a break ... You can check the situation near Ishii here first. I can be alone."
"Student Nicholas, are you sure?" Abe asked.
嗯 "Hmm ... Minor question, just wait for me."
Han Dong held the mask in one hand and held the wall in one hand, leaving the Ishii area temporarily between the lanes.
Han Mia tried to follow him quietly, but was frightened by Han Dong's abrupt turn of her head and a horrible look.
Han Dong found a quiet area.
The ability to drive the skull outside the city seems easier, and the series of processes of space storage and transmission are unhindered.
Han Dong rushed back to the sterile laboratory for the first time to look at the "clown arm" placed on the test bench.
The series of ‘phantasies’ just now are extremely real. What Han Dong first suspected was this arm.
But ... the arm that was fixed by the test station never showed any sign of movement and was still tied to it.
检测 After testing, this arm has no sense of autonomous movement and is unlikely to affect Han Dong.
"Penny Wise is indeed a difficult guy to deal with, but it does not cause me a psychological shadow.
I ask Tuogu, they belong to the "enemy relationship" and should know something.
This matter must be investigated clearly, if similar situations occur in the joint period, I will be in danger. "
Prison area.
Second cell.
Took Gon González, sitting against the wall, holding a Bible in his hand.
Just read back and forth like this.
Han Dong briefly explained to Togu.
A demon language that can be understood through the master-slave relationship came out of Torgu:
"Penny Wise ... he is the guy who knows how to play with people ~ ~ The most powerful thing is not tricks or all kinds of weird combat capabilities, but he can understand the weakness of human nature and spirit Destroy from the heart.
I am similarly affected sometimes.
So when I opened a seam, I rushed to it at the first time and went to his hiding place at all costs to prepare to kill him completely. "
"You are also affected by this? Is there any way to contain it?"
"The best way is to kill this clown, so that all the influence material that he" placed "in your spirit will be dissipated ... but we have no way now and we are unable to go."
嗯 "Well, is there any special way to temporarily resist this effect?"
"There is no other way than kill the clown.
Alas, from your description, the impact will not be great.
Also, please pay attention to the clown's warning to you. In my opinion, Penny Wise still wants you to go back to the final match ... I don't want to expose you to the wilderness. "
"Can't you remind me from within?"
"Just now ... Miss Chen Li and I didn't notice your abnormality at all."
"Is that so? Penny Wise ... I really have you."
Han Dong returned to town after knowing that this was a clown's trick.
He rejoined with the team members who were exploring near Ishii.
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