Vol 9 Chapter 1918: Kind President Ke

This wave of opportunities for Nicole was completely unexpected by Han Dong.
"Unexpectedly, the evil fruit that Huangpao planted could turn into such an opportunity...
However, this guy is really [evil]. According to the master of the deep sea, this former Miss Clara has the potential for mystery not weaker than Hyde, and at the time it is very likely that she was also a character with the title of primordial quality. .
Knowing his identity, Huang Pao still swallowed him alive, completely ignoring the affection of the old king.
Being besieged by a group of kings and almost completely exiled or even killed was completely deserved.
If this guy’s [evil] didn’t change, I, Pope, and Eugenes would have a high probability of eating their brains when they went to the library..."
When thinking of this, the back of Han Dong's head went cold.
At this time, the master of the deep sea is already standing in front of the central pillar of the [Main Brain Area].
Han Dong asked out of curiosity:
"My lord, I initially regarded the sculpture of the'Sleeping Man' at the top as a symbol of your deity... Could it be said that this is the sealing device used to suppress the'remaining pages of the body'?"
"That's right.
Our deep sea is the purest place, and these evil remnants will pollute the sea.
In the end, I decided to bury the remaining pages deep in my body. This stone pillar can ensure that the impact of the remaining pages will not spread to the main brain area, and at the same time, it can also play a role in transmission.
As for the engraving above, it is just my personal hobby.
In addition, you can change your name to me... Your "Lord" should be gray, right? He has expended a great deal of energy on you. "
Han Dong wanted to call him "senior" habitually.
But thinking suddenly thinks of a key word, which is mentioned in many different magical books when talking about the deep sea. The name of this ruler starts with [K].
"Okay... Mr. Ke!"
"Haha, a good name~ After you get the broken page, I only have one condition.
You are required to stay in my body to practice, and when the nature of the remains of the torso is revealed, fight against Hyde. "
"no problem."
Han Dongzheng has been cultivating for so long and has not yet come to an actual battle to consolidate it.
Moreover, the value of actual combat with Hyde may even be higher than Green, Pop and Sally.
The dual repair of material and magic is a perfect fusion of the ultimate body and magic, in Han Dong's eyes, it is simply perfect sand... opponent.
"come in."
Ke Zong's humanoid figure directly penetrated between the pillars, and there were waves of ripples on the surface.
"Well, is this column actually made of liquid?"
When Han Dong stretched out his arm, touched and slowly sank into the pillar.
An extreme icy feeling swept through the body, and at the same time suppressed all the attributes of the ‘dead’ in the body.
When the body is submerged into the column, a sense of falling down in an elevator at a constant speed is immediately produced.
"We are moving down... So it seems that Ke always sealed "The Fragmented Page" in his own body? In the long years, will he also try to cultivate? 』
This idea of ​​Han Dong just formed.
Mr. Ke’s voice came:
"Long and endless years, it is inevitable that there will be boring times...Since [the body] is kept here, I also want to try if I can get some benefits from it.
At that time, it was not cultivation.
Just make use of the characteristics of the broken pages to make some corrections to my body. "
Han Dong, whose thoughts were read, was not embarrassed. Instead, he asked: "Is it effective?"
"Inevitably, I have completed a certain improvement in my body over the years... This process is extremely complicated and requires hundreds of millions of experiments in my dreams in advance, otherwise it may have a negative effect on my body.
What you see now is the ‘example display’. "
"Seeing it now?"
Han Dong is in a sealed lifting space.
The only thing I can see is the human mimicry in front of me.
"Huh? Could it be that your image of a pirate was not formed randomly, but ‘specially made’?"
"That's right.
This pirate named Robert Eric, when sinking into the deep sea, I deliberately retained his tough and respectable human consciousness, and on this basis incorporated some characteristics of the remains of the body.
Then slowly transform into my incarnation.
The formation of this incarnation added a lot of extra fun to me.
Me now,
In addition to sleeping, they often appear in the seas of the earth as pirates to play ‘predatory games’, which is quite interesting. "
"Can I touch it?"
Han Dong suddenly gave a question that the entire Deep Sea did not dare to ask or even thought about.
Touch Ke Zong, what is this concept? In the eyes of deep divers, this is an absolute blasphemy.
The master of the deep sea speaks better than anyone imagined, and even moved the octopus beard to the sides.
When Han Dong's palm is attached, hum! A sense of the same origin from "The Book of the Dead" permeates the whole body.
"My God! Can you learn the body directly without the help of "pre-scrolling"? "
"I only expressed part of the characteristics of the broken pages. Compared with your systematic study, there is still a big difference...but it can achieve a certain effect.
Because of this, the "Pirate Avatar" has become the most frequently used avatar in my daily life. "
Hearing Han Dong here showed a very uncomfortable expression, muttering softly:
"If you don't pass the preroll, you can express the relevant characteristics of the broken page... things may become very troublesome."
"whats the matter?"
"The most important brain of "Book of the Necronomicon" has been looted by those out of control. I didn't worry at all at first, because I believed that they would not be able to practice normally without the [pre-roll].
But now it seems.
The ‘special ones’ among them may be able to express some of the characteristics of the broken pages just like you. UU reading www.uukanshu.com"
President Ke's beard squirmed back and forth, nodding in response:
"It's quite possible~According to the information on the out-of-control people provided by the Dark Tower, each one is quite peculiar, possessing weird abilities that we have never heard of.
Combining their own human attributes and their out-of-control attributes that are not bound by truth, your guess is indeed possible.
However, don't take it to heart... Such variables can increase the fun. "
Because Ke Zong's body is too large, the lifting process took a full half a day.
Basically chatting along the way.
During the period, Han Dong's instinctive fear of'giants' disappeared, and he also found that the deep-sea master was very good at talking...friendliness increased one after another, and he even felt that Ke Zong did not have any pretensions at all, even for some more sensitive issues. It doesn't matter at all.

at the same time.
The dream room created by Mr. Ke.
Hyde has been led by the master and came to a [secret room] woven by octopus tentacles, and at the same time was told about the ‘discussion’.
"Hyde, if you are to fight against Nicholas, how confident are you?"
If placed in the past, Hyde, who is very competitive, must give full assurance.
But experienced all kinds of events,
Recalling the final battle between Nicholas and Pope in "Ladybug Game"... In the face of someone who can compete with Pope, he suppressed his inner urge to win.
"Nicholas is a special existence. I am only 30% sure to win and 50% sure to draw."
"The other party has already learned part of the "Book of the Necropolis"... I will also give you something to deal with."
At the end of the speech.
A special octopus tentacles float towards Hyde,
At the moment of contact, Hyde's body changed drastically...
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