Vol 9 Chapter 1916: Sleeping place

Now that the acquaintance of Hyde Darius came, Han Dong naturally had to take advantage of this opportunity.
Moreover, Han Dong himself is also very interested in the body structure of'Hyde'.
In the contemporary primitive nature, the individual who can exert the body and the secret method to the extreme at the same time is Hyde.
After the experience of "Ladybug Game" and the final battle, the muscle communication with Hope allowed Hyde's thinking to completely get rid of the shackles.
At present, he has completely integrated the flesh and the deep sea secret method to complete the qualitative change.
The arm is thick and powerful, and the shoulders covered with rock scales...Although they are not very familiar with Hyde in the original quality, but with Pope as a ‘bridge’, the relationship between the two is still very well established.
Such a "shoulder shoulder" action is not only a kind of friendly action, but also allows Han Dong to directly contact the other party.
Such contact can make Han Dong's subsequent exchanges more penetrating and influential, and greatly increase the success rate of ‘persuasion’, ‘discussion’ or ‘deal’.
at the same time,
Through such contact, Han Dong is also quietly imitating Hyde's body, burning a perfect deep dive template, and handing it over to Doctor Swelling in his body.
Subsequent research may be useful.
"Professor Nicholas, this is your "Dream Time Card". "
Just when the two of them were about to walk out of this building, the Fat Starfish suddenly approached from the side, still holding a special card in his hand.
"Well, isn't the instrument broken? How can it be done?"
"I don't know... the instrument has indeed been blown up, but the completed card was found in the wreckage."
When Han Dong received the card, he was immediately attracted by the exquisite craftsmanship.
The card is clearly a physical entity, but it feels like a liquid when it touches it, and it feels flowing between the palms of the hand.
There are two pipes embedded in its back, which contain some kind of specially treated seawater.
"This card of yours belongs to the highest level. You can enjoy seven hours of basic "Dream Time" every week, free of charge, and not restricted by any scene or time period.
You can also increase your dream time by contributing to the deep sea.
If you want to dream, you only need to insert the card into the skin of your wrist, and connect the ‘seawater catheter’ on the back of the card to your blood vessel, and you can easily approach the creative dream of our lord. "
"Wow! It is an unlimited card, and the holders of the entire Deep Sea are less than 0.01%!"
Alannis looked excited, she didn't expect Han Dong, a foreigner, to be treated like this.
Han Dong also sent an invitation along the way: "Miss Alanis, will you go there together?"
"I can only follow, the main temple can't be entered casually."
She couldn't refuse, nodded and followed behind them.
Walking on urban roads with chaotic geometric structures, Han Dong, as a storyteller, begins to tell the bizarre experience of broken dimensions.
When listening to Popper's experience of breaking through to become a king in the [Library], Hyde's scales all over his body were shaking with excitement.
"Pop, who just became king, just dragged a mid-level out-of-control man alone? Isn't this too dangerous?"
Hearing the plot of the subsequent battle, Hyde's scales kept overflowing with sea water, making him extremely nervous.
"Yes, and he was really held back by him.
Although injured, the experience gains from fighting far outweigh the injuries, and there are no side effects.
The warm-up activity with teacher r. can help him stabilize the domain more quickly, and even get some things that do not exist in the magic circle. "
"Pop is so amazing! I have to keep up with him."
"Well... Hyde, you should be the next king, although I really want to advise you not to be too anxious, after all, it is necessary to lay the foundation before becoming a king.
But soon, people who are out of control may invade in unexpected ways. If they don't have the king level, they can only become "bystanders." "
After all, Han Dong patted Hyde on the shoulder again.
"I see."
Not long after chatting, everyone has arrived in front of the main temple.
Perhaps Laley's shape was too peculiar, and Han Dong hadn't noticed the various constructions that didn't conform to the common sense of space. There was actually such a huge temple built in the middle.
Its size and specifications are not at the same level as other Lalaier buildings, and need to be measured in kilometers.
Hyde showed a humble expression and said softly: "This is the "sleeping place" of our lord. We have just obtained permission to go to it. Alannis, please come in with you. "
"Can you go in?"
Alanis looked shocked. Even as Hyde's younger brother, she had a high concentration of blood flowing in her body, but she was not a "favored person" and had never had the opportunity to go to the main temple.
"Yes, come on! You have to thank Mr. Nicholas afterwards."
As Hyde spoke, he supported his arms on both sides of the temple gate.
With the rhythm of the arm muscles and the use of a deep-sea secret method, the door is fully opened inward while completing the identity authentication.
"What the is this?!"
When stepping into it, Han Dong was immediately startled by the sight in front of him.
A group of "favored ones" like Hyde, and many deep-sea overlords who have reached the king-level level, are floating in different positions in the temple, falling into a deep sleep.
The sea water that floods the interior of the temple is completely different from the exterior.
Not only the difference in density and clarity,
It is also a ‘quality’ difference.
Being immersed in such a special sea water, intense tiredness swept through the whole body in an instant. Not only was the consciousness hypnotized, the body also relaxed, and the soul also enjoyed such nourishment.
Alanis slept immediately, with more than a dozen long legs floating among the temples together with his body.
Hyde was also Hatch, his eyelids trembled.
"Nicholas, just let it go to sleep... the sea water of the temple will automatically connect you to the dreamland of my lord, and it's the main dreamland area.
If you are worried about not being able to find my lord, you can connect your nerves to my brain before going to sleep.
If we "join into the dream", we will appear in the same place in the dream, and I will continue to lead you. "
Hyde also stopped insisting.
Spread strong arms, make a hug gesture, and fall into sleep.

In contrast, Han Dong.
At least there is no sleepiness on the expression,
The physical fatigue was forcibly contained. Han Dong did not choose to let the flow go, but wanted to figure out the secret here.
As the self-adaptation of the faceless, it resists this forced hypnosis together with the characteristics of crazy laughter.
Han Dong has analyzed the "sea water essence" that permeates the temple, and his eyes are full of surprises.
"It can't be wrong, the liquid filled in is not sea water at all.
It's a kind of "liquid brain" that has never been seen before... Or, this temple is the brain of great existence, or a certain area of ​​the brain.
Doctor, can you feel it too? "
"Well~ I have never seen such a'sea brain quality'! Unbelievable."
Han Dong walked towards the center of the huge temple.
If you don't get closer, fatigue will increase a bit, but Han Dong, as a'brain professional', can handle it.
Instinctively told him,
Maybe you can see the existence in the deep sea without going to sleep.
When he came to the center of the temple, there was actually a fleshy abyss here. Han Dong leaned over and touched the fleshy texture on the surface of the abyss, and joined the doctors to analyze it.
"This is... the nerve channel? Is it really the brain area dominated by the deep sea? Can this nerve channel lead to the real main brain area?"
With curiosity, Han Dong jumped in.
During the fall,
The meaning of sleep has grown exponentially.
With Han Dong's cry,
Swishsh~The "Hell Iron Needle" symbolizing extreme pain drilled out of Han Dong's skin and spread all over his body, resisting endless drowsiness.
I don't know how long it has passed before Han Dong focused on falling out of the huge abyss-like nerve channel.
At the same time, a familiar and majestic voice came:
"In the beginning, I did not misread you... Welcome to my master, Valen Nicholas."
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