Vol 10 Chapter 1993: source pool

69 net 69, the fastest update of my cell prison! It's really not right,
neither authenticated
Didn't even verify it verbally.
They directly led the two to the deepest area, called the [Original Cave], to participate in the so-called "King Cheng Banquet".
Not to mention,
Peer's />
"Is it possible that the so-called invitation to the banquet is not as a guest, but as the food of the banquet?"
Han Dong has been to various different demon areas, similar to the abyss party. Naturally, he has seen various routines and has already speculated about the current situation.
So, Han Dong moved to the side of the bloated driver's head.
"Excuse me, for such an important [banquet], don't we need to verify the identity of us or other outsiders?"
While sucking on the straw attached to the surface of the meatball, the driver explained slowly:
"It has been verified when you are close to the planet. There is still Kit's 'error factor' on your body. As long as it is an individual who has had contact with Lord Kit, it will carry such a factor and persist for more than ten years. .
According to our identification,
The amount of factors carried on you is ten times more than the average, indicating that you have a very 'close' relationship with Kit and are fully qualified to participate in the banquet. "
"I see!"
Such an explanation made Han Dong suddenly enlightened, at least eliminating all the hypothetical dangers he had made.
This is also thanks to the fact that during the game in London,
Han Dong ignored Sally's warning and went outside the city to receive the "Ninth Element-Kit" in person.
Han Dong didn't mind Kit's chaotic nature and potential instability and danger at all... Because, at the first meeting, Han Dong could feel the innocence and kindness of Kit's personality.
Han Dong regarded Kit as a friend from the bottom of his heart, and even made his auxiliary anthropomorphic "ghoul skin" for him.

Of course,
Even if you really participate in the so-called "Cheng Wang Banquet" as a guest, you still need to be on guard.
Like this absolutely wrong area, maybe even 'good intentions' is disordered.
Han Dong continued to ask the driver's head: "Can you take us to see Kit first? I hope to congratulate him in person."
"Although there are still more than ten hours before the banquet starts,
As VIPs, you can move freely in the public areas of the [Original Cave], but Lord Kit is in a special 'convergence' stage. If you want to see him, you must obtain the direct permission of the Lord.
Do you need me to take you directly to the [Origin Pool] where my lord is located? "
Mr. Walter immediately sent a voice transmission: Nicholas, since we chose to come here, we must meet the highest existence that rules here, it doesn't matter if we are earlier. 』
After Han Dong took a deep breath, he nodded and answered:
"Okay, sorry to bother you."
The so-called "My Lord" in the driver's mouth here naturally refers to Kit's "biological father",
that is the source of disorder, filth, and abominations in the world,
The source of all the unclean, the supreme existence that makes the entire s-01 alien group feel uncomfortable, dangerous and even jealous...
Whether it is the chaotic thick fog wrapped in the forbidden area,
Or the watcher planet floating on the periphery,
Or the gaze from the distant void,
The main target of all monitoring is this [Ancestor of Demons] who should not exist in the world.
For some irresistible reason, the ancestor of the demon also occupies the throne of s-01, belonging to the most special "Lord of the End".
He does not have any authority related to the old king, and is imprisoned in the outer realm of demons for eternity, and cannot leave half a step for any reason... He himself seems to be willing to be imprisoned in it, and he has never taken the initiative to cause trouble in countless epochs. In its.
Even the gatherings of various old kings in s-01 avoided any topic about him as much as possible.
Only when discussing the topic of the "unclean one" will he be careful to talk about some things about him, but not too deep, so as not to get confused on the verbal level.
In the end, no one wants to get involved in matters related to Him, and no one wants to cause a stink. Once it is infected, it will take at least several months to clean up all the filth in the body.
This existence must be the one who is the most difficult to negotiate among the superiors, and even the one who cannot negotiate normally... Be careful in the next meeting. If any word is wrong, Senior Walter and I will suffer unprecedented danger.
Even the level of danger may be higher than when facing Goodman. 』
When the downward speed of the meat ball began to slow down and was about to reach the deepest part of the source cave,
Han Dong's forehead, back, and palms all began to overflow with sweat.
Even the />
hum! The meatball stopped, and an opening was cracked on the surface.
What appeared in front of the two of them was a slit in the flesh wall that resembled a valley.
quack quack~
The most intense "evil liquid" continued to flow out from the crawling flesh walls. It was gray, but it was completely different from Han Dong's gray. It belonged to a filthy aggregate and hated impurities.
A large amount of evil liquid formed a stream, flowing to the deepest part of the long fleshy gap.
"In view of your special relationship with Lord Kit, my lord is willing to see you
My dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page to go. ^0^ Just follow this "Avenue of the Unclean" until the end, and you will reach the [Origin Pond] where my lord is.
Do not use any flying or teleportation abilities here.
Be sure to walk on the evil liquid and complete the bathing ceremony. This is the most basic etiquette for meeting the Lord... It is best to remove all your defensive abilities.
The most truly to feel the direct bath of evil liquid. "
It is impossible for Walter to let his body touch such evil liquid,
He just got rid of the deep sea curse, but he didn't want to get more troublesome pollution.
Condensing the black vortex to the minimum range, it seems that he stepped into the evil liquid, but in fact these evil liquids are shunted by the whirlpool and have no direct contact with him.
And Han Dong is different.
His approach even made the driver between the meatballs widen his eyes.
Walter also couldn't understand the crazy move Han Dong was making.
Han Dong not only converged all adaptive fields and capabilities, but also
He even took off all the clothes on his body, and directly stepped his own body into the evil liquid.
Feel the purest chaos fluid with body and soul,
Letting the evil fluid fill his body, even if he drilled into his body along the pores, Han Dong didn't care.
There were no stops throughout,
Stare straight ahead with the most pious eyes, and finish the road of the impure.
Wherever he went, there was an open pool room.
It is filled with the most primitive and pure evil liquid, and belongs to the place of origin of all the unclean.
However, there seems to be some kind of living creature growing in these filthy source pools.
A huge gray-white lotus rose to the surface,
As the petals bloom,
A slender and handsome man with long gray hair was standing there,
Pure white pupils were staring at Han Dong, who was also naked.
Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^
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